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Job offer type
Field staff jobs

Type of contract

Activity sectors
Public resource mobilisation, management and accountability

Deadline date
2024/08/10 23:55


12 mois renouvelable jusqu'à la fin du projet

Mission description


Expertise France is recruiting a Technical Assistance Coordinator for a 12-month mission to Luanda as part of the AGEPI Support Public Finance Management Public Enterprises, PPP, and Financial Inclusion in Angola (renewable contract under the total duration of the project, 48 months). The project is financed by the European Union, part of the Action Document for Support to formalisation of the economy including social protection and support to Public Financial Management. The TA Coordinator will ensure the operational management and coordination of all activities, communication and accountability of the project to the various beneficiary administrations, the European Union Delegation, and technical and financial partners, in close connection with the many project partners, the project team and the headquarters of Expertise France.


The provisional duration of the mission is 12 months, renewable over the duration of the project (48 months).

The TA Coordinator will be based in Luanda.


The TA Coordinator oversees and operationalizes the activities deployed by Expertise France as part of the project.

Based in Luanda, s/he works under the supervision of the deputy head of the "Transparency, Public Management and Accountability" division of the "Governance" department at the headquarters of Expertise France.

The TA Coordinator will have leadership over the Key Expert and will be in charge with 3 key aspects: (1) technical steering of the project (2) institutional representation (3) operational coordination of activities.

(1)   The technical steering of the project refers to setting the overall direction of the project in consultation with Key Experts and assure coherence of the action over all the 4 components of the project ; assessing and ensuring that the project has the resources and necessary infrastructure to function ; reporting to the EUD, Expertise France and the beneficiaries about project progress, risks, challenges and adjusting the project’s annual and/or multiannual plan based on a continuous basis ; facilitating the understanding of the project for beneficiaries, the EUD, other donor agencies and/or relevant partner institutions.

(2)   Institutional representation of Expertise France in Angola for the purposes of the project, including organizing and/or participating to regular meeting with public authorities (and eventually establishing partnerships with them), international and/or bilateral donors ; defining and implementing an institutional relations plan jointly with beneficiaries, and eventually with the help of experts ; conduct political monitoring on topics impacting the project.

(3)   Operational coordination of activities ensuring that the project operates in compliance with all terms and conditions of the Contribution Agreement ; develop project’s planning and annual budget to be co-constructed with Key Experts and validated with beneficiaries and the EUD ; lead the identification and hiring process for key and short-term experts ; supports and monitor the M&E plan of the project ; provide contractual quarterly and yearly progress reports (both narrative and financial) to the EUD ; oversees the support team that will be based in Luanda.


In more details, the TA Coordinator is responsible for:

-          Project management

The TA Coordinator is responsible for planning and monitoring the implementation of the project, in line with the technical proposal. S/He is in charge of taking strategic orientations, in close collaboration with the rest of the team and the beneficiaries of the project (y/c the technical partners, in particular EUD), so that the project meets the objectives set.

This includes:

o   Make decisions on strategic directions, in close collaboration with the rest of the team and after validation of the COPIL, so that the project meets the objectives set;

o   Plan and organize project implementation in close collaboration with key experts and project team;

o   Participate in the COPIL and support their organization, ensure the representation of Expertise France during the various bodies related to the project;

o   Identify expertise needs and ensure the proper mobilization of experts, including institutional partners;

o   Support the coordination of the activity of pearl and short-term expertise mobilized and development of the terms of reference of missions, preparatory activities with the beneficiary services;

o   supervision and coordination of missions and works;

o   Coach the team of experts;

o   Monitor the quality of expert reports;

o   Ensure the application of FI procedures in procurement, project monitoring and evaluation, administrative and financial management, audit;

o   Manage the operational monitoring of the project: implementation of a dashboard, monitoring of the achievement of objectives, punctual in-depth monitoring exercises of the project presenting difficulties, proposal of solutions (review of projects);

o   Consolidate financial and technical contractual relationships;

o   Supervise the development and implementation of the monitoring and evaluation system for technical assistance: monitor the project indicators and the logical framework, ensure that the data are collected as part of the reporting;

o   Oversee the development and implementation of the project communication strategy;

o   Participate in the valuation of feedback and the dissemination of good practices (capitalization), in collaboration with the project team and the headquarters of Expertise France in Paris.

