

Type d'offre

Type de contrat
Contrat de prestation de services

Domaines d'expertises
Facilitation des affaires et intégration économique régionale

Date limite de candidature
14/03/2025 23:55

Durée de la mission
Court terme

Indépendant / Entrepreneur Individuel

20 jours

Description de la mission

Support from a local or international gender consultant, ideally familiar with the banking sector in Uzbekistan to:
• Setting up a mission in Tashkent (1st semester 2025) to prepare the technical and financial proposal for technical assistance,
• Preparing the formulation of a project to support a public bank
• Writing the following documents in English:
- Mission Preparation Document
- Description of the action with implementation modalities
- Pre-identification of the necessary resources and sourcing of the actors present (partners, experts, service providers...);


Description du projet ou contexte

The mission of the consultant would help the preparation of a technical assistance programme financed by a Development Finance Institution for the promotion of female entrepreneurship financing. 

Profil souhaité

  • Graduated  (minimum baccalaureate + 5) in gender sociology, finance, development economics, political science or any other profile in line with the missions to be carried out;
  • At least 10 years' experience in the development and implementation of gender action plans in the context of international cooperation development projects, particulary with actors of banking sector (public and/or private).
  • Proven experience in formulating and drafting service offers or technical offers for international projects
  • Relational and teamwork skills;
  • Autonomy and ability to organize tasks under high time constraints;
  • Previous experience in Uzbekistan and/or in Central Asia region.
  • Fluent in English and Russian
  • Strong writing skills

Critères de sélection des candidatures

Le processus de sélection des candidats s'opérera selon le(s) critère(s) suivant(s) :

  • Compétences du candidat en lien avec la mission d’expertise
  • Expériences du candidat en lien avec la mission d’expertise
  • Connaissances du candidat du contexte local (pays ou région d’intervention)

Date limite de candidature : 14/03/2025 23:55

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