Job offer type
Type of contract
Service contract
Deadline date
2025/04/30 23:59
Duration of the assignment
Short term
180 jours
Département Capital humain et Développement social - CHDS > Formation professionnelle, Insertion et Emploi
Published on : 2025/01/28
These Terms of Reference (ToR) are published in the framework of the request-based Technical Assistance Facility of the “Team Europe Initiative for Opportunity-driven Skills and Vocational Education and Training (TEI OP-VET)” funded by the European Union in the context of its strategy “Global Gateway”, aiming to identify sectoral individual experts to conduct short- and medium-term missions in their domain of expertise. These missions will be partially organized in the countries of intervention of the TEI OP-VET in Sub-Saharan Africa countries.
Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are home to more than 1 billion people, half of whom will be under 25 years old by 2050. The region is composed of 48 low, lower-middle, upper-middle, and high-income countries, 19 of which are fragile or conflict-affected. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO) forecasts, SSA countries will need to create about 18-20 million new jobs per year between now and 2035 to absorb the growing employable population. While most African countries experienced impressive growth since the turn of the millennium, pre-Covid estimates place job creation at around a quarter of the needs. In the last years, economic growth in SSA is set to decelerate from 3.7% % in 2022 to 2.8 % in 2023, as a result of a slowdown in global growth, rising inflation exacerbated by the war in Ukraine, the impact of climate change, a tightening in global financial conditions, and the rising risk of debt distress (World Bank, 2024).
Looking at labour market trends in SSA, the unemployment rate in the region increased from 5.7 % in 2019 to 6.4 % in 2022. The youth unemployment rate (15-24 years) in SSA is even higher, as ILO estimated it to be 12,4 % in 2022. Although this trend is similar to that of the global unemployment rate over the same period, it does not fully capture the lack of productive and qualitative employment opportunities for much of the labour force: increasing informality and working poverty paint a more accurate picture of the situation than the unemployment figures. New estimates suggest that the rate of the employed population in informal employment has increased to 87.3 % in 2022 in SSA, especially among women and vulnerable groups. The informality of employment inhibits access to social protection and fundamental rights at work. Rising costs of living and inflation threaten to worsen working poverty and reduce the ability of workers and their households to earn enough to sustain themselves above the poverty line4 (ILO, World Employment and Social Outlook, Trends, 2023). The rate of youth not in employment, education, or training (NEET) in 2022 was estimated at 25.7 %, with 31.4 % for women NEET. Cultural and religious factors still represent a barrier to education and employment for women, especially in rural areas. The situation of young people with disabilities (PwD) is particularly precarious. They have less access to quality education and their unemployment rate is higher than their peers.
From a business perspective SSA countries offer investment opportunities across various sectors (e.g. digital, climate and energy, health, etc.). Each country may have its own unique set of challenges and opportunities. But a key challenge for investors is, among other factors to find the skills they need for their investment (African Economic Outlook 2023). Skills shortages include technical, scientific, and managerial capabilities – and more and more digital skills. Moreover, the vocational education and training (VET) ecosystem does not yet adequately address these challenges (e.g., limited access to education and training and underdeveloped support systems). Joint action by the educational sector and industry stakeholders is needed to formulate effective initiatives for current and future workforce development to address the skills gaps. Empowering the labour force in SSA countries with the skills required to benefit from investments made in their industry will not only enhance employability, but also create pathways for social and economic advancement (e.g., digitalisation, transformation to a green economy). A major challenge in the decades to come will be to match the employment expectations of large numbers of young Africans, with the reality of decent jobs available and their qualifications to access them. This gap can only be addressed by increasing the pool of decent jobs linked to a just (economic) transition. It cannot be addressed by VET only, which needs to follow job opportunities that market dynamics create. Also, the Africa-Europe Global Gateway Investment Package (GGIP) will bring business and job opportunities in this regard. This is in line with a similar paradigm shift with the African policy promoting to boost employment.
During the European Union-African Union (EU-AU) Summit in February 2022, the Africa Europe GGIP of EUR 150 billion was announced[1]. Through this Africa Investment Initiative, the European Commission is supporting the creation of decent jobs, with VET as an important enabler: stimulating investment, trade and private sector development while contributing to the green and digital transition. The Team Europe Initiative for Opportunity-driven Skills and Vocational Education and Training (TEI OP-VET) was presented as a key element of the GGIP.
For this program, TEI members defined ‘opportunity-driven skills and VET’ (OP-VET) as reverse engineering of vocational education and training programs - starting from concrete and decent employment opportunities created by investments, trade, economic diversification, value chain development and other market dynamics. The approach of the Action acknowledges that skills development must be embedded in sectoral or industrial systems and shaped by the ways work is organized at the workplace, connecting demand and supply side actions, with a strong focus on private sector cooperation. Skills and VET provision therefore need to be an integral part of investment and value chains development strategies that promote employment in Africa guided by Africa-Europe investment initiatives, with particular attention to the GG.
