Job offer type
Type of contract
Service contract
Activity sectors
Climate and Energy
Deadline date
2025/03/28 18:00
Duration of the assignment
Short term
3 mois
Département Développement durable - DD > Pôle Energie
Published on : 2025/02/26
Over 100 dams have been built on Laotian rivers since the 1970s. More than 30 others are under construction or planned in the short term. Most of these structures are designed to harness part of the country's considerable hydroelectric potential (26 GW, compared with 17 GW in Switzerland, for example). On the Mekong alone, 11 sites have been identified as suitable for run-of-river dams, 2 of which are now in operation (each with a capacity of around 1 GW) and 3 are under construction. Almost all of these facilities are built and operated by private investors under concession agreements, with a view to exporting the electricity generated. According to the Asian Development Bank, there are more than 80 independent power producers in Laos (some of them operating several dams). The Laotian Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) has requested AFD's support in managing this inflation in both the number of hydropower schemes and the number of operators.
A feasibility study for the creation of a Coordination and Monitoring Center (CMC) was carried out between 2018 and 2020. In 2025, AFD has mandated a consortium of consulting firms to conduct a complementary study in order to update the previous study.
The main objective of this complementary study is to complement and deepen the initial feasibility study to establish a detailed and operational roadmap for the implementation of a viable CMC. Specific objectives include:
1. Updating the feasibility study: Update the data and analysis of the initial study to reflect recent developments and new guidelines.
2. Deepening the study: Provide a more detailed and comprehensive analysis of the technical, institutional and financial aspects required to set up the CMC.
3. Elaboration of a roadmap: Develop a justified and detailed action plan for the implementation of the CMC, including milestones, activities, prerequisites, actors involved, and associated costs.
4. Demonstration of viability: Prove the viability of the CMC through comparative analyses, case studies and recommendations based on precise criteria.
Beyond that, the major and global challenge of this complementary study is to ensure the operational feasibility of the Coordination and Monitoring Center, and therefore to ensure favorable conditions (institutional, legal, technical, human) to guarantee:
At this stage, Expertise France as an entity of the AFD Group, is pre-identified to implement the future project to establish a potential Coordination and Monitoring Center if the conclusions of the complementary study prove to be conclusive. To this end, Expertise France plan to conduct an exploratory mission and is looking for an individual consultant to provide its expertise during the exploratory mission and to support Expertise France for the drafting of the technical offer (Description of Action - DoA).
This assignment for an exploratory mission to support the project design on Coordination and Monitoring Center (CMC) in Laos is in continuity with the initial feasibility study and the complementary study in progress, and aims at having a deep understanding of the interests of the different stakeholders and eventually having a global picture of the pro and cons to implement the project.
The exploratory mission will take place during a mission of the consortium conducting the complementary study. The latter will organize workshops with stakeholders to deliver the first conclusions of the complementary study.
The assignment further comprises of the drafting of a comprehensive stakeholder engagement strategy, a report mission and the drafting of a Description of Action (DoA) which will detail a programme supporting the further development and implementation of the Coordination and Monitoring Center (the assignment is detailed in part “2. Description of the assignment”).
The establishment of a Coordination and Monitoring Center (CMC) for Lao dams would offer several significant advantages:
Optimization of Water Resource Management
Risk Reduction
Improved Institutional Coordination
Economic benefits
Environmental protection
Capacity building
Transparency and Accountability
The main objective of this mission is to support Expertise France Energy Unit in the exploratory and preparation phase of the “CMC Laos” project. This involves providing expertise for both the exploratory mission and the project design phase:
The assignment will start with a preparatory phase that includes the following tasks:
a. Reading of all relevant documents by the expert, including the 2020 feasibility study results and complementary study terms of reference and reports.
b. Contacts with Expertise France and AFD representatives for introductory and preparatory purpose.
c. Sharing with Expertise France project manager of relevant examples of hydropower production coordination in other countries, including associated challenges.
d. Online meetings with Expertise France, AFD and the consortium in charge of the complementary study to discuss mission organization, mission logistics and meetings to be held with Laotian counterparts.
e. Drafting of an initial mapping and engagement strategy of which the findings will be incorporated directly into the project Description of Action (DoA). Further identify any additional stakeholders not mentioned or that require further engagement to utilize the insights of the report.
f. Preparation of meetings to be held with, but not limited to, the institutions listed: international Financial Institutions (KOICA, JICA), Ministries, private operators, regional organizations, national agencies.
g. Collection and archiving of all available relevant documents.