-          Team Management:

o   Supervision of the resident team, pearl experts and short-term expertise

o   Recruit and manage the local team consisting of an Administrative and Financial Officer, Logistical Officer, Driver and Key experts

o   Assign responsibilities to team members

o   Guide beaded experts

o   Brief experts on beneficiaries' expectations

o   Assess the quality of team members' performance and develop feedback mechanisms to encourage skills development

o   Reporting to EF Headquarters

o   Supervise the organization of the missions of pearl and short-term experts

o   Participate in the missions of pearl and short-term experts

-          Coordination of stakeholders

As the number of structures associated with the implementation of the project is particularly high (beneficiary administrations, technical and institutional partners), the project manager must ensure regular sharing of quality information. This includes:

o   Establish mechanisms for cooperation with beneficiaries: comitology, information sharing;

o   Exchange regularly with EUD on the progress of the project;

o   Present the project to donors and help identify synergies;

o   Participate in focus groups between donors. Several projects related to the PFM project are underway in Angola, it will be essential to ensure regular monitoring and coordination with projects;

o   Identify partners, particularly European, relevant to the provision of quality expertise.

Project or context description


Overall objective/impact: Efficiency and transparency of Public Finance Management and Financial System in Angola is improved.

Specific objective/outcome: Stability-oriented measures and key PFM reforms are implemented. 

Objectives/Components axes: 

  • EO.1. The PFM reform, with detailed and sequenced activities, timelines, targets and milestones is undertaken. 
  • EO.2. The governance of State-Owned enterprises (SOEs) is improved and includes gender and climate risk performance.
  • EO.3. Financial governance of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) is enhanced. 
  • EO.4. A national financial inclusion strategy is developed, implemented and monitored in a coordinated manner.


Angola is the seventh largest country in Africa, with a population which is forecasted to double within the next two decades. After overcoming a tumultuous recent history, with the end of the colonial time and the civil war in late twentieth century, the country is now on a trajectory of stability and have known its first democratic elections in 2017.

Despite being the sixth-largest economy in Africa, Angola grapples with heavy reliance on oil exports, resulting in economic vulnerabilities. Recent reforms and economic consolidation measures have triggered a growth rebound, but diversification efforts are imperative to reduce oil dependence and address rising inequalities. This goes along with a need to ensure inclusive growth, with better redistribution of the oil industry revenues, significant investments in human capital development and higher education in order to foster a strong diversified economy. The country is highly exposed to challenges related to climate stress, the preservation of environment and the transition to a low-carbon economy.

This project proposes a comprehensive strategy to address key issues in Public Finance Management (PFM) and the financial sector, aligned with the government's priorities and with other initiatives from international partners. Indeed, the Expertise France will design activities ensuring consistency and continuity with an on-going Technical Assistance project financed by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD).

The project will mainly support the Ministry of Finance, its central services, and Public Institutes that are key stakeholders in PFM and SOE’s Governance. The National Directorate for Public Private Partnership will be supported in building capacities but also enhancing its legitimacy as a key actor of projects selection and management. Despite a legal framework established in 2019, challenges persist in practical PPP application. Strengthening the PPP Unit, developing technical tools, and supporting pre-feasibility studies aim to foster private financing for economic growth. Acknowledging the crucial role of BNA in monetary policy, banking regulation, and financial stability, the project aligns with initiatives promoting financial inclusion and economic stability.

The project proposes a comprehensive strategy, taking into account the role of other actors involved in these topics such as Line Ministries, State Owned Enterprises, or other public actors.  

Required profile


-          Qualifications and skills

·       Master’s degree in Development Project Management, Development Economics, Management, Economics or any other subject relevant to the project;

·       Mastery of the fundamentals of international project management and successful professional experience in the field of international cooperation;

·       Mastery of the public financial management system as well as the functioning of economic and financial administrations (skills required in GPF, particularly on the issues of green fiscal transition, public climate finance);

·       Interpersonal skills, communication and teamwork and networking;

·       Excellent sense of organization and rigor;

·       Autonomy, flexibility and responsiveness;

·       Excellent command of Portuguese and English.

·       Command of French would be an asset.

-          Work Experience:

·       5 years or more of professional experience, particularly in the implementation of international cooperation projects and programs;

·       Experience in implementing international cooperation projects with African public institutions;

·       Experience in consulting, capacity building, organizational strengthening, training and/or change management;

·       Experience on topics related to the subject (budget, public procurement, public investment, MRV, financial systems).

·       Good knowledge of Expertise France procedures and financing tools;

·       Proven experience working in a multicultural environment;

·       Experience in a complex institutional environment;

·       Field experiences on the African continent, particularly in Austral Africa.


Deadline for application : 2024/08/10 23:55

File(s) attached : Job description Head of Project Angola.docx

Expertise France is the public agency of French international technical cooperation. The agency operates around four priorities:

  • democratic, economic and financial governance;
  • security and stability of countries in crisis/post-crisis situations;
  • sustainable development;
  • strengthening health systems, social protection and employment.

In these areas, Expertise France carries out engineering and implementation missions for capacity building projects, mobilizes technical expertise and acts as an aggregator of projects involving public expertise and private know-how.

With an activity volume of 233 million euros, more than 400 projects in portfolio in 80 countries, and 63,000 days of expertise, Expertise France focuses its action towards France’s solidarity policy, influence and economic diplomacy.

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