

Type d'offre

Type de contrat
Contrat de prestation de services

Domaines d'expertises
Climat et Energie ; Développement durable

Date limite de candidature
15/01/2024 23:58

Durée de la mission
Long terme

Indépendant / Entrepreneur Individuel

24 months

Description de la mission

Based at home but with regular missions on the field, the energy price transition expert is a long-term expert, who accompanies the beneficiaries, during 24 months, to develop and implement a strategy to increase fairly the energy prices and mitigate its effects on poverty.

The expert will advise the MoEF and MoE about the best energy prices strategy, and work with another expert in charge of communicating about this strategy. One of the main goal of this mission is to support the MoEF to create a framework of understanding and appropriation of the increase in energy prices in Uzbekistan.

Within the framework of this objective and after validating needs with beneficiaries, specific activities can be developed such as:

-          Online or in-person workshops showing concrete examples from European or Central Asian experiences;

-          Studies, analysis or reports on effects of increase electricity prices on poverty and /or potential measures to mitigate social effects of electricity poverty,

-          Terms of reference for an additional expertise if needed.

During the 24 months of support, additional studies on behalf of AFD or capacity building on tariff communication could be expected. Activities will be defined progressively, according to the discussions with the beneficiary and the prioritisation of their needs.

Description du projet ou contexte

In August 2020, the Republic of Uzbekistan signed an Energy Climate Policy Based Loan (PBL) Phase 1 with AFD in co-financing with the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The aim of the PBL was to implement reforms in the energy sector to ensure low-carbon development.


In addition to this, AFD provided the 1st Technical Assistance (TA) amounting to 400 000 EUR to perform some activities in different areas such as energy regulation, electricity tariff, bioenergy, energy sector modeling, gender support and screening of future transmission projects.


More than 3 years after the signing of the PBL Phase 1, Uzbek authorities should renew an action plan backed by a coherent budgetary and fiscal strategy aimed at tackling power sector restructuring, strengthening of the regulatory environment, improvement of financial stability, power sector decarbonisation, and energy efficiency.


Within the framework of this political commitment, the Ministry of Energy (MoE) and the Ministry of Economy & Finance (MoEF) confirmed their interest for an Energy Climate Policy Based Loan (PBL) Phase 2 in 2024 with a co-financing from AFD and ADB.


As with PBL Phase 1 and in accordance with the request letter (№ 07-65-06348) of the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade (MIIT) dated June 8th 2023, AFD provide a Technical Assistance of 1.5 M€ related to the PBL Phase 2 to support the authorities’ efforts in line with the previous TA described above.


Expertise France (EF) is implementing this Technical Assistance to the benefit of the Uzbek government (notably MoE and MoEF) for a period of 3 years (2023-2025).


One of the Technical Assistance’s objectives is to contribute to ensuring a fair and understandable increase of electricity prices. 


The level of energy prices is central for attracting investment and supporting a viable business model and quality on electricity infrastructures in Uzbekistan. As part of the country’s social policy, the government sets end-user prices for electricity and natural gas below full costs of supply.


Due to complexity and potential rise of prices during a transition period for certain categories of the population, there is an obvious need for the implementation of the energy sector reform to be accompanied and supported by a tailor-made price strategy. Expertise France will support the Ministry of Energy (MoE), Ministry of Economy and Finance (MoEF) and other needed governmental institutions in the establishment of an appropriate future energy sector tariff strategy, including a communication plan strategy, to raise awareness to the population and companies, but also other authorities. A specific expert working on this aspect can be recruited by EF: the energy price transition expert will coordinate actions with him/her.

Profil souhaité

The expert is expected to have an in-depth international expertise of energy price transitions issues. A local knowledge of the Uzbek energy sector as well as the Uzbek society would also be an asset.

The expert will need to possess the following skills:

  •       10 years’ expertise on public policies, and especially regarding energy and social policies with financial aspects;
  •            10 years’ expertise structuring governance, strategy and public policy dialogue;
  •             3 years’ expertise at international level, working with foreign institutions, ministries and agencies;
  •        2 or 3 experiences in advising, supporting and implementing a tariff strategy transition, (including mitigating effects and measures implementation);
  •        2 or 3 experiences in energy price transition issues but also in institutional communication technics or in energy-related awareness;
  •           A first experience in Central Asia is an asset;
  •           Good written and verbal communication and presentation skills;
  •           Good ability to work with a project team and to communicate with different partners (especially institutional partners);
  •           Be fluent in English;

Informations complémentaires

Duration of the contract: 24 months 


Budget: Based on candidate’s profile and on Expertise France’s expertise grid


Working conditions: Individual expertise contract, home-based and mission on the field – (Maximum 100 days)

The individual contract is remunerated on a fee basis (man-days). The effort required for each period is defined by a purchase order, agreed with the Team Leader. The expert's invoices are issued once the time sheets and associated deliverables have been validated.                           

Expertise France covers the logistical costs (including travel insurances) of the expert's missions. The expert has access to Expertise France's offices and meeting rooms in Tashkent, and will be supported by the local team to ensure the smooth running of his missions.

Working equipment (PC, telephone, connection, licenses) are provided by the expert.


Documents to be provided:

·         CV (Europe Aid format) in English with reference linked to the position

·         Cover letter in English


The interviews will be organised with the selected persons.

Critères de sélection des candidatures

Le processus de sélection des candidats s'opérera selon le(s) critère(s) suivant(s) :

  • Formation/compétences/expériences du candidat
  • Connaissances du candidat du contexte local (pays ou région d’intervention)

Date limite de candidature : 15/01/2024 23:58

Document(s) joint(s) : Job description_Price transition Expert_UZ_VF.pdf

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