Job offer type
Field staff jobs
Type of contract
Activity sectors
Public resource mobilisation, management and accountability ; Global threats and organized crime ; Economic and financial governance
Deadline date
2025/03/31 23:59
1 an - renouvelable pendant la durée du projet
Département Gouvernance - GOUV > Pôle Mobilisation des Ressources Financières
Published on : 2025/03/10
General Objective:
Main indicative tasks:
Overall Project Delivery:
Supervision of the project's international activities :
Internal and External Project Coordination:
Internal Liaison with EF:
The European Commission (EC), a major player in AML/CFT, aims to bring implementing partners together in a consortium of international technical cooperation agencies around a common strategy to tackle Illicit Financial Flows in Sub-Saharan Africa. To this end, the EC, Germany and France has come together to finance major project on the African continent:
The SecFin Africa: Promoting secure financial flows, anti-money laundering and couter-terrorism financing in Sub-Saharan Africa project will be implemented for 4 years by Expertise France (Lead), GIZ, CIVIPOL and FIIAPP and amounts to EUR 46,5 million. The objective of the Action are as follows:
A Project Management Unit will be based in Brussels and will be tasked with steering and coordinating the network of 4 field teams (based out of Cameroon, Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania), made up of 13 long-term experts in the three main areas of expertise: prevention / investigation / recovery alongside support staff. Each regional hub will have the responsibility to liaise with national authority to deliver support under three different level of intensity: a global training programme; structural reform and a high-intensity programme coordination partly with the Swedish Tax Authority.
This Action are part of the Team Europe Initiative to fight IFFs and Transnational Organised Crime in Africa, (TEI IFF & TOC). The TEI, comprising Germany, France, Sweden and Finland, aims to create a common framework for cooperation on the specific subject of FFI and TOC, and to harmonize the actions of member states.
Interested candidates are invited to submit their curriculum vitae through the "Apply" interface. The CV should not exceed 6 pages and should highlight the most recent and relevant experiences related to the aforementioned qualifications.
Deadline for application : 2025/03/31 23:59
Expertise France is the public agency for designing and implementing international technical cooperation projects. The agency operates around four key priorities :
In these areas, Expertise France conducts capacity-building initiatives and manages project implementation, leveraging technical expertise and acting as a project coordinator. This involves combining public sector expertise with private sector skills to drive impactful results.