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Job offer type
Field staff jobs

Type of contract

Activity sectors
Climate and Territories ; Climate and Energy ; Sustainable development

Deadline date
2023/10/31 19:30


24 mois renouvelable

Mission description

The Regional Coordinators facilitate and actively participate in defining, implementing, and monitoring the AdaptAction program activities for three partner countries. Reporting to the Regional Directors and the project managers at AFD headquarters, the Coordinators work closely with each national body responsible for monitoring the implementation of NDCs. They also collaborate closely with the program’s designated national focal point to ensure beneficiaries' ownership and the quality of work performed by selected consultancy firms through competitive call for tenders.

The Coordinators oversee the services provided in each country within their area of responsibility, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. For each country involved in its mission, the Coordinator is responsible for the following tasks:

1.  Contribute, with local stakeholders, AFD agencies, Regional Directions and the  HQ project team, to the identification of what the phase 2 of AdaptAction is going to support and to the signing of Memoranda of Understanding or Ministerial Letters of Request;

2.  Co-construct with local player, agencies and head office teams,  the terms of reference for the support to be provided, in synergy with the technical and financial partners in the partner countries and in close collaboration with other AFD’s initiatives (2050 Facility, CICLIA, FAPS Climat in particular);

3. Participate in tender committees to select service providers;

4. Monitor the implementation of activities carried out by service providers, in support of the focal point and the actors mobilized within each institution;

5. Support local stakeholders in implementing the recommendations that arise from the services provided and in promoting and disseminating certain deliverables;

6. In each of the countries for which it is responsible, support the AdaptAction focal point and the body responsible for implementing the NDC in leading multi-stakeholder dynamics around climate change issues, in coordination with other players, in particular UNCDF-LoCAL to promote the vertical integration of adaptation (joint EU funding under the "ACA-MED" program);

7. Ensure EU accountability (technical and financial reports) under the supervision of the North Africa and Middle East Project Officer based in Paris.

8. Participate/contribute to communication activities related to the AdaptAction program.

9. Support multi-stakeholder workshops, biannual monitoring committees, and program monitoring missions (technical and logistical support):

a. Participate in the definition, organisation and running of exchange workshops between countries benefiting from the programme (intra-regional and/or inter-regional) or at national level, in conjunction with the head office team;

b. Provide technical (content, reporting) and logistical support to the focal point in organizing AdaptAction's biannual monitoring committees and represent the AdaptAction team alongside the Regional Director and AFD agency Directors for the three monitored countries;

c. Assist in organizing monitoring missions by the AFD headquarters team in the three intervention countries (inform stakeholders, schedule meetings, provide logistical support, etc.).


Project or context description

The AFD (French Development Agency) Group

AFD is a public and socially responsible financial institution dedicated to the implementation of France's development and international solidarity policies. AFD finances, supports and accelerates transitions towards a fairer and more resilient world through its public sector and NGO financing activities, its research and publications, its training on sustainable development and its awareness-raising activities in France. The institution's dedicated teams are actively engaged in over 4,000 projects that have a profound social and environmental impact across the French Overseas Territories and 115 countries.

In 2022, AFD has committed €12.3 billion to financing these projects, including €6.9 billion in climate financing in developing countries and the French Overseas Territories, +15% compared to 2021. Among this financing with climate co-benefits, €2.2 billion were allocated to adaptation projects (of which 27% to public policy loans).

On 1 January 2022, the Interministerial technical cooperation agency Expertise France joined the AFD Group. Expertise France mobilizes French, European and international, public and private technical expertise to support its projects and partners. With a volume of activity of €308 million in 2021 and more than 500 projects in 100 countries, Expertise France is currently the second largest technical cooperation agency in the world behind Germany's GIZ.

For a more comprehensive overview of AFD's operations and organizational framework, please visit their official institutional website at:


The AdaptAction program

Since 2017, the AdaptAction program has been assisting partner countries and regional organizations to meet the challenge of implementing the Paris Agreement by addressing the climate change adaptation related dimensions of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The program's partners (Least Developed Countries, countries in continental Africa, and Small Island Developing States) are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

Phase 1, with a budget of 30 million euros from 2017 to 2022, has financed more than 70 activities supporting climate governance, the integration of adaptation into sectoral public policies, and the development of projects in 15 countries and regional organizations. These activities, which take the form of climate change vulnerability assessments, project feasibility studies, capacity-building and institutional strengthening activities, cover a wide range of sectors including governance, climate services, biodiversity, agriculture, and water…

Phase 2, which officially commenced in June 2022, is structured around three main pillars (Understanding, Planning, Investing) and two cross-cutting components (Gender and Social Inclusion, Knowledge Management and Valorization).



