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Job offer type
Field staff jobs

Type of contract
Fixed-term contract (CDD)

Deadline date
2023/03/13 11:20

Wage portage

18 months

Mission description

The European Union Delegation to Tanzania (EUD) has requested Expertise France to implement the "statistics and data" as part of the Tanzania energy Sector Reform Programme funded by the EU with a total of €35 million. The three programme components includes (1) TANESCO Modernisation (2) strategic planning and (3) energy statistics. The budget allocated to energy statistics component is 3.2 million EUR   for a 30 month implementation period.

The "Energy Data and Statistics" project aims to contribute to the development of the energy sector in Tanzania through improved  energy-related statistical system. It is a technical project on statistics, the effects of which is on the production of energy statistics contributing to improving the performance of the energy sector, and consequently the socio-economic development the country.

Energy Statistics is a very important in planning and monitoring the energy sector performance in Tanzania, reliability of energy data important for steering public policies related to energy development. It is also an opportunity to focus on specific statistics related to climate and gender issues as an integral part of energy sector development.

To support undertaking of this assignment, The EU on behalf of the Tanzanian Ministry of Energy has contracted Expertise France to implement this component on energy statistics.  Project implementation will involve a number of different energy stakeholders. The coordination of stakeholders and gathering of relevance information based on the Tanzanian’s environment will be done by a local liaison officer who will be reporting to the Expertise France Project manager based in Dar Es Salaam.

Project or context description

Objectives of the project

 Overall objective

Enhance the sustainable development of the Tanzanian energy sector (as laid out in the EU Description of Action).

Specific objectives

More specifically, the project shall lead to reinforce the energy sector knowledge and analysis by stakeholders (including private investors, academia and civil society organisations).

 Expected outputs of the project

 Expected output 1: Improved capacity of government agencies for the production of energy data and statistics and how to use them

  • Activity 1.1: Training needs assessment on energy statistics
  • Activity 1.2: Design and implement the Tanzanian Energy Statistics Training Programme
  • Activity 1.3: Capacity building in TANESCO

Expected output 2: Improved data availability

  • Activity 2.1: Data mapping & gap analysis

Sub-activity 2.1.1: Data mapping

Sub-activity 2.1.2: Gap analysis: identifying black data spots

  • Activity 2.2: Collect more data

Sub-activity 2.2.1: Conduct surveys

Sub-activity 2.2.2: Increased use of administrative data

  • Activity 2.3: conduct specific studies, including on gender
  • Activity 2.4: Historic data

Expected output 3: Improved data management systems

  • Activity 3.1: create energy databases

Sub-activity 3.1.1: energy flow database

Sub-activity 3.1.2: energy structure database

Sub-activity 3.1.3: energy price database

  • Activity 3.2: Technical solution for output/user interface

Sub-activity 3.2.1: Create the solution for output/user interface

Sub-activity 3.2.2: Training in use of database

  • Activity 3.3: Energy data modelling

Expected output 4: Improved accountability and policy dialogue of the government on the state of the energy sector and improved Monitoring and Evaluation of the Energy Sector and of the Energy Budget Support

  • Activity 4.1.: M&E indicators for the EU budget support are followed up regularly
  • Activity 4.2.: In-depth analyses of the energy sector are provided
  • Activity 4.3.: A sector-wide policy dialogue in the Tanzanian energy sector and a High Level Dialogue with the EU on the Energy sector programme is facilitated

Required profile

  • Description of the position

The liaison officer will work in close collaboration with the team of experts based in Dar Es Salaam and Paris and the project’s experts.

The liaison officer is expected to perform the following tasks:

  • Supporting to the steering and monitoring of the intervention in connection with the head of project;
  • Liaising with the project beneficiary institutions and other relevance stakeholders based  in Dodoma or elsewhere in Tanzania mainland including the appointed  focal points from the beneficiary institutions and the Ministry of Energy;
  • Facilitate data sharing and data collection amongst beneficiaries of the project;
  • In charge of the primary monthly collection of data for the EU Budget Support M&E indicators;
  • Supporting the Monitoring and Evaluation scheme;
  • Coordinating project stakeholders and activities  in Dodoma, including assisting the organisation of the energy sector reviews and the policy dialogue meetings;
  • Preparing experts missions in Dodoma.

Profile of the Liaison Officer

Qualifications and skills:

  • Master's degree in mathematics, statistics, econometrics or other related field(s)
  • Excellent command of office tools (Pack Office, in particular Excel/Windows tools);
  • Writing, analysis and synthesis skills;
  • Excellent level of written and spoken English;
  • Good level of in written and spoken Kiswahili.

General professionnal experience

  • Minimum of five years of experience working with a regulator, utility or policy implementing unit with proven knowledge and experience in frameworks for energy sector regulation across the energy value chains (generation/production, transmission/transportation, distribution and sales);
  • At least one similar experience in the field of development, particularly in project monitoring and evaluation;
  • Experience in statistics, planning and modelling would be an asset;
  • Experience working with different parties (agencies, donors, national party) would be an asset;

Additional information

Duration and location of the project

The contract will be established for a minimum duration of 18 months. The Liaison Officer will be based in Dodoma, with potential missions to Dar Es Salaam and other locations in Tanzania.

Deadline for application : 2023/03/13 11:20

Expertise France is the public agency for designing and implementing international technical cooperation projects. The agency operates around four key priorities :

  • democratic, economic, and financial governance ;
  • peace, stability, and security ;
  • climate, agriculture, and sustainable development ;
  • health and human development ;

In these areas, Expertise France conducts capacity-building initiatives and manages project implementation, leveraging technical expertise and acting as a project coordinator. This involves combining public sector expertise with private sector skills to drive impactful results. 

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