

Type d'offre

Type de contrat
Contrat de prestation de services

Domaines d'expertises
Genre, droits et modernisation de l'Etat ; Statistiques publiques et du développement ; Protection sociale et travail décent

Date limite de candidature
17/03/2023 15:52

Durée de la mission
Expertise perlée

Indépendant / Entrepreneur Individuel

60 jours

Description de la mission

Under the authority of the Project Manager, the TA Team Leader and the International Gender Lead Expert , in close cooperation with EF national expert, the International Expert on gender statistics mission is organised in two sub-activites:

Sub-activity 1: Sex-disaggregated data collection and standardization of the format of reporting administrative sex-disaggregated data from other institutions. This activity should include:

  • Provide recommendations to INSTAT on gender data gaps and standardization of the format of reporting administrative sex-disaggregated data from other institutions.
  • Provide capacity building through peer-to-peer exchanges with French institutions (advice, training, etc.) on possible developments including advice and models on unified electronic collection of administrative (decentralized) data and additional modules (e.g., harassment or violence in the workplace) in existing surveys (e.g., Violence Against Women and Girls in Albania Survey).

These activities will be conducted in closely cooperation collaboration with INSTAT (Instituti i Statistikave).

Sub-Activity 2: Strengthening intuitional arrangements for gender-informed policy making to fight VAW in the world of work and provide inputs to draft a national protocol (workplace policy). This activity should include:

  • Provide Inputs to preparing additional modules in existing surveys (e.g. Violence Against Women and Girls in Albania Survey) to also capture and comply with the ILO Convention 190 on VAW

This Activity will be conducted in collaboration with ILO, INSTAT, the Commissioner against discrimination and the Labour inspectorate.

Description du projet ou contexte

The French Development Agency (AFD) has proposed a financial and technical support to the Government of Albania (GoA) together with the World Bank, through a Development Policy Loan (DPL) based on a Policy Matrix built upon 3 pillars:

  • Pillar 1: Promoting women’s access to assets through the recognition of ownership of immovable property;
  • Pillar 2: Levelling the playing field for women to access income-generating opportunities;
  • Pillar 3: Strengthening institutional arrangements for gender-informed policymaking.

These three pillars contribute to women’s economic empowerment (WEE) and should support the GoA in the effective implementation of the ongoing reforms, which represent a major challenge to reduce gaps between women and men in terms of equal access to immovable property, labour market participation, employment, and entrepreneurship.

The DPL is accompanied by a two-years of Technical Assistance (TA) program provided by Expertise France (EF), under the project “Technical Assistance Program in support to gender equality in access to economic opportunities”. The technical assistances aims to support the Albanian Government’s efforts to implement the Policy Matrix prior actions, and more generally to enhance gender equality and women’s participation in the economy.

Profil souhaité

Professional experience:

  • At least 5 years of professional experience in statistics and gender statistics
  • Experience of facilitating organizations to strengthen their gender mainstreaming capabilities; understanding of how gender issues interact with gender issues will be considered an asset.
  • Minimum of 5 years of experience with survey data and field work in data collection.
  • National Institute and Economic Studies (INSEE) experience will be considered an asset.

Qualifications and competences:

  • Advanced academic degree preferably and primarily in statistics, economics, gender and development, or closely related fields.
  • Proven skills in intercultural communication, public relations, project coordination;
  • Excellent writing and relational skills;
  • Ability to work in a team and remotely;
  • Creativity;
  • Autonomy, responsiveness and proactiveness;
  • Teamwork;


  • Fluency and proficiency in spoken and written English is required;
  • Fluency in French is an asset.

Informations complémentaires

Additional information:

  • Location of the mission: Albania
  • Duration of the mission: 60 days
  • Foreseen time frame of the mission: March – November 2023
  • Possible Starting date of the position: 01/03/2023

Critères de sélection des candidatures

Le processus de sélection des candidats s'opérera selon le(s) critère(s) suivant(s) :

  • Formation/compétences/expériences du candidat

Date limite de candidature : 17/03/2023 15:52

Expertise France est l’agence publique de conception et de mise en œuvre de projets internationaux de coopération technique. L’agence intervient autour de quatre axes prioritaires :

  • gouvernance démocratique, économique et financière ;
  • paix, stabilité et sécurité ;
  • climat, agriculture et développement durable ;
  • santé et développement humain.

Dans ces domaines, Expertise France assure des missions d’ingénierie et de mise en œuvre de projets de renforcement des capacités, mobilise de l’expertise technique et joue un rôle d’ensemblier de projets faisant intervenir de l’expertise publique et des savoir-faire privés.

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