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Job offer type

Type of contract
Service contract

Activity sectors
Education, Higher Education and Research

Deadline date
2025/02/16 23:59

Duration of the assignment
Beaded expertise


5 mois

Mission description


 Mauritania's Education Policy (PNE 2023-2030) is based on three strategic objectives: (i) improving teacher qualifications, (ii) revitalising the teaching profession to ensure its quality and relevance, and (iii) rational and efficient teacher management.

The technical assistance programme, as defined in the PAP, helps to implement and operationalise this policy. As a result :

  •  The introduction of a VAE system is included in strategic objective 3 of the Education Policy: Ensuring rational and efficient management of teachers (Action 3.2.1. Setting up a mechanism for the recognition or enhancement of prior learning and training).


This action is a request from the HR department, in connection with the implementation by 2025 of a teacher management platform (SIRH), to improve the monitoring and deployment of teachers. One of the main aims of the VAE system is to enhance the value of the teaching profession by taking account of training courses attended and inspection reports for career advancement purposes. It should therefore not be seen as a VAE that leads to tenure, but as a tool for tracking teachers' motivation to continue training while they are already in post and to use this training to improve their teaching practices.


VAE in this case therefore concerns practicing teachers, and comprises two elements:

1.     the number and type of training courses (CE) taken by each teacher and;

2.     the notes and inspection reports it has received since it began practicing. 


These two elements should be transposed into a points system and contribute to teachers' advancement to a higher step, and therefore to the advancement of their professional career in the same body or for the presentation of competitions (this advancement, until now, was based on seniority).


As this is a complex mechanism requiring a financial projection, the PAP preparation mission identified the need for a feasibility study to determine the various stages and conditions for setting up such a system in Mauritania, particularly in terms of information collection/reassembly/analysis and projections in figures.


The feasibility study should therefore include :

  • Preconditions for the implementation of such a mechanism in Mauritania
  • One or more models adaptable/adapted to the Mauritanian context
  • An implementation roadmap, including a step-by-step plan for preparing the necessary conditions identified. 

 These preconditions and deployment stages will take into account the technical aspect in relation to the platform and the operational aspect (analysis and use of the information collected).



 The HR department of the MENRSE is at the origin of the request for technical expertise, and will be one of the first involved in the implementation of the VAE system, if the conditions are met for its launch. In addition to the HR department, the feasibility study will provide MENRSE's technical and financial decision-makers with the information they need to decide on the VAE model, the technical procedures for setting it up, and the investment needed to make it work.

This study can also be used in discussions with the Minitryof Finance when applying for the relevant funding.



 The expert will work under the supervision of an international expert and will contribute his/her experience and contextual knowledge to the achievement of the main deliverables. In particular, the expert is expected to contribute to the following deliverables:

 o   Methodological note / inception report (no more than 2-3 pages)

The feasibility study comprises several stages which will be the subject of intermediate deliverables, in particular :

  • Note (maximum 3 pages) on 1- the current state of recruitment practices, current career development and the teacher remuneration system, the management of training follow-up information, the link between training and monitoring and evaluation by the inspectorate, the current training system and current training plans; 2- the challenges and possible scenarios for setting up a VAE mechanism in the context (including an analysis of the costs and organisational implications of different scenarios);
  • Final report of the feasibility study with proposals for a possible VAE system in the Mauritanian context (distinction between basic and secondary education);

 Following the feasibility study feedback workshop and the technical decisions on the choice of system, two other deliverables to which the national expert will contribute are expected:

o   General roadmap of the scenario selected after technical dialogue and arbitration, including a gradual plan for preparing the necessary conditions identified.

o   Final report on the process followed, the challenges encountered and good practice during the feasibility study.

 The deliverables will be sent to the Facility and MENRSE for validation. The PowerPoint presentations will also be shared.



 The general approach and methodology described below are indicative and non-exclusive. The expert must develop the methodology he intends to use in his application.

General approach :

The national expert will work in tandem with the international expert, in close collaboration with the relevant MENRSE directorates. His or her main task will be to provide information on the contextualisation of the proposed VAE model(s). Consultation between the two experts is essential, as is the division of tasks, harmonisation of schedules and joint interaction with the national implementation partners, where such interaction proves necessary.

A participatory approach with national partners is essential, to ensure that what is proposed is in line with MENRSE's needs, that the priorities and perspectives of the various education departments and structures are taken into account, and that the administrations concerned take ownership of the process and the outcome of the feasibility study.

Methodology :

To carry out the feasibility study, the expert recruited must :

-        Study/review the main policy documents of the Mauritanian education system (in particular the sector strategy and teaching policy). 

-        Participate in a scoping meeting with the MENRSE focal points, the international expert and the Facility. Following this meeting, the expert will contribute to the drafting of a brief note describing the work to be carried out, including the methodology and an updated timetable taking into account the workshops and the split between remote work and work during the international expert's in-country missions. This note will describe precisely the specific and respective responsibilities of the national expert and the international expert

 -        Discussions with MENRSE directors and technicians (working meetings, interviews), decentralised departments and TFPs (Technical and Financial Partners), in consultation and/or in tandem with the international expert.