Phase 2 extends and complements activities carried out during the initial phase for a further four years (2022-2026) period, with an additional budget of over 23 million euros focused on Sub-Saharan Africa and the Mediterranean region (18 countries).

The program in the Mediterranean region is funded by the European Union (DG NEAR) with a contribution of 6 million euros, as part of the "ACA-MED" project conducted in synergy with UNCDF-LoCAL.

The overarching goal is to enhance the resilience of the most vulnerable populations and ecosystems to the impacts of climate change. The specific goal is to empower actors in partner countries to better define and operationalize resilient and inclusive development trajectories within their territories.

For more detailed information about the program, please visit:


Project structure

The project is headed by the Climate and Nature Division (CLN) of AFD, which is primarily responsible for:

-          Developing and steering the implementation of the future Planet Roadmap.

-          Supporting operations to maximize and assess climate and biodiversity co-benefits.

-          Monitoring the international climate and biodiversity agenda.

Aside from the program manager (AFD staff member of the CLN Division), all job positions within Phase 2 are mobilized through Expertise France and are located as follows:

-          At AFD headquarters within the CLN division (Deputy Program Manager, 1 Program Officer for the Indian Ocean and Greater Sahel, 1 in the Project Management Unit)

-           In AFD agencies and regional offices (currently 4 regional coordinators).

The launch of the Program in the Mediterranean Region involves the recruitment of:

-          A Regional Coordinator for North Africa (Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt), based in Morocco or Tunisia.

-          A Regional Coordinator for the Middle East (Jordan, Lebanon, Palestinian Territories), based in Jordan or Lebanon.

-          A Program Officer for North Africa and the Middle East at the headquarters in Paris.

Required profile


-          Master's degree (or equivalent) in environmental studies, geography, development economics, international relations, or related fields.


-          In-depth understanding of resilience and adaptation challenges to climate change impacts.


-          Strong knowledge of the geographic area.


-          Proficiency in the UNFCCC and the implementation of the Paris Agreement.


Work Experience

-          At least 4 years of experience in climate-related topics, particularly within adaptation to climate change impacts in middle-income or least developed countries.


-          Proven experience in technical assistance and institutional capacity building projects, including the drafting of relevant terms of reference.


-          Experience in defining and monitoring vulnerability assessments related to expected climate change impacts.


-          Demonstrated experience in projects within one or more of the following sectors: water resource management, resilient agriculture and coastal zone/tourism management.




-      Experience of adaptation projects in the area concerned;

-      Experience in national planning processes and the development of strategies to involve stakeholders in the development of adaptation initiatives;

-      Proven experience in facilitating multi-stakeholder processes and consultation with partners;

-      Experience or training in gender and climate issues.



-          Interpersonal skills and strong ability to establish and maintain effective working and personal relationships with people from different backgrounds and cultures, including at senior level;


-           Proven ability to work with multidisciplinary teams in a challenging environment;


-          Sense of autonomy;


-          Ability to adapt to changing circumstances and to make proposals;


-           Excellent communication and report writing skills;


-           Excellent written and spoken command of French and English; Arabic is a plus.

Additional information

- Position based either in Morocco or Tunisia

- Starting date: January 2024 at the latest

Deadline for application : 2023/10/31 19:30

Expertise France is the public agency of French international technical cooperation. The agency operates around four priorities:

  • democratic, economic and financial governance;
  • security and stability of countries in crisis/post-crisis situations;
  • sustainable development;
  • strengthening health systems, social protection and employment.

In these areas, Expertise France carries out engineering and implementation missions for capacity building projects, mobilizes technical expertise and acts as an aggregator of projects involving public expertise and private know-how.

With an activity volume of 233 million euros, more than 400 projects in portfolio in 80 countries, and 63,000 days of expertise, Expertise France focuses its action towards France’s solidarity policy, influence and economic diplomacy.

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