

Type d'offre

Type de contrat
Contrat de prestation de services

Date limite de candidature
30/04/2024 07:50

Durée de la mission
Expertise perlée

Indépendant / Entrepreneur Individuel

18 months

Description de la mission

Expertise France has developed the project named « Harnessing Effective Approaches on Leadership, coordination and Training - H.E.A.L.T.H. », aiming to strengthen the Ministry of Health coordination and oversight role at national level, the leadership, management, and governance skills at sub-national levels and improve quality of training offered in nursing and midwives’ schools in the three counties of Montserrado, Margibi, and Nimba. The project will complement the interventions package proposed by ACF Liberia and both EF and ACF will coordinate the implementation of their activities.

The following specific objectives will contribute to the achievement of the project goal:
-    SO1: Strengthen the leadership, management, and governance (LMG) skills in health administration of 25 facility managers, six district managers and three CHO of Montserrado, Nimba and Margibi counties.
-    SO2: Strengthen MOH national coordination and oversight role.  
-    SO3: Improve the quality of training in five pilot nursing and midwives’ schools in the three counties.

Objectives and tasks

The mission of the short term expertise is part of the implementation of specific objective 2: Strengthen MOH national coordination and oversight role.  

The Expert will have to implement the following tasks:

-    Consultation and assessment: 

•    Conduct a gap assessment on the topic of coordination within the MoH and among partners

-    Tailored support:

•    Co-create solutions in different aspects of coordination
•    If applicable, support the MoH to acquire software for meetings scheduling and coordination

Additionally, the expert will:

•    Work in close collaboration with the Project Manager and the Project Officer to implement activities and liaise with national stakeholders to contribute to project ownership
•    Liaise with ACF team to ensure the complementarity of activities  
•    Produce expected deliverables on time.


Description du projet ou contexte

Expertise France (EF) is a public interministerial agency responsible for technical cooperation which provides project engineering and technical assistance worldwide. EF operates in various fields of development and institutional cooperation including safety and security reform, post-crisis/ stability, public health, human rights, strengthening of institutions and NGOs and governance. Carrying out large-scale, multi-stakeholder programs, EF supports cooperation between individuals, teams and institutions with very different statuses, cultures and specialties. EF has acquired a sound experience in administrative and financial management of large-scale international programs.

Between 2020 and 2022, Action Against Hunger (ACF) implemented an AFD-funded project in Liberia as part of the "Health in Common" (SEC) initiative which aimed to strengthen health systems across the counties of Montserrado, Margibi and Nimba. Based on this experience and the positive feedback from the MOH and CHOs, AFD will fund a new program implemented by ACF and Expertise France.  

Profil souhaité

Qualifications and competences 

•    A degree in medicine, health sciences or political science with a specialization in health policy, with 6 years proven experience in health project management, including experience in Africa;
•    Complementary university degrees desired: human resources for health, health systems modelling, planning;
•    Good command of cooperation mechanisms, international aid and international cooperation stakeholders;
•    Good command of government policies and how they relate to the ministry's objectives 
•    Ability to conduct high-level dialogue with institutional partners, as well as with civil society and the private sector;
•    Ability to solve complex problems and challenges in coordination;
•    Ability to build trusting relationships with national and international partners;
•    Excellent written and oral communication; 
•    Very good level of office tools, including Excel and Word;
•    Excellent written and oral English.

Professional experience

•    Proven project management skills including the coordination of various projects and initiatives;
•    Proven experience in facilitating meetings;
•    Representation and institutional dialogue with authorities;

Informations complémentaires

A curriculum vitae and a cover letter is required to apply.

Start of mission in April 2024 for a maximum of 40 days over a 18 month period. 

Field missions to Liberia to be planned. 

Critères de sélection des candidatures

Le processus de sélection des candidats s'opérera selon le(s) critère(s) suivant(s) :

  • Formation/diplômes du candidat en lien avec la mission d’expertise
  • Compétences du candidat en lien avec la mission d’expertise
  • Expériences du candidat en lien avec la mission d’expertise

Date limite de candidature : 30/04/2024 07:50

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