Job offer type
Type of contract
Service contract
Estimated budget
Short Term Consultancy Contract - 30 working days
Activity sectors
Climate and Energy ; Monitoring and evaluation
Deadline date
2023/09/14 12:42
Duration of the assignment
Short term
5 months
Département Gouvernance - GOUV > Pôle Transparence, Gestion et Redevabilité
Published on : 2023/08/24
An expertise in Monitoring and Evaluation would be required in order to determine specific indicators in order to ensure the quality of the project and to adjust the logical framework drafted during the validation phase of the project.
The expected results of the mission are the following:
• The logical framework of the project is adapted;
• The final theory of change of the project is developed;
• Indicators are summarised in a matrix of indicators that comprises information describing data source and collection frequency;
• A RACI matrix is developed on the day-to-day implementation of the M&E system where roles are clearly identified and divided into four categories: responsible, accountable, consulted and informed;
• A dashboard is developed in order to represent the state of play of the project at any given point in time throughout the implementation of the project. This dashboard should also be integrated in the reporting process to the EU.
Expected deliverables:
• Updated M&E Plan/tools,
• Updated and specified Logical Framework;
• Updated Theory of Change;
• Data collection tools/questionnaires for activities revised;
• Data reports.
The European Union Delegation to Tanzania (EUD) has requested Expertise France to implement the "statistics and data" as part of the Tanzania energy Sector Reform Programme funded by the EU with a total of €35 million. The three programme components includes (1) TANESCO Modernisation (2) strategic planning and (3) energy statistics. The budget allocated to energy statistics component is 3.2 million EUR for a 30 month implementation period.
The "Energy Data and Statistics" project aims to contribute to the development of the energy sector in Tanzania through improved energy-related statistical systems. It is a technical project on statistics, the effects of which is on the production of energy statistics contributing to improving the performance of the energy sector, and consequently the socio-economic development the country.
Energy Statistics is a very important in planning and monitoring the energy sector performance in Tanzania, reliability of energy data important for steering public policies related to energy development. It is also an opportunity to focus on specific statistics related to climate and gender issues as an integral part of energy sector development.
To support undertaking of this assignment, The EU on behalf of the Tanzanian Ministry of Energy has contracted Expertise France to implement this component on energy statistics. Project implementation will involve a number of different energy stakeholders. The coordination of stakeholders and gathering of relevance information based on the Tanzanian’s environment will be done by a local liaison officer who will be reporting to the Expertise France Project manager based in Dar Es Salaam. The implementation of the project is based on the intervention of three technical key experts, as well as short-term non-key experts for specific activities.
As laid out in the EU Description of Action (DoA), the project’s overall objective is to enhance the sustainable development of the Tanzanian energy sector. More specifically, the project is expected to lead to the reinforcement of the energy sector’s knowledge and analysis by stakeholders including private investors, academia, and civil society organisations.
The expected outputs from the Energy Statistics activity are:
The project officially started in February 2023, with the launch of the inception phase of the project, during which the Key Expert team of the project refined Expertise France’s first project proposal and established a detailed work plan, enclosed in the inception report, which was validated during the first meeting of the project’s steering committee on July 5th, 2023:
OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES (as per technical proposal) |
DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES (as per technical proposal) |
COMMENTS (based on findings from Inception Phase) |
PROPOSED CHANGES (as per Inception Report) |
EO1: Improved capacity of government agencies for the use of data to formulate policies |
Activity 1.1: Training needs assessment on energy statistics |
Training/equipment needs assessment (NBS, EWURA, MoE, etc.) – to be completed during the Inception Phase |
The Inception Phase identified the main needs. Further investigation will be conducted from July 2023 to December 2023 |
Extend activity into Q3 2023 |
Activity 1.2: Design and implement the Tanzanian Energy Statistics Academy |
Define curriculum, identify experts, design and deliver courses |
The TESA is deemed too "academic". The focus should be on training professionals in key institutions (MoE, NBS, TANESCO, other) |
It is proposed to have three main streams of training activities: 1 - Introduction to energy statistics (3-day course, 20 to 30 participants). 2 or 3 sessions in total. 2 - On-the-job training (OJT) (10 to 15 participants from core institutions: NBS, MoE, TANESCO, EWURA). Continuous training on different activities throughout the entire project duration.
