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Job offer type

Type of contract
Service contract

Estimated budget
40 days to be used/spread over the 48 months of the project

Activity sectors
Public resource mobilisation, management and accountability ; Administrative and Accouting Management ; Monitoring and evaluation ; Economic and financial governance

Deadline date
2025/01/24 10:31

Duration of the assignment
Short term


40 days to be used/spread over the 48 months of the project

Mission description

Objectives and desired results of the assignment:

1.    Design a MEAL system during the inception phase to foster results-based management and streamline principles anchored in international agendas and declarations. 

2.    Produce a first version of a dashboard that represents the state of play of the TA at a given time. This dashboard shall inform about real time adjustments to be done to ensure the TA is on track. 

3.    Training of relevant stakeholders on the MEAL system (the project team,  focal points within the beneficiary institutions and experts of the project will also be involved and will receive appropriate training on the matter).

4.    Carry out an initial analysis and review of the indicators on OPSYS: the consultant will be responsible for encoding the logical framework, indicators and baseline, intermediate and target values in Opsys at the beginning of the TA phase.

Description of the assignment:

1) Planned activities

  • Phase I : Assignment preparation: 

Attend a kick-off meeting with the project coordinator, focal points within the beneficiary institutions and experts.

  • Phase II: Preparation phase:

•    Collect and study all project documents in order to have a full view of the expected actions.
•    Conduct site visits to beneficiaries to better understand the project environment.
•    Build a full understanding of Expertise France and the European Union’s standards vis-à-vis Monitoring and Evaluation (OPSYS).
•    Review the progress of the activities carried out up to the start of the M&E expert's contract.

  • Phase III: Draft phase 

1. Draft a detailed and updated revision of the project's theory of change and logical framework (validate the theory of change with the project team at a workshop). Organise a participatory workshop with the beneficiaries to validate and communciate the final version.. 
2. Draft a monitoring and evaluation plan in order to ensure efficient management of the MEAL activities for and by all stakeholders. The MEAL plan will be based on verifiable indicators and will provide a solid basis to prepare progress reports and to communicate to the donors and the beneficiaries/partners. It will be based on the logical framework. The MEAL plan provides a full description of the MEAL system which includes:
o    Workplan detailing the key activities for the MEAL system, the schedule, budget and roles and responsibilities in a RACI matrix.
o    Tools for collecting, analysing and displaying data (Kobo questionnaires, ODK, dashboards, report formats, etc.), which can then be used by the experts and the project team.
o    An indicators’ matrix which includes detail on the definitions, sources, frequency of collection, methods of calculation and disaggregation of indicators, etc.
o    A baseline suty including reference values and target values for each indicator 
o    Updated theory of change and logical framework to present to the donor as necessary
o    Description of the data flows, data collection, processing and analysis mechanisms, storage locations, software and hardware used, data quality control and reporting mechanisms 
o    Learning questions and activities
o    Evaluation questions and plan
o    Compliance with Expertise France standards and contractual requirements
o    Compliance with European Union standrads and contractual requirements
o    Training material on the MEAL system

  • Phase IV: Implementation phase 

•    Train the project team and other stakeholders on the MEAL tool and system (Workshops)
•    Report the data and the data monitoring dashboard to the project manager and key experts (who will then lead the project's data collection).
•    Guidance material for the project team,  focal points within the beneficiary institutions and experts on how to collect and analyse data for the project AGEPI

2)    Anticipated deliverables: All deliverables must be presented in english. 

Deliverables Period: 



1. Revised logical framework and theory of change with suggested changes needed for indicators, baselines, targets, etc.

 4 days (2025)

2. Document providing a complete picture of the actions planned in terms of MEAL and an initial monitoring proposal to follow during all the implementation of the project

4 days (2025)


3. First version of a dashboard showing the status of the TA at a given time. This dashboard will show when adjustments need to be made to keep the TA on track.

4 days (2025)

4 days (2027)

4. Training material and training workshops for the project team,  focal points within the beneficiary institutions and experts on data collection and analysis.

4 days (2025)

4 days (2027)

4 days (2028)

5. MEAL monitoring and evaluation plan in line with AGEPI project and DOA indicators through site visits and meetings with project coordinator in Luanda, project manager in Paris and and experts.

4 days (2025)

4 days (2027)

4 days (2028)


The MEAL expert will closely coordinate with the project manager (in Paris) and the team leader (in Luanda), who will be quality checking the Monitoring and Evaluation steps and achievement values.

The MEAL expert will also coordinate with focal points within the beneficiary institutions and experts on the data collection, consolidation of the data of each component in coordination with the beneficiaries and partners, analysing it, and develop tools to collect information (qualitative and quantitative).

Close collaboration must take place with the project team, beneficiaries and partners, from the preparation phase right up to completion. 

