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Job offer type

Type of contract
Service contract

Activity sectors
Prevention, reduction and adaptation to natural, accidental and malicious risks

Deadline date
2025/03/21 23:55

Duration of the assignment
Short term


22 months

Mission description

Main objective and purpose

The Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation (DRR-CCA) expert, under the supervision of the Project Leader and in close coordination with the Technical Lead based in Manila, will be in charge of providing technical support to national government agencies and  LGU in the area of disaster risk reduction and management, climate change adaptation, and resilience building.

Specifically, the DRR-CCA expert will be responsible for accelerating the attainment of DILG’s outcome framework which envisions LGUs to be “disaster resilient and climate change adaptive”. The DRR-CCA expert will further contribute to the strengthening of DILG’s capacity to deliver an integrated DRR and CCA capacity building program, improve DILG’s delivery of local DRRM services, capacitate LGUs to perform their disaster preparedness mandates, strengthen risk-informed planning at the local level, and develop and deliver capacity building training workshops. The DRR-CCA expert will work in close collaboration with the PMO and team of experts to effectively and efficiently implement relevant project activities of the DRREALL-TA project.   


Tasks and Responsibilities

1. Improving access to and use of technical CCA and DRRM data for risk informed planning through GeoRiskPH.

  • Assess the datasets of LGUs in terms of completeness, accuracy, consistency, and other data quality standards in consultation with PHIVOLCS, DILG and other government agencies to provide a basis for the selection of the 10 pilot LGUs for training on GeoRisk.  
  • Review and lead the enhancement of the GeoRisk training modules and simple easy-to-understand manuals for GeoRiskPH and GeoMapper to facilitate risk-informed planning, in collaboration with the GIS Expert and Urban Planner.

2. DILG improves its capacity to conduct CDRA-related training activities using the enhanced module and the GeoRiskPH platform.

  • Review and improve the existing CDRA training modules, particularly with regard to the integration of the GeoRiskPH.
  • Pilot-test the enhanced CDRA training module with pilot LGUs and revise the modules based on the results of the pilot training
  • Assist the LGUs in utilizing GeoRiskPH and the results of the CDRA in the formulation of their local plans. 
  • Document the process and produce knowledge products (e.g., guidance notes) on the use of GeoRisk and CDRA for risk-informed planning.

3. Enhancing DILG's ability to manage a Disaster Preparedness performance audit (DPA) and an integrated Institutional Capacity Development (ICD) strategy for DRRM and CCA.

  • Using the implementing guidelines and learning materials developed for the Training of Trainers (ToT) by the DRRM Expert, develop a training design, module, manual and materials for the roll-out of the training on the LGU Resilience Readiness Monitoring Framework (LRRMF) supported by the use of the DPA dashboard/platform for LGUs and DILG.
  • Propose a set of measures and policies that need to be put in place to strengthen the LRRMF/DPA system among the DILG field offices to become an effective resource for both DILG and LGUs.
  • Provide inputs in the analysis of existing DRRM and CCA training programs and activities of government agencies, NGOs, private sector companies, international organizations, etc. and propose recommendations to define elements of an ICD strategy on DRR and CCA for LGUs.
  • Review the technical content of ICD Strategy to be developed by DRREALL in terms of the capacity building requirements of LGUs based on their mandates, national policy directives, and legal requirements.

4. Improving the capacity of local communities to effectively utilize disaster risk management funds

  • Take the lead in the review of policies, implementing rules and regulations, memorandum circulars, publications, and other related documents related to Local DRRM Fund (LDRRMF) and submit a synthesis report with insights and recommendations.
  • Assist in the assessment of existing training materials, curriculum, training reports, manuals and other relevant documents related to the utilization of LDRRMF used by national government agencies, LGUs, NGOs, etc. and identifying gaps in existing trainings on the utilization of LDRRMF in collaboration with the TNA expert.
  • Provide technical inputs in the analysis of the low utilization rate of LDRRMF and submit a synthesis report including insights and recommendations to increase the LDRRM Fund utilization rate by LGUs.
  • Draft the terms of reference for external experts that are required to develop and deliver the training program identified in the training needs assessment (TNA).
  • Provide technical inputs and guidance in the development of training design and modules on effective utilization of LDRRMF by LGUs based on the findings of the TNA.

