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Type of contract

Deadline date
2025/03/21 23:55

2 ans

Mission description

The project

After a first project initiated in 2024 in the domain of energy efficiency in buildings, ACE and AFD are launching a second chapter of their collaboration in the field of energy, targeting this time regional interconnectivity with a support dedicated to APG. AFD, which is very active as a Donor Financing Institution (DFI) in the region for financing energy transition, being on its own or via the Energy Transition Partnership (SEA ETP) , will indeed support ACE efforts in making AGP a reality. This contribution will consist in two main components, one being the financing of the development of a school of regulation in the ASEAN via the SEA ETP and the second one being a feasibility study for one or two interconnection lines for reinforcing the nascent APG.

In this context, both ACE and AFD are looking for an energy expert to work as a regional coordinator to support both institution in the management of the funds and to manage the policy dialog at regional scale with ASEAN Member states, utilities, Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities/Authorities (HAPUA), other DFIs…
The consultant will be recruited by AFD in close collaboration with ACE teams. He or she will be based in Jakarta in ACE premises.

Main tasks

1. Energy Policy Dialogue coordination
a.    Facilitate energy Policy Dialogue between AFD, ACE, SEA ETP and all related stakeholders at political, economic and technical levels in the context of APG development 
b.    Prepare for AFD in close collaboration with SEA ETP:
i.    Monthly updates on 
1.    APG
2.    2 SEA ETP’s projects : 
a.    ASEAN school of regulation and 
b.    Intended pilot market in ASEAN
ii.    Trimestral steering committees for the program (including ACE, ETP, AFD and other DFI involved in APG)
iii.    Notes on APG deployment and policy briefs 
c.    Collaborating with ACE, especially through the ACE Project Management Unit (PMU), on the 
i.    development of the concept note(s) of the event,
ii.    development policy brief(s) in the context of ASEAN cross-border interconnection,
iii.    coordination with relevant ASEAN- and AFD-related entities
d.    Contribution to preparation of AFD’s TA activities in relation with energy policy dialogue (writing of concept note, identifying relevant stakeholders, identify new relevant TA activities)

2.    Support to ACE in launching and monitoring of feasibility studies for one or two interconnection lines
a.    Support to ACE for procurement preparation and selection of the consultant
b.    Support to ACE in monitoring of the selected consultant and review of the related deliverables
c.    Support to ACE in coordination with ASEAN entities involved in the project (AMS, utilities regulators…)

3.    Experience sharing, reporting and communication on the partnership between ACE and AFD
a.    Organization of events, workshops (experience sharing with EU or French entities…)
b.    Support to the communication on AFD activities in ASEAN 
c.    Organization of experience sharing between ACE and AFD on, but not limited to, the following topics:
i.    Environmental and social risk management
ii.    project monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) process,
iii.    international procurement standard process
iv.    Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI), and
v.    Climate risk assessment 
d.    Provide content to feed-in AFD’s communication team
e.    Prepare publications/press releases
f.    Reporting 

Project or context description


The ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) is an intergovernmental organization that independently represents the 10 ASEAN Member States’ (AMS) interests in the energy sector. The Centre serves as a catalyst for the economic growth and integration of the ASEAN region by initiating and facilitating multilateral collaborations as well as joint and collective activities on energy. It is guided by a Governing Council composed of Senior Officials on Energy from each AMS and a representative from the ASEAN Secretariat as an ex-officio member. Hosted by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia, ACE office is located in Jakarta. The ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) was established in 1999 with a strong founding vision to strengthen energy cooperation among the members of the Association of South East Asia Nations (ASEAN). With the exponential growth in energy demand and the increasing priority placed on regional energy integration and cooperation, there is a need to enhance ACE to fully realize its potential to play a pivotal role in shaping ASEAN’s energy landscape. Part of the efforts to fulfil its function as a regional center of excellence that builds a coherent, coordinated, focused and robust energy policy agenda and strategy for ASEAN, ACE conducts joint studies, policy dialogues and capacity buildings for ASEAN Member States to support the implementation of the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) 2016-2025. APAEC 2016 – 2025 serves as the blueprint for enhancing energy connectivity and market integration in ASEAN to achieve energy security, accessibility, affordability and sustainability for all AMS.