The TEI OP-VET program aims to strengthen the training offer in Sub-Saharan Africa and orient it towards decent employment opportunities in selected sectors and value chains under Africa-Europe investment initiatives, including the Global Gateway Investment Package (GGIP).
This 75M € project is being implemented for a period of 60 months, starting from March 2024 until February 2029, by a consortium of European partners, namely:
· Enabel (Belgium)
· Expertise France (EF, France)
· Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI, Finland)
· Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ, Germany)
The program is structured into 3 main components:
· Pillar 1 (Request-based Technical Assistance Facility) – EF-led but with the active participation of all consortium agencies
o Result 1: Decent employment opportunities in (sub-) sectors and value chains, notably those responding to EU Global Gateway priorities, are identified and assessed at country level.
o Result 2: Improved capacities of VET actors for development of VET services relevant to identified decent employment opportunities.
· Pillar 2 (Organization of regional events promoting PPPs in VET) - Edufi-led
· Pillar 3 (Call for proposals of projects supporting the opportunity-driven approach in VET) - GIZ-led
The Technical Assistance (TA) Facility coordinated by Expertise France is running from Q1 2025 until Q4 2028 and aims at supporting European Union Delegations (EUDs) and European Union (EU) Member States to better (re)orient their sector-specific or skills, VET projects/programs in sub-Saharan Africa towards concrete employment opportunities (paradigm shift from supply to opportunity-driven approach) notably those created by the GGIP.
The TA Facility is a request-based mechanism and consists of two steps, which will be addressed jointly or separately based on the needs:
Step 1: To assess and identify employment opportunities in (sub-) sectors and/or value chains (Result 1) supported by the Global Gateway and other EU-Africa flagship initiatives, with the involved private sector partners and authorities. Possible activities of the Facility under this result include an analysis of value chains and/or sub-sectors with highest needs and employment potential across countries in SSA. The assessment will be closely linked to existing and/or planned interventions under the GGIP (and other flagship initiatives).
Step 2: To formulate recommendations for better conceptualisation, implementation and monitoring of responsive skills and VET. Building on the support provided under Result 1, or on similar work done by other partners and stakeholders, the TA Facility will analyse the existing VET offer in a given sector and formulate recommendations and tools targeted towards VET stakeholders to adjust their training provision to be more responsive to the private sector needs and job opportunities created by the Global Gateway.
This call for sectoral experts aims to build a pool of experts to conduct short- and medium-term assignments in the different sectoral priority areas of the Global Gateway strategy (i.e., digital, climate and energy, transport, health), who will be closely working with VET and labour market experts.
Selected experts’ profiles will be added to a database and could be contacted throughout the implementation period of the TA Facility to apply for specific calls for CVs launched in the framework of a specific request/mission, responding to expressed needs for support.
The TEI OP-VET team seeks to establish a pool of pre-identified, highly qualified sectoral experts who can be rapidly mobilised to provide recurring expertise across all areas covered by the program.
The expertise sought will primarily involve senior-level experts. The TEI OP-VET team intends to mobilise both French and international experts as well as local experts of the SSA countries.
The pool of experts, composed of diverse and complementary profiles, must be able to operate across a wide range of topics. The call is open to sectoral experts with expertise in one (or more) of the Global Gateway Strategy Sectors. Since the exact expertise within each of the GG priority areas will be defined based on the requests submitted by the requesters throughout the project, all advanced abilities and know-how within these priority areas are welcome at this moment. However, we can already anticipate some of the necessary know-how within each of the priority areas. We include below a non-exhaustive list of this anticipated expertise:
1) Digital: Digital transformation is a key driver of sustainable development, capable of reducing inequalities, improving education and supporting economic growth and innovation. However, it remains unevenly distributed, leaving most of the vulnerable sectors of the population without digital access, particularly women.
è Non-exhaustive list of expertise needed: digital skills development, cybersecurity, ICT workforce needs analysis and the design of innovative solutions to support digital transformation and transition, etc.
2) Climate and Energy: The Global Gateway supports the green transition by promoting green technologies sharing, strengthening energy security and contributing to the sustainable development goals and commitments of the Paris Agreement.
è Non-exhaustive list of expertise needed: development of green technologies and sustainable energy, climate project management and skills need analysis to support sustainable green transformation, financial engineering for the green economy, among others.
3) Transport: The Global Gateway promotes sustainable, intelligent and inclusive transport infrastructures by strengthening multimodal networks between continents. By 2030, the objective is to integrate African and European transport networks to support trade, value chains and employment in both regions.
è Non-exhaustive list of expertise needed: strategic transport planning, climate-resilient transport development, mobility and logistics need analysis, development of sustainable infrastructures to maximise the economic and environmental potential, among others.
4) Health: The Global Gateway strengthens global healthcare capacity by supporting local production of medicines and medical technologies, while securing pharmaceutical supply chains. The aim is to prevent future health crises and promote cross-border innovation to combat diseases.
è Non-exhaustive list of expertise needed: pharmaceutical supply chains planning, local production capacity development and manpower requirements analysis in the medical sector, etc.