5. Enhancing gender-sensitive and socially inclusive approaches to disaster response within LGUs.

  • Provide technical inputs in developing a prototype design for evacuation centers that addresses the needs and safety of vulnerable people, particularly women, children, the elderly, and PWDs and pandemic/infectious disease-sensitive, socially inclusive, and climate-smart.
  • Assist DILG in the presentation of prototype design of evacuation centers to seek endorsement of the NDRRMC.

6. Improving the understanding of stakeholders on the landscape of issues in DRRM and determining measures to effectively address these issues  

  • In consultation with concerned agencies, identify studies and potential projects needed to increase investment and/or activities in DRRM and CCA by government and non-government stakeholders such as river basin management/integrated flood management), nature-based solutions, probabilistic econometric models to estimate post-disaster funding gaps, climate and disaster risk financing, and others that may be proposed by stakeholder agencies and prepare ToRs for these studies and concept notes for potential projects. 
  • Develop guidelines on the twinning of advanced and less-advanced LGUs for peer-to-peer learning and lead in the implementation of twinning activities and organizing forums to share lessons-learned, policy recommendations, and studies undertaken.
  • Identify existing DRRM and CCA initiatives of other agencies that can be expanded through the support of the DRREALL-TA
  • Develop a roadmap that will translate plans like better integrated flood risk management, creating climate-resilient cities with Nature-based Solutions (NbS), and other initiatives, into legal and operational instruments. 

Cross-cutting objectives

  • Provide technical backstopping in relevant training workshops on the topics mentioned above, help develop training evaluation tools and produce a training evaluation report after each training session, highlighting best practices and lessons learned for future improvement
  • In collaboration with other experts and under the supervision of the PMO, participate in the writing of mission reports, the inception report, progress reports and the final project report, as well as other reports as may be required.
  • Collaborate and communicate with DILG and other relevant government agencies under the supervision of the PMO.
  • Any other related tasks requested by Expertise France for the project



  • Enhanced GeoRisk-related training modules, materials, user manuals, etc. 
  • Enhanced training design, module, and materials for the roll-out of the enhanced CDRA (i.e. with integrated GeoRiskPH elements).
  • Knowledge products (e.g., guidance notes, process documentation) related to the use of GeoRisk and CDRA in enhancing risk-informed local planning.
  • Training design, module, manual and materials on the operationalization of LRRMF/DPA system for the roll-out to LGUs and DILG personnel.
  • Policy recommendation paper on strengthening the LGU Resilience Readiness Monitoring Framework (LRRMF) and DPA system.
  • Synthesis report on policies, implementing rules and regulations, memorandum circulars, and other related documents identifying issues, challenges, and solutions, including insights and recommendations to increase the utilization of the LDRRM Fund.
  • Terms of Reference (TOR) for external experts needed develop and deliver a training program to improve the utilization rate of LDRRM Fund by LGUs.
  • TOR of studies and concept notes for potential projects that can be undertaken to increase investments and/or activities in DRR and CCA by government, private sector, civil society, and other stakeholders.
  • Guidelines on the twinning of advanced and less-advanced LGUs for peer-to-peer learning.
  • Roadmap for translating plans, e.g. flood risk management, climate-resilient cities with Nature-based Solutions (NbS), into legal and operational instruments.
  • Evaluation reports of the different training workshops mentioned above. 
  • Inception report and proposed work plan.
  • Other outputs may be required based on the above tasks and responsibilities

Project or context description

Expertise France

Expertise France is the French International Technical Cooperation Agency, with the status of public institution under the joint supervision of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Ministries of Economics, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty. It is the second largest technical cooperation agency in Europe. Expertise France designs and implements projects that strengthen public policies over the long term in developing and emerging countries.

As the French public agency for international technical cooperation, Expertise France operates in more than 100 countries, implementing more than 400 projects. The agency works in close collaboration with French public institutions, as well as with the European Union, in order to respond to the needs of partner countries that wish to improve public policies that tackle these challenges.