AFD works to implement France’s policies of development and international solidarity. Its actions include financing for the public sector and for NGOs, publication of research, training on sustainable development, and awareness raising in France. In this way, it helps finance, guide, and accelerate transitions toward a fairer and more resilient world.

Together with its partners, AFD build shared solutions for people. Its teams are involved in more than 2,700 projects to promote common goods in 120 countries, in territories in crisis, and in Overseas Territories. The projects deal with climate change (projects aiming to be 100% in line with the Paris Agreement), gender equality, biodiversity, peace (via the Minka Peace and Resilience Fund), education, and health. This is how AFD Group contributes to the commitment of France and the French to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), for a World in Common. AFD invested €11.4 billion in foreign countries and in Overseas France in 2023. Thanks to this, French development assistance grew to 0.55% of GNP. It will reach 0.7% by 2025.


ASEAN Power Grid

Enhancing Electricity Interconnectedness Secure and reliable electricity infrastructure is vital to support regional economic growth and integration process. 

The ASEAN Power Grid (APG) is an initiative to construct a regional power interconnection to connect the region, first on cross-border bilateral terms, and then gradually expand to sub-regional basis and subsequently leading to a total integrated South East Asia power grid system. As one of the physical energy infrastructure projects in the Master Plan of the ASEAN Connectivity, the APG project is expected to enhance electricity trade across borders that would provide benefits to meet the rising electricity demand and improve access to energy services in the region. 
The APG is comprised of multiple cross-border transmission projects grouped into northern, southern, and eastern sub-regions . Eight of ten AMS currently engage in interconnected power trade, mostly concentrated in the northern sub-region. The ASEAN Interconnector Master Plan Study (AIMS) calls for the APG to expand rapidly over the next 15 years, with the goal of a fully interconnected region by 2045. Once complete, the APG will enable resource-sharing and utilization among the ten countries that: (i) mobilizes sufficient RE to meet regional and national targets; (ii) efficiently accommodates increasing demand; and (iii) enables cost-saving and reliability-improving benefits.

Required profile

-          English speaking, knowledge of French and other languages (ASEAN) would be an asset
-          At least a master’s degree in Energy related subject including Engineering, Politics and Public Relations, Economy, Statistics and Modelling, Social Sciences or Economics
-          Excellent knowledge of regional and energy sector issues, including the Energy main actors and consultants
-          Good understanding of ASEAN’s general political environment
-          Good understanding of the donors environment; track record with AFD would be a plus
-          Excellent interpersonal competencies, ability to take initiative and to work in a fast track and in an intercultural environment
-          Strong interpersonal skills and capacity to coordinate and work with others
-          Capacity to work autonomously with a strong sense of teamwork (i.e. maintaining fluent communication channels with the rest of the team)
-          Capacity to work in distant teams
-          Strong organisational skills.

Additional information

Contract type: private sector employment contract (public servants will be seconded to Expertise France for the duration of the mission).

Compensation according to Expertise France’s remuneration policy: base salary + if applicable, family allowance + technical and expatriation allowance + coverage of accommodation costs* and, if applicable, security costs* + coverage of school fees* for children under 21 accompanying the expert to the host country + round-trip airfare from the contractual address to the place of residence, including one initial outbound flight, one intermediate return flight, and one final return flight + coverage of moving expenses* and visa* + social coverage (CFE, health insurance, provident insurance).

(Items marked with an * are reimbursed to the expert upon submission of supporting documents, within the budget allocated by Expertise France).

Note: Interested candidates are invited to submit their application as soon as possible, as Expertise France reserves the right to proceed with pre-selection before this date.

Required documents:

Cover letter

Deadline for application : 2025/03/21 23:55

Expertise France is the public agency for designing and implementing international technical cooperation projects. The agency operates around four key priorities :

  • democratic, economic, and financial governance ;
  • peace, stability, and security ;
  • climate, agriculture, and sustainable development ;
  • health and human development ;

In these areas, Expertise France conducts capacity-building initiatives and manages project implementation, leveraging technical expertise and acting as a project coordinator. This involves combining public sector expertise with private sector skills to drive impactful results. 

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