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Job offer type
Field staff jobs

Type of contract
Fixed-term contract (CDD)

Activity sectors
Economic and financial governance

Deadline date
2025/03/31 12:50

12 months (renewable depending on performance)

Mission description

The logistical assistant will ensure local administrative and financial management within the framework of the AGEPI project (Apoio à Gestão das Finanças Públicas, das Empresas Públicas, Parcerias Público-Privadas e Inclusão Financeira em Angola). 

Based in Luanda, he/she works under the supervision of the TA Coordinator, the project manager and the head of the "Transparency, public management and accountability" division of the "Governance" department at Expertise France headquarters.

The logistical assistant is responsible for:

·       Computer input of internal documents and their archiving;

·       Inventory monitoring;

·       Monitoring compliance with internal logistics procedures;

·       Building logistics;

·       The organization of driver missions and planning;

·       Administrative tasks.

This includes, but is not limited to:

A.      Computer input of internal documents and their archiving

·       Redaction, impression, scan and double archiving (physique and analysis) of internal documents;

·       Insertion of periodicals data on internal support;

·       Centralization, transcription and online distribution of different documents.

 B.      Inventory monitoring

·       Periodic inventory updates (office supplies and hygiene products);

·       Preparation of exit requests;

·       Stock exits on demand for supplies;

·       Prepare purchase requests for supplies.

C.      Monitoring compliance with internal logistics procedures

·       Monitoring compliance with hygiene standards;

·       Monitoring compliance with the visitor reception procedure;

·       Checking the tally of products and supplies upon reception;

·       Vehicle management and monitoring of mileage inserted on the TDBs.

D.     Office logistics

·       Prepare meeting rooms in collaboration with cleaning agents;

·       Detect breakdowns, make small repairs to the building and, if necessary, call on the service provider;

·       Monitoring of building maintenance;

·       Monitoring the condition of furniture.

E.      The organization of driver missions and planning

·       Coordinate travel in collaboration with the manager;

·       Prepare mission orders, advance requests, etc. ;

·       Organize missions (hotel reservations, airport transfers, meals if necessary, etc.);

·       Organize driver schedules in conjunction with the manager;

·       Ensure the safety of vehicles on a daily basis and before each mission;

·       Make reservations for additional vehicles;

·       Coordinate, in conjunction with the manager, the drivers' schedules.

F.       Administrative tasks

·       Monitor electricity and water bills in connection with accounting;

·       Monitor advances;

·       Prepare purchase orders related to purchases;

·       Monitor invoices from the logistics department in conjunction with the accounting department.

Project or context description

Angola is the seventh largest country in Africa, with a population expected to double over the next two decades. Having overcome a tumultuous recent history, marked by the end of colonization and civil war at the end of the 20th century, the country is now on a trajectory of political stability.

Despite its position as Africa's fifth-largest economy, Angola faces a heavy reliance on oil exports, leading to economic vulnerabilities. Recent reforms and economic consolidation measures have spurred a recovery in growth, but diversification efforts are imperative to reduce dependence on oil and address rising inequality. This is accompanied by the need to ensure inclusive growth, with better redistribution of income from the oil industry, significant investments in human capital development and higher education in order to foster a diversified and robust economy. The country is highly exposed to challenges related to climate stress, environmental preservation and the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Since September 2022, Expertise France has been supporting the Angolan government in support activities on Economic and Financial Governance. Indeed, the agency has developed technical assistance programs that support the achievement of disbursement indicators of a public policy loan signed between AFD and the Angolan Government on the following four axes: i) Management of Public finances; ii) Governance of Public Enterprises; iii) Public Private Partnerships; iv) Inclusiveness of financial systems.

The European Union has decided to support the reform projects undertaken by the Angolan government by entrusting Expertise France with the implementation of new technical assistance on the same four themes. The AGEPI project - Support for Public Finance Management, Public Enterprises, PPP and Financial Inclusion - therefore follows on from the work undertaken under AFD financing.

The AGEPI Project will be managed by a project management team based in Luanda, supported by an administrative, logistical and financial management team.

Required profile

A. Qualifications and Skills  

  • Holder of a 1st cycle diploma logistics;
  • Excellent qualities/abilities:
  • Strong capacity for work, rigor and organization
  • Mastery of office tools mainly Excel;
  • Relational and teamwork qualities;
  • Adaptability and flexibility;
  • Knowledge of funder rules
  • Excellent command of Portuguese (written/oral) would be appreciated
  • Professional command of English/French would be appreciated.

 B.  Professional experience

  •          Experience in a similar position would be appreciated;
  •           Experience in international cooperation would be appreciated;
  •           Sense of diplomacy, patience and ability to adapt;
  •           Responsiveness, autonomy - teamwork;
  •           Ability to organize and carry out tasks under time constraints;
  •           Very good command of office software;
  •           Prior experience in an international cooperation project would be a plus.
  •           Knowledge of the Angolan context would be a plus.

Additional information

The expected duration of the mission is 12 months, renewable depending on performance during the duration of the project (44 months).

The administrative and financial manager will be based in Luanda. The project team will be located in a dedicated project office.

Deadline for application : 2025/03/31 12:50

File(s) attached : Fiche de poste_Assistant_logistique PORTUGUES.pdf

Expertise France is the public agency for designing and implementing international technical cooperation projects. The agency operates around four key priorities :

  • democratic, economic, and financial governance ;
  • peace, stability, and security ;
  • climate, agriculture, and sustainable development ;
  • health and human development ;

In these areas, Expertise France conducts capacity-building initiatives and manages project implementation, leveraging technical expertise and acting as a project coordinator. This involves combining public sector expertise with private sector skills to drive impactful results. 

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