The DRREALL-TA project

The Disaster Risk Reduction Enhancement at the Local Level—Technical Assistance (DRREALL-TA) project implemented by Expertise France is part of the DRREALL programme, a long-term partnership between the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the Government of Philippines (GoP), led by the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG). The DRREALL programme, funded by the EU, aims to efficiently implement disaster risk reduction strategies at the level of local government units (LGUs). This programme will contribute to strengthening disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) and climate change adaptation (CCA) capacities at the national and local level, and will support ongoing reform projects throughout the country. The DRREALL programme comprises two public policy loans (tranches). The first tranche was disbursed in 2021 and the second tranche will be disbursed in 2025, provided 80% of the DRREALL-TA project’s indicators are achieved by June 2025. 

The DRREALL-TA project is structured based on a policy matrix containing four key reform areas:

  1. Strengthening local capacities for risk-informed planning.
  2. Enhancing DILG's ability to manage a performance audit mechanism and an integrated capacity development strategy for DRRM and CCA.
  3. Improving the capacity of local communities to effectively utilize disaster risk management funds.
  4. Enhancing gender-sensitive and socially inclusive approaches to disaster response within LGUs.

Expertise France is in charge of the DRREALL-TA project implementation. The Project Management Office (PMO), based in the Expertise France office in Manila, ensures the day-to-day operational management of the DRREALL-TA project, in close coordination with AFD and DILG. The PMO team is composed of a Project Leader, a Technical Coordinator, a Technical Officer, a Financial and Administrative Manager, and a Logistics, Administrative and Financial Assistant. Technical experts support the team in defining and implementing project activities across various thematic areas, including M&E, Gender, Institutional Capacity Development (ICD), Geographic Information System (GIS), Training Needs Assessment (TNA), Urban planner/Architect, etc.

The project team is supported by the head of the PRAR unit, the project manager, the project assistant and the administrative and financial manager, all located at HQ in Paris.

Required profile

  • At least 10 years of expertise specifically on the DRRM and CCA issues, and particularly in the Philippines context
  • Advanced degree in fields such as urban and regional planning, land use planning, architecture, geography, environmental planning, public administration, etc.
  • Experience in the use and application of GIS and spatial data in urban and regional planning, land use planning, disaster risk assessment and mapping, etc. 
  • Strong facilitation and training skills and experience in capacity building activities with national government agencies and LGUs in the Philippines.
  • Understanding of DRRM and CCA issues, and particularly in the Philippines context.
  • Strong knowledge of the institutional context in the Philippines and knowledge of existing programs, platforms, systems & tools related to disaster risk reduction and management issues in the Philippines will be an advantage.
  • Demonstrated ability in managing multiple tasks and deadlines simultaneously and producing high-quality reports. 
  • Excellent communication and report-writing skills in Filipino and English
  • Strong collaboration and team-working abilities and results-oriented.

Additional information

To apply for this position, please supply the following:

  • CV, 
  • Cover letter, 
  • References,
  • Any previous relevant supportive documentation regarding past projects in the Philippines.

If you do not receive a response within 1 month of the deadline, please consider that your application has not been shortlisted. 

  • Starting date: As soon as possible
  • Medium-term assignment (maximum of 180 days spread over 22 months) under the supervision of Expertise France
  • Location: Manila, Philippines

Selection criteria for applications

The selection process for candidates will be based on the following criteria :

  • Candidate’s training/skills/experience
  • Candidate’s expected linguistic understanding
  • Candidate's knowledges related to local context (country or region intervention)

Deadline for application : 2025/03/21 23:55

Expertise France is the public agency for designing and implementing international technical cooperation projects. The agency operates around four key priorities :

  • democratic, economic, and financial governance ;
  • peace, stability, and security ;
  • climate, agriculture, and sustainable development ;
  • health and human development ;

In these areas, Expertise France conducts capacity-building initiatives and manages project implementation, leveraging technical expertise and acting as a project coordinator. This involves combining public sector expertise with private sector skills to drive impactful results. 

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