Implementation period:

40 days to be used / spread over the 48 months of the project period (2025-2028)


Should be described in the methodological and financial proposal provided by the Short Term Expert

Project or context description

Expertise France (EF) is a public agency created on the 1st of January 2015, and it has joined AFD Group as of January 1, 2022. EF offers programme engineering and technical assistance by developing and implementing international cooperation actions worldwide. Expertise France is the French public agency for international technical assistance.

Angola is the seventh largest country in Africa, with a population that is forecasted to double within the next two decades. After overcoming a tumultuous recent history, with the end of the colonial time and the civil war in 2002, year in which he achieved Peace and National Reconciliation, the country is now on a trajectory of stability and with the return of democratic elections since in 2017.

Despite being the fifth-largest economy in Africa in 2022, Angola grapples with heavy reliance on oil exports, resulting in economic vulnerabilities. Recent reforms and economic consolidation measures have triggered a growth rebound, but diversification efforts are imperative to reduce oil dependence and address rising inequalities. This goes along with a need to ensure inclusive growth, with better redistribution of the oil industry revenues, significant investments in human capital development and higher education in order to foster a strong diversified economy. The country is highly exposed to challenges related to climate stress, the preservation of environment and the transition to a low-carbon economy.
This project proposes a comprehensive strategy to address key issues in Public Finance Management (PFM) and the financial sector, aligned with the government's priorities and with other initiatives from international partners. 

Since 2022, Expertise France is working with the Angolan Government with activities supporting achieving indicators for disbursement of a Public Policy Loan from the Agence Française de Développement covering i) Public Finance Management ii) Governance of State Owned Enterprise iii) Publi-private Partnerships iv) Financial inclusion.  
The European Union has entrusted Expertise France in designing the present project in the continuity of the above mention action, in order to support the ongoing reforms of the Angolan Government. The overall objective/impact of the project is to improve the quality and accountability of the financial system in Angola. To this end, the project has four specific objectives/outputs: 
•    Output 1. Institutional capacities and tools to monitor the progress of the PFM implementation reform are enhanced.
•    Output 2. The governance mechanisms and tools of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) are improved and include gender issues and climate risk performance. 
•    Output 3. Financial governance of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) is enhanced. 
•    Output 4. A National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS) is developed in an inclusive and sustainable manner. 

In addition, the Logic of intervention of the project is that:
•    IF Institutional capacities and tools to monitor the progress of the PFM implementation reform are enhanced; and
•    IF The governance mechanisms and tools of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) are improved and include gender issues and climate risk performance; and
•    IF Financial governance of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) is enhanced; and
•    IF A National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS) is developed in an inclusive and sustainable manner.
•    THEN Stability-oriented macroeconomic measures and key public finance management (PFM) reforms will be successfully implemented.
•    AND THEN Quality and accountability of Financial System in Angola will be improved

Expertise France must design a MEAL system during the inception phase to foster results-based management and streamline principles anchored in international agendas and declarations. It places a significant emphasis on learning. Expertise France views this system as a management tool that encourages evidence-based decision-making. 

Required profile

Qualifications and skills:
-    University degree in a field related to the assignment (public administration management, information systems, economics, MEAL, etc.).
-    7 years of experience in MEAL as a minimum.
-    Previous experience in working with the public sector and with public finance management.
-    Excellent command of Portuguese and English.
-    Command of French would be an asset.
-    Ability to work effectively in a multicultural/multinational environment.
-    Excellent planning and reporting skills.

Specific professional experience
-    Excellent understanding of results frameworks and indicators as well as international MEAL standards and applications, particularly on projects funded by the EU.
-    Excellent writing, data collection/analysis/visualization skills.
-    Skills on knowledge sharing and designing teaching materials are highly desirable.
-    Good working knowledge of public finance management projects in Angola.
-    Competent user of Microsoft Office applications and data collection and processing software 
-    Excellent coordination and teamwork skills.
-    Autonomy, flexibility and responsiveness.

Additional information

Interested candidates must submit their applications online (CV and letter of motivation). Candidate CV including a list of similar consultancies with reference details

In addition and in parallel, interested candidates must submit :

- A financial and methodological proposal indicating the daily rate and the total for 40 days by email to: and 

Selection criteria for applications

The selection process for candidates will be based on the following criteria :

  • Candidate’s skills linked with the expert mission

Deadline for application : 2025/01/24 10:31

Expertise France is the public agency for designing and implementing international technical cooperation projects. The agency operates around four key priorities :

  • democratic, economic, and financial governance ;
  • peace, stability, and security ;
  • climate, agriculture, and sustainable development ;
  • health and human development ;

In these areas, Expertise France conducts capacity-building initiatives and manages project implementation, leveraging technical expertise and acting as a project coordinator. This involves combining public sector expertise with private sector skills to drive impactful results. 

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