The exchanges will enable the two experts to gather information on existing practices, the constraints encountered, the priorities of each partner and the coordination/involvement required in the development of the VAE mechanism. These exchanges are scheduled to take place during the international expert's first mission to Mauritania. A second mission is planned for a feasibility study feedback workshop and technical arbitration, before finalising the roadmap for the chosen mechanism.

 Throughout the study, the two experts are expected to have technical discussions with the Facility. The deliverables will be validated by MENRSE and the Facility.



 The two experts are expected to conduct the consultations in Mauritania together, and then work remotely on producing the deliverables. The aim of a second mission by the international expert to Mauritania will be a joint presentation of the model(s) proposed for the VLE mechanism and technical arbitration by the MENRSE on the model to be adopted.

 The indicative timetable is as follows:



Estimated number of days



Terms and conditions

National Expert

#1: Methodological note/  report


A distance



#2:   analysis report  


A distance



#3: Notes on the different


Field mission (15 days in total)

+ remote



#4: Feasibility study




#5: Roadmap




#6 : Policy brief


A distance



#7 : Final report


A distance




The duration of the study should not exceed 10 days in total for the national expert.



 The Ministry of National Education and Education Sector Reform (MENRSE) is responsible for :

- Provide all the documentation required for the feasibility study   

- Facilitate meetings with relevant stakeholders

- Organise the workshops and provide work space for the two

- Commenting on and approving deliverables.


The RTIA Facility is responsible for

- Contract and facilitate the integration of the consultant by providing all available documents and resources

- Supporting and monitoring the consultant's work from start to finish

- Act as the 's main resource persons

- Ensure quality control of deliverables in collaboration with the Ministry's focal points

- Share results with key stakeholders and contribute to internal and external knowledge management

- Gather reactions and comments from stakeholders

- Acknowledge final validation of deliverables by all parties

- Evaluate the consultant's overall performance under this mandate.


The expert is responsible for : 

- Review and comment on these Terms of Reference (ToR)

- Ensure that all deliverables comply with the guidelines set out at the scoping meeting, in line with the agreed timetable

- Inform the Facility immediately of any difficulties encountered in implementing the mission

- Ensure that stakeholders are consulted throughout the assignment

-Behave with the highest level of personal integrity and commit to the required standards of conduct.


More specifically, the national expert will:

-       Supporting the international expert in his field missions

-       To contribute specific contextual and operational knowledge for the development of a VAE model adapted to Mauritania

-       Participate in consultations and working meetings with all stakeholders

-       Co-facilitate the feedback workshop with the international expert

-       Contribute to all the above deliverables.

Project or context description

THE REGIONAL INITIATIVE FOR TEACHERS IN AFRICA                                                                                                                                 


The Regional Teacher Initiative for Africa (RTIA), a programme funded by the EU/EC through the Education section (G3) of DG INTPA, aims to improve the learning outcomes and socio-emotional development of children in Africa by having a more competent, motivated and inclusive teacher population in basic education.

In particular, RTIA will seek to achieve the following results over the next 6 years:

  •  Improve the governance, management and attractiveness of the teaching profession, as well as the gender balance, by focusing on digitisation and innovation.
  • To improve the quality, relevance and effectiveness of initial and in-service teacher training, particularly through digital education, peer learning and regional collaboration.

 Within this framework, the Regional Teacher Initiative Facility for Africa (RTIA) will support teacher policies and contribute to improving teacher education and professional development systems by i) providing technical assistance for capacity building at national level, ii) promoting innovation and scaling up of effective teaching solutions, iii) increasing the generation and use of data and evidence, and iv) promoting the use of regional frameworks, evidence-based practices and joint learning at regional level; (iii) increasing the production and use of data and evidence, and by (iv) promoting the use of regional frameworks, evidence-based practice and joint learning at regional level.

 The Regional Teacher Facility for Africa (RTIA) will achieve the above objectives through 3 types of instruments or "windows": i) a window aimed at providing technical assistance on governance, teacher training and professional development based on demand from eligible partner countries, ii) a window aimed at testing and scaling up effective programmes for teacher training and professional development, particularly in the thematic areas of digital, gender, environment and pedagogy, including in contexts of crisis, with refugees and displaced populations, iii) a research window to create new data and support the integration of this data into the policy development process and the design of teacher training and professional development programmes.

 In addition to these windows, the Facility's knowledge management and communication activities will also contribute to the sharing of knowledge, evidence and best practice related to the overall results of the Initiative.

 The Facility is financed by the European Union and implemented by the partnership formed by three Member State agencies: Expertise France for France, Enabel for Belgium and EDUFI for Finland. Expertise France has been designated as the coordinating agency for this partnership. As the governance scheme for the Facility serves as the governance scheme for the Initiative, the partnership is expected to work closely with UNESCO and UAC, which are in charge of the other 2 components of the EU Initiative.