3 – Training of trainers (4-day course, 10 participants). 1 session in Q1 or Q2 2025. |
Activity 1.3: Capacity building in TANESCO |
Through twinning with European utilities |
A European utility is not the preferred option.
A twinning with an advanced utility operator in a neighboring country (e.g. Kenya) could be a more productive alternative |
Twinning for TANESCO to Kenya to meet peers (EPRA, KENGEN, …). Q3 2023 or Q1 2024 TANESCO will be involved in all trainings (Introduction to energy statistics, training of trainers, OJT) There will also be a dedicated OTJ training for TANESCO personnel to prepare electricity statistics
EWURA and REA may join the study visit and meet with relevant counterparts in their respective fields of work |
OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES (as per technical proposal) |
DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES (as per technical proposal) |
COMMENTS (based on findings from Inception Phase) |
PROPOSED CHANGES (as per Inception Report) |
EO2: Improved data production |
Activity 2.1: Data mapping & gap analysis |
to be completed during the Inception Phase |
The Inception Phase identified the main data gaps. Further investigation will be conducted from July 2023 to December 2023 |
Extend activity into Q3 2023 |
2.1.1: Data mapping |
Current and planned sources, flows and structures |
Further investigation will be conducted from July 2023 to December 2023 |
Extend activity into Q3 2023 |
2.1.2: Gap analysis: identifying black data spots |
Identification of blind spots and recommendations to eliminate them |
Further investigation will be conducted from July 2023 to December 2023 |
Extend activity into Q3 2023 |
Activity 2.2: Collect more data |
Through energy consumption surveys and administrative data |
2.2.1: Conduct surveys |
The main priority is a Household Energy Consumption survey with a focus on biofuels |
Conduct a household energy consumption survey with a focus on biofuels to estimate quantities consumed |
2.2.2: Increased use of administrative data |
Activity 2.1.1 above will lead to the identification of relevant administrative data source
The Tanzania Statistical Master Plan (TSMP II) which covers energy has a focus on administrative data |
Conduct a detailed inventory of existing potential administrative data sources for energy statistics.
Activity 2.3: conduct specific studies, including on gender |
NBS has some data on gender statistics collected through household-based surveys. |
Liaising with institutions and NGOs working on gender issues, identify the most relevant gender and social related indicators in the sector of energy in Tanzania.
Collect data and prepare relevant statistics and indicators for gender and social issues. |
Activity 2.4: Historic data |
Compile historic data - energy balance from 2000 |
This activity will be part of the building of the annual energy balance |
Building the energy balance will be done for the latest year available and all previous years for which sufficient data is available (conditional to existence of time series on supply and demand for the most important fuels) |
OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES (as per technical proposal) |
DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES (as per technical proposal) |
COMMENTS (based on findings from Inception Phase) |
PROPOSED CHANGES (as per Inception Report) |
EO3: Improved data management and dissemination |
Activity 3.1.: Create flow, structure and price databases |
Identify sources or methodological frameworks for data collection, specify requirements, identify contractor, monitor, test the data, train users |
We do not anticipate the creation of three different databases.
More likely, a single data warehouse will integrate all data needed to produce energy statistics whether on flows, prices or infrastructure |
Prepare a conceptual and functional design concept note
Prepare a technical design concept note |
Activity 3.2: Technical solution |
Develop technical solution for output/user interface (identify solution, set up interface and updating routines) |
IT developments will be to the extent possible developed by a team comprising MoE and NBS IT experts and in close collaboration with Expertise France experts.
To ensure the sustainability of IT tools, the project will strive to rely on Tanzanian national resources. This will facilitate future developments and the maintenance of the EIS after the project ends.
Prepare conceptual, functional and technical designs
Organise work sessions among experts to implement this activity.
Developments carried out by IT firm using an agile approach
Reception, testing and validation
Training of users |
Activity 3.3: Energy data modelling for different policies |
For energy security as well as sustainability, it is important to be able to model data and make scenarios for energy supply and demand as well as GHG emissions |
More work needs to be done to identify studies or activities that could be developed using newly produced energy statistics.