The TA interventions will be implemented by a team of experts, under the coordination of a Team Leader, and this team of a given TA intervention will lead the on-site mission. They will be responsible for producing all TA intervention deliverables. They will be responsible for preparing, coordinating, implementing and reporting the overall TA intervention towards Expertise France or the other agencies implementing the TEI OP-VET.
The mission will be focused on the implementation of the TA intervention which objective is to:
1) assess and to identify employment opportunities
2) formulate recommendations, as explained above in section 1.3) The Technical Assistance Facility.
The activities implemented may tackle both or only one of these objectives depending on the request submitted by the requesters.
Once recruited, the experts will follow a detailed Action Plan that outlines the main objective, methodology, expected results, and deliverables. This plan will serve as the guiding document for implementing the TA intervention, including all the expected accountability products.
The maximum number of days per TA intervention is 180 expert days (total of all involved experts for each intervention) over 12 months.
For each TA intervention, the main expert will be assisted by one or more (local, regional or international) expert(s) with complementary (local, sectorial…) expertise, based on the needs and context of the TA support.
The experts shall co-develop a proposal for methodology and agenda together with Expertise France and/or the other agencies, to be discussed and validated ahead of the mission.
Tasks expected from the experts will be determined based on the objectives defined in each request and the team of experts selected for each assignment. The collective tasks anticipated at this moment, and to be specified in the specific ToR of each assignment, shall include but are not limited to:
1. Preparation of the TA intervention
· Get substantial knowledge of the local context
· Review any relevant background document provided by the TEI OP-VET Team
· Finalize the agenda of the mission
· Take part in the online kick-off meeting with the implementing agency(ies), the requester(s) and any other relevant stakeholders.
2. Implementation of the TA intervention (including remote work and in-country mission(s))
· Organise a brief presentation of the objectives and methodology of the mission to the EUDs/EU MS requester(s).
· Implement the activities as described in point 3.1
· Conduct consultations with the stakeholders’ executives and staff, including the EUDs
· Compile the initial findings and implementations emerging from the TA Intervention in a brief presentation that will be used for the final consultation
3. Finalization and submission of the deliverables
· Present the initial findings and main recommendations emerging from the TA Intervention to the EUDs/EU MS and relevant stakeholders
· Elaborate the final deliverables for review and commenting by the TEI OP-VET team
F 4. Follow-up of the TA intervention
· Ensure that the objectives of the Action Plan align with the satisfaction of the TA requesters
· Make adjustments to the Action Plan if needed
1. Pre-mission deliverables
· Methodological note, detailing the working approach, tools and methods to be employed etc.
· Activity/mission agenda, detailing the meetings and working sessions to be held, persons to meet, etc.
2. Follow-up deliverables
· Regular Activity Reports that reflect the tasks conducted during the TA Intervention
3. Final deliverables:
· Individual and/or collective TA experts’ mission report (template provided)
Applicants should meet the following minimum criteria:
· A university degree in a relevant field (e.g., education, economics, engineering, health, climate, energy, ICT, social sciences or other relevant degree).
· At least 5 years of relevant work experience in one or more of the priority areas of Global Gateway (digital, climate and energy, transport, health). Demonstrated experience in Global Gateway Sector-specific workforce assessments will be considered an asset.
· Strong analytical, report-writing, and communication skills.
· Demonstrated experience in working with the public and the private sector.
· Ability to work in international and multicultural settings. Relevant experience in SSA countries will be considered an asset.
· Strong interpersonal and professional qualities including management, teamwork and adaptability.
· Languages: Proficiency in English and/or French and/or Portuguese is required (depending on the country of intervention).
The following key criteria will be considered when forming the experts pool:
· Number of years of relevant experience
· Areas of specialization and expertise
· Previous experience in carrying out identification and formulation missions for international donors or in providing support within the framework of cooperation projects
· Countries of previous intervention
· Availability for (flexible) assignments
· Languages mastered for professional work
· Demonstrated experience in VET and labour market is an asset
· Ability to produce high-quality reports within tight deadlines
· Ability to collaborate with a variety of stakeholders and in different contexts
All calls for experts for the TA Facility of the TEI OP-VET and originating from Expertise France will be published on the agency’s job platform and can be found on the agency’s website.
Interested candidates are invited to submit:
1. An up-to-date EU format CV ( )
2. A brief cover letter outlining their expertise, experience in priority areas, availability and daily fees expectations (one page).
NOTE: As the program plans to implement a shared project management tool, applications may be shared with other consortium member agencies (i.e. EDUFI, Enabel, GIZ) to ensure optimal use of expertise across the partnership. Applicants who do not wish for their application to be shared with other consortium members are invited to indicate this clearly in their motivation letter.
The selection process for candidates will be based on the following criteria :
Deadline for application : 2025/04/30 23:59
Expertise France is the public agency for designing and implementing international technical cooperation projects. The agency operates around four key priorities :
In these areas, Expertise France conducts capacity-building initiatives and manages project implementation, leveraging technical expertise and acting as a project coordinator. This involves combining public sector expertise with private sector skills to drive impactful results.