 The action is scheduled to run from 01.02.2024 to 31.01.2027 (36 months) with a budget of EUR 46,000,000


Improving teachers' qualifications and skills is a priority in Mauritania, and lies at the heart of the National Teacher Policy 2023-30, the National Education System Development Programme (PNDSE) 2023-30 and the priority reform of the GPE Partnership Pact (April 2024). Three strategic axes have been defined

Improving teacher qualifications :

  • Attractiveness of the  profession
  •  Enhancing the quality of  training
  • Setting up a modern, effective and  continuing training system 

Enhancing ' skills 

  • Strengthening  management 
  • Using digital technology to support teacher self-training and  collaboration
  • Preparing teachers to remediate and prevent  dropouts

Transforming teaching and  conditions and environments

  • Strengthening decentralised education structures in their steering and  role
  • Strengthening management capacity in schools by involving all stakeholders

 The main actions underway are aimed at

  • Improving planning through the introduction of computerised management tools and the development of teacher management dashboards (SIRAGE, SIRH).
  • Supporting the reform of the ENI (installation of equipment, teaching materials and documentation centres offering digital resources and IT tools; revision of the initial training programme)
  • Organising in-service training for primary and secondary school teachers with a particular focus on open distance learning and communities of practice for teachers. 

 At the same time, the MENRSE (Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de la Réforme du Système Educatif) is working to increase the number of departmental inspectors (IDEN) and district inspectors (IC) in response to local management needs.



 Following the request for technical assistance sent by Mauritania to the RTIA, 3 experts from the Facility went to Nouakchott in October 2024 to co-develop the Country Action Plan (PAP) with representatives of the various MENRSE directorates. At the end of this mission, the thematic areas and major activities were defined and confirmed: three actions concern teaching policy and the governance of the teaching profession (in the field of human resources and skills repositories) and one in-service teacher training. The process of recruiting experts begins directly after validation of the PAP by the MENRSE and the management of the Facility.

Required profile

Academic qualification: Specialist in human resources in the civil service or expert in teaching policy (minimum Master's level);

General professional experience :

o   At least 12 years' professional experience in human resources in the public service

o   Experience or proven knowledge of implementing HR policies on career development, particularly in the public service secto

Specific professional experience :

o   Experience in taking gender into account in human resources management

Language skills : Excellent written and spoken French essential

Interpersonal and general skills and experience 

o   Ability to work effectively in a diverse, multicultural team to achieve objectives

o   Excellent analytical and summarising skills

o   Excellent communication skills and mastery of participative methods for managing workshops or working meetings

o   Excellent level of personal integrity and commitment to defined standards of conduct.

Additional information

For your application to be considered, it must include the following information:

  • Your CV (following the Europass model) and
  • A technical note explaining the assignment, detailing the methodology used and a description of the implementation (maximum 3 pages - in A4 Times New Roman font, size 12 in Word format).
  •  If possible, please attach a sample of previous work (1 to 3 items) that you have carried out and that is similar to the assignment described above. In each case, you must specify your role (principal author, major contributions, minor contributions, etc.).


The applicable daily rate will be in accordance with the Facility's current fee schedule. It will depend on the expert's status and experience.


Application deadline: 16/02/2025


The tenders received will be assessed in particular on the basis of the following criteria: (i) the applicant's qualifications, (ii) the applicant's experience in carrying out assignments that are relevant or similar to those specified in this call for applications, (iii) the applicant's understanding of the expectations of the assignment and the proposed methodology for intervention.


Within the RTIA Facility, we value all experts as unique individuals and welcome the diversity of experience they bring to the Facility. As such, we have a strict policy of non-discrimination. We believe that everyone should be treated equally, regardless of race, gender, gender identification, sexual orientation, national origin, first language, religion, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, genetic information, pregnancy or any other characteristic protected by law. If you feel that you have been discriminated against, please inform the RTIA team as soon as possible. Each complaint will be investigated appropriately.



Selection criteria for applications

The selection process for candidates will be based on the following criteria :

  • Candidate’s training/skills/experience
  • Candidate’s training/diplomas related to the expert assignment
  • Candidate’s skills linked with the expert mission
  • Candidate’s experiences linked with the expert mission
  • Candidate’s expected linguistic understanding
  • Candidate's knowledges related to local context (country or region intervention)

Deadline for application : 2025/02/16 23:59

File(s) attached : VAE Expert National TdR PAP Mauritanie_publie (2).docx - VAE Expert National TdR PAP Mauritanie_publie en (1).docx

Expertise France is the public agency for designing and implementing international technical cooperation projects. The agency operates around four key priorities :

  • democratic, economic, and financial governance ;
  • peace, stability, and security ;
  • climate, agriculture, and sustainable development ;
  • health and human development ;

In these areas, Expertise France conducts capacity-building initiatives and manages project implementation, leveraging technical expertise and acting as a project coordinator. This involves combining public sector expertise with private sector skills to drive impactful results. 

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