For instance, ad hoc studies could be linked with national targets set to be established within the upcoming TDV 2050 and FYDPs in order to generate better energy demand projections.
Undertake ad hoc studies. The list needs to be discussed with beneficiaries and confirmed.
Examples could include: - Energy and/or electricity demand projections and scenarios to 2045 - Calculation of Degree-Days using satellite data - Energy access data and statistics - Fuelwood/charcoal composition and respective average calorific values - GHG scenarios - Gender related issues in energy statistics - Other studies (to be determined) |
Activity 3.4: Energy data dissemination to general public |
To facilitate dissemination, part of the website will be dedicated to energy data in an easy understandable way. This will include textual explanations, infographics and well as a user-friendly interface. |
The current dissemination of energy data is limited and dispersed. It concerns mostly the results of the household surveys conducted by NBS and EWURA’s reports |
This activity will be partly covered by OJT (see Activity 1.2 above) during which dissemination products will be prepared
Activity 3.2 will also propose technical solutions / tools for the dissemination of energy statistics. More specifically, the possibility to use the Tanzania Integrated Statistical Portal (TISP) platform developed by NBS will be favoured
Communication activities will also contribute to dissemination and awareness raising |
OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES (as per technical proposal) |
DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES (as per technical proposal) |
COMMENTS (based on findings from Inception Phase) |
PROPOSED CHANGES (as per Inception Report) |
EO4: Improved accountability and policy dialogue of the government on the state of the energy sector and improved Monitoring and Evaluation of the Energy Sector and of the Energy Budget Support |
Activity 4.1.: Follow up of the M&E indicators for SO1 and SO2 budget support |
M&E indicators: Attendees, Registration-Attendance Ratio, Repeat Attendance, Gender, Company/Institution, Private Sector Engagement, Sector, Feedback |
Track M&E indicators
Create a Results Narrative |
Activity 4.2: Provision of in-depth analyses of the energy sector |
Production of in-depth analyses of the energy sector. |
High level presentations of the Tanzanian energy sector exist but they lack details: legal frameworks, strategy documents, development plans and operational and budgetary achievements … |
Create the template for the Energy Sector Review
Energy Sector Reviews will be conducted twice a year: in the spring (backward-looking report) and in the fall (forward looking report)
Write and present the analysis for the Energy Sector Review |
Activity 4.3: Facilitation of the Sector wide policy dialogue in the Tanzanian energy sector and of the High Level dialogue EU-Government on the Energy Sector reform Programme |
Conduct sector wide dialogue |
Activity will be implemented by the management team through the organization of meetings gathering key government stakeholders concerned by the Energy Budget Support operation[1].
These activities will be implemented from July 2023 until July 2025.
Expected profile
• The applicant must be an individual consultant;
• Higher education degree political or social sciences, gender studies, public finance management, international development, monitoring and evaluation;
• Demonstrated and proven experience (at least 5 years) in Monitoring and Evaluation: in the design and implementation of M&E frameworks, particularly on EU-funded projects;
• Demonstrated sector experience (at least 5 years) in Public Policies, Public Finance Management or Gender Policies related projects;
• Previous work experience in building a remotely managed MEAL system would be an asset;
• Proficiency in computer tools required for M&E;
• Capacity and experience in learning: identification and sharing of lessons learned and best practices.
• Excellent reporting, writing and communication skills;
• Fluency in spoken and written English;
Application process
Applications can be submitted in Expertise France Web Page.
All applications must include:
• A technical note (maximum 2 pages) detailing the methodology and expected work plan and presenting similar experience;
• Applicant’s CV;
• Applicant’s financial offer including daily rate without VAT (any other costs will be covered by the project).
The mission will be mostly remote-based and will entail consultations with the project team, the main beneficiaries and the donor.
The mission should begin in late September. All deliverables should be finalised by the end of the year 2023.
The selection process for candidates will be based on the following criteria :
Deadline for application : 2023/09/14 12:42
Expertise France is the public agency for designing and implementing international technical cooperation projects. The agency operates around four key priorities :
In these areas, Expertise France conducts capacity-building initiatives and manages project implementation, leveraging technical expertise and acting as a project coordinator. This involves combining public sector expertise with private sector skills to drive impactful results.