Job offer type
Type of contract
Service contract
Deadline date
2023/08/31 15:23
Duration of the assignment
Short term
10 days
Departement Economie Durable et Inclusive - EDIN > Pôle Attractivité des territoires, Culture et Patrimoine
Published on : 2023/08/11
The objective of the mission is to realise the study on the redevelopment of the Round Pavilion as a music venue.
It is also important to consider that the Round Pavilion is part of a general project of rehabilitation of all the Ghana Trade Fair Centre. First action of the expertise will be to have a good understanding of this general project and to have framing meeting with the GTFCL to allow the expression of the needs and the constraints of the project. These Terms of References are completed by a Presentation of the Ghana International Trade Fair Centre Redevelopment Project; and the Trade Fair Masterplans attached to this document.
The deliverables are the following: - Study of the needs of the GTFCL and other stakeholders - Program recommendations - Development of different layout scenario with a budget and list of equipment - Recommendation on the governance and economic model for the management of the site.
The Support to the Music Industry in Ghana project aims to support the structuring and development of the Ghanaian music ecosystem in order to i) support the professional sector of music creation, particularly young Ghanaian entrepreneurs, by enabling artists to earn a decent income from their creations while retaining ownership of copyrights in Ghana; ii) propose an analytical study that will make recommendations for the development of music venues; iii) promote and enhance Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) among Ghanaian festival organizers and partners. This project will promote a virtuous economic model, make artistic careers more accessible and credible, while promoting Ghana's artistic heritage. It targets young people in particular, but it also supports the social and economic inclusion of all actors in the sector who participate in music production. More specifically, the following actions are planned to support the structuring of Ghana's music industry sector: Remunerating and protecting artists: - Organization of workshops in Ghana on the music publishing business with a panel of international/regional/national experts, and French entrepreneurs in the sector - Stimulate the formalization of co-publishing/co-exploitation agreements of Ghanaian works between French publishers and Ghanaian operators through B to B meetings between professionals from both countries
Plan the creation of venues for the dissemination of music in Ghana: - Realization of a study of recommendations developing the hypothesis of the integration of ICC venues, such as within the Trade Fair Centre of Accra - Carrying out a technical study on the preservation and enhancement of the heritage components of the Accra Trade Fair Center development project (Round Pavilion)
Innovating and developing CSR initiatives: - Organization of a study trip to France for Ghanaian Government, officials and relevant stakeholders in the music industry, to meet with the management teams of several French festivals that are prescribers and representatives of the concrete opportunities that CSR themes represent for this economy - Organization in Ghana of workshops to raise awareness of CSR issues for Ghanaian festival organizers
The identified expert could have an experience in the performing arts (such as Zenith’s manager) ; cultural management ; territorial animation.
The expert will ideally work with another expert on the rehabilitation of the building.
The terms of the mission are the following: - 10 man/days including a 5 days mission on site in Ghana - Expert fees to be defined |
The mission will take place probably in October 2023 |
The selection process for candidates will be based on the following criteria :
Deadline for application : 2023/08/31 15:23
Expertise France is the public agency for designing and implementing international technical cooperation projects. The agency operates around four key priorities :
In these areas, Expertise France conducts capacity-building initiatives and manages project implementation, leveraging technical expertise and acting as a project coordinator. This involves combining public sector expertise with private sector skills to drive impactful results.