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Job offer type

Type of contract
Service contract

Activity sectors
Género, derechos y modernización del Estado ; Social protection and decent work

Deadline date
2023/06/30 12:58

Duration of the assignment
Short term


to be confirmed depending on the mission

Mission description

Expertise France is seeking to establish a Roster of Gender Experts that will have validity between 2023 and 2027 for short term missions. Considering the different components, we are currently looking for candidates to join a roster of experts in the field of gender equality in the MENA region, with proven experience in Jordan.

Several profiles may be considered for the project to take charge of the main objectives and activities of the project. Considering the different components of the project, special attention will be paid to candidacy of:


  • Experts in gender equality and social protection
  • Experts in gender equality and creation of one stop shop systems
  • Experts in gender safety audits in public places
  • Experts in gender transformative monitoring and evaluation systems
  • Experts in healthy masculinities, wellbeing of men and boys, and social services


  • Experts in gender equality and community participation/leadership
  • Experts in gender and youth engagement


  • Experts in GBV prevention and response planning with a territorialized approach
  • Experts in protocols for responding to GBV first-line support/disclosure
  • Experts in support plans on sexual and reproductive rights


  • Experts in gender and over-indebtedness
  • Experts in gender and entrepreneurship
  • Experts in gender and creation/implementation of day care services
  • Experts in the organisation of care givers services


  • Experts in gender equality awareness and advocacy

Project or context description

According to data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Jordan is the 3rd largest host country for Syrian refugees, after Turkey and Lebanon. Of the 760,000 refugees and asylum seekers registered by UNHCR in Jordan, approximately 660,000 are from Syria. With an unemployment rate of 23% in Jordan, many refugees, despite having a work permit, face difficulties in finding a job and supporting their families. The incidence of poverty is higher among all refugee populations but is above 75% for Syrians. These difficulties are accentuated for women, who constitute more than half of the refugee population and who suffer gender-based discrimination and violence.

Despite the fact that non-nationals are not officially included in the national social protection strategy (implemented by the Jordanian Ministry of Social Development (MoSD), a pragmatic approach of the local administration prevails in providing non-nationals with social services. In fact, the Local Community Development Centres (LCDCs), under the supervision of the local directorates of the MoSD, adopt an approach based on the needs of all local populations ("nationals" and "non-nationals"), without discrimination in access to their services.

In this context, Expertise France, with the support of the French Development Agency, are willing to support the Ministry of Social Development in reducing inequalities in access to social services between women and men through the pilot and the implementation of social services for vulnerable populations (both national and non-national), relying on Local Community Development Centres (LCDC) in the governorates of Karak and Jarash and in East Amman.

The main objective of the proposed project would be to improve gender equality and social inclusion of women and men, national and non-national, through the strengthening of the MoSD at the central and the local level, working with the Local Community Development Centers (LCDC). It is proposed for the project to focus on Karak, Jarash and East Amman.

More specifically, the current project aims at:

(1) Developing sustainable, inclusive and adapted social services in the LCDCs, in collaboration with local Civil Society Organisations, in order to strengthen social cohesion and gender equality;

(2) Strengthening the network of LCDCs by ensuring that their premises are functional and sufficiently equipped to meet the social service delivery needs and that their teams have the appropriate skills and tools to carry out inclusive activities; and

(3) Supporting the MoSD at the central level in its role of stewardship, coordination and monitoring/evaluation of the LCDCs, notably with indicators to strengthen social justice and equality between women and men.

Some activities the project will be developing are:

  1. for the first component: promoting women participation and leadership through capacity building and the creation of intersectional and multisectoral Steering Committees at the LCDCs; mapping of the local social services; grant and capacity building for CSOs; gender analysis and GBV prevention and response planning at the LCDC; protocol for responding to GBV first-line support/disclosure; support plan on sexual and reproductive rights; trainings for preventing over-indebtedness and special loan lines for women in vulnerable situations and non-nationals; entrepreneurship support paths for loan beneficiaries; guaranteeing care services at all LCDCs; campaign awareness and advocacy on the redistributions of care tasks; creation of local caregivers network
  2. for the second component: strengthening the capacities of the LCDCs on gender and multiculturality; creating a one-stop-shop system; creation of “social mediators”; mobile units; infrastructure renovation (after a safely-audit); improving accessibility and mobility for users: car and bike (pilot LCDC) driver lessons for women
  3. for the third component: creation of a national network of LCDCs; strengthening capacities of the MoSD on MEAL and coordination; improving data collection; coordinating the participation of the LCDCs for policy participation; drafting of protocols for GVB (for standardization)

Over the past five years, EF has operated the project named "Stronger Together", one of the three components of the European Union funded program to strengthen Social Protection in Jordan. This engagement is to come to an end in March 2023 and it is useful source of inspiration for the new project in development.

Required profile

  • University Degree in Social Sciences, Health, International cooperation or other relevant diplomas;
  • Master’s degree in gender studies or related field would be an asset.
  • At least 5 years of professional experience in similar missions;
  • Experience or strong knowledge of Jordan public administration would be a definite asset.
  • Computer proficiency in MS office, in particular MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Outlook, and of messaging and videoconferencing tools;
  • Fluency in English (both oral and written) required;
  • Excellent written and oral expression in English, French and Arabic would be a definite asset
  • Good interpersonal skills;
  • Organisational skills;
  • Passionate and engaged;
  • Capacity to work independently;
  • Team spirit;
  • Ready to work in a multicultural environment.

Selection criteria for applications

The selection process for candidates will be based on the following criteria :

  • Candidate’s training/skills/experience
  • Candidate’s experiences linked with the expert mission
  • Candidate's knowledges related to local context (country or region intervention)

Deadline for application : 2023/06/30 12:58

Expertise France is the public agency for designing and implementing international technical cooperation projects. The agency operates around four key priorities :

  • democratic, economic, and financial governance ;
  • peace, stability, and security ;
  • climate, agriculture, and sustainable development ;
  • health and human development ;

In these areas, Expertise France conducts capacity-building initiatives and manages project implementation, leveraging technical expertise and acting as a project coordinator. This involves combining public sector expertise with private sector skills to drive impactful results. 

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