The Expert is expected to attend a 10-day mission (the exact number of days can be subject to modification) in Laos with Expertise France project manager, with specific logistical details to be determined when the time arises (taking into account that Expertise France will cover: flight tickets, accommodation and will deliver perdiems). The purpose of the mission will be to collect all data and information relevant to understanding and elaborating a Coordination and Monitoring Center in Laos.
The expert will be proactive during meetings, bringing his expertise and his critical analysis in order to identify operational risks and issues related to the future project and the intervention context. The mission will allow Expertise France to encounter several partners who will potentially further be part of the project. The mission will also be a way to catch the different needs and expectations of each institution involved in the project.
The expert will draft a mission report presenting the key findings including a decision making tool providing insights into key challenges and opportunities, and implementation issues of the future project.
If the complementary study confirms the relevance of the future Coordination and Monitoring Center and if Expertise France is considered as the implementation agency, this task will consist of the preparation of a Description of Action document (DoA) detailing the potential interventions, in close coordination with Expertise France project manager and AFD.
Draft the DoA to include possible activities for technical assistance to be discussed with AFD and beneficiaries, including but not limited to:
This will also include a description of the following:
o Description of operational risks and possible solutions to solve them
o Technical and logistical resources to be mobilized
o Advice on budget
o Institutional and contractual set-up
o Sizing of the teams
The expert will also ensure cross-cutting attention to the integration and risks related to the institutional context (current political, economic and social situation) in the development of the technical proposal.
Despite the many steps forwards made by the Lao Government as regards to a better control of the dams operations and their impacts, some issues are pending:
Different scenarios are currently under review about the mandate to be given to the CMC. Considering the two extremes following options may help in this regard:
The comparison of the “plus” and “cons” of each scenario will be carried out by the consortium conducting the complementary study. The consultant will carry out a critical analysis on the comparison of each scenarios and will integrate it to the decision-making tool.
The exploratory mission, alongside the drafting of stakeholder engagement plan, mission report and DoA will be implemented by one expert and supporting by Expertise France. The mission will follow this indicative calendar, with dates subject to modification based on the specific requirements and preferences of the project team:
Tasks and deliverables |
Indicative Timeline |
Number of working days |
Project initiation, take stock of previous work done by feasibility study and complementary study. Drafting of a comprehensive stakeholder engagement strategy |
Beginning of April 2025 |
1.5 days |
Mission to Laos (10 days) |
May 2025 |
10 days |
Mission report including a decision making tool providing insights into key challenges and opportunities and implementation issues |
May/June 2025 |
1.5 days |
Drafting of the Description of Action (DoA) |
June 2025 |
4 days |
The expert must have a solid knowledge of the Southeast Asia region and ideally the specific context of Laos. The expert should have a profile that combines high-level technical expertise in the management of hydroelectric dams and monitoring systems, while also possessing the ability to navigate within a complex institutional framework.
The expert should have a:
Applications (technical and financial offers) should include the following documents and information:
The selection process for candidates will be based on the following criteria :
Deadline for application : 2025/03/28 18:00
File(s) attached : TdR_Expert-CMC Laos_version francaise.docx - ToR_Expert-CMC Laos_english version.docx
Expertise France is the public agency for designing and implementing international technical cooperation projects. The agency operates around four key priorities :
In these areas, Expertise France conducts capacity-building initiatives and manages project implementation, leveraging technical expertise and acting as a project coordinator. This involves combining public sector expertise with private sector skills to drive impactful results.