Type d'offre
Type de contrat
Contrat de prestation de services
Domaines d'expertises
Développement durable ; Gouvernance économique et financière
Date limite de candidature
02/02/2025 11:08
Durée de la mission
Expertise perlée
Indépendant / Entrepreneur Individuel
15 days
Departement Economie Durable et Inclusive - EDIN > Pôle Entreprenariat et Innovation
Mis en ligne le : 02/01/2025
The recruited expert will support Expertise France in the preparation of the Document of Action (DoA) for an EU-financed “Regenerative nature-based tourism Micro-Small and Medium Enterprises support pilot programme” aimed at supporting micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the nature-based tourism sector. The expert will be responsible for developing the thematic and technical aspects of the proposal related to intervention logic and the proposed activities. Specifically, the expert will:
1. Conduct a situational analysis:
o Briefly describe the structure of the nature-based tourism value chain and the various types of MSMEs involved, highlighting their roles within the value chain.
o Identify barriers faced by MSMEs, to access markets and secure sustainable funding.
o Analyze the enabling business environment and gaps for MSMEs in the target regions.
o Develop a problem tree and solution tree to map the root causes of challenges and propose actionable solutions for the sector.
Deliverable: A comprehensive situational analysis report, including problem and solution trees.
Expert days: 5
2. Contribute to project design:
o Collaborate with Expertise France, to refine the objectives, results, and activities of the proposed action.
o Finalize and refine a Theory of Change for the project, clearly linking activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts.
Deliverable: A refined Theory of Change and project design framework.
Expert days: 2
3. Draft the Document of Action (DoA): Approche méthodo
Conducting the problem analysis (as outlined in point 2 of these terms of reference).
Deliverable: A draft section of the Document of Action (DoA) covering the context description, the action description, and the logical framework.
Expert days: 6
4. Coordinate with Project Stakeholders:
Deliverable: Stakeholder consultation reports summarizing key inputs and recommendations.
Expert days: 2
Consulting Duration: 15 days, starting February 2025 and concluding by the end of April 2025.
Nature-based tourism plays a pivotal role in promoting sustainable development and contributes to global sustainability agreements by encouraging sustainable consumption and production (SCP) patterns along tourism value chains. However, MSMEs in the sector face several challenges, including financial barriers, lack of infrastructure, and limited integration into global value chains, which restrict their capacity to generate and retain revenues sustainably.
This EU-financed project seeks to make nature-based tourism greener, more competitive, and more inclusive by addressing these challenges through two specific objectives:
1. SO1: Improve the environmental and business performance of nature-positive MSMEs, with a particular focus on enterprises owned by women and entrepreneurs living adjacent to biodiversity-rich protected areas.
2. SO2: Strengthen the enabling business environment for nature-positive MSMEs, reducing inequalities and facilitating better integration into global value chains.
The project will be implemented jointly by Expertise France in Colombia, GIZ in the KAZA region (Southern Africa), and AICS in Bosnia. Ultimately, the action will:
This will be achieved by ensuring consistency across the three regions of intervention.
The ideal candidate should possess the following qualifications and experience:
1. Education:
o Advanced degree in tourism, environmental management, sustainable development, economics, or a related field.
2. Professional Experience:
o At least 10 years of experience in nature-based tourism, sustainable tourism development, or related fields.
o Proven experience in designing and drafting project documents for international donors, particularly the EU.
o Familiarity with MSME development, value chain integration, and regenerative tourism approaches.
o Experience working in developing countries, preferably in the KAZA region, Colombia, or Bosnia.
o Demonstrated experience in setting up strategies and approaches to strengthen value chains, especially in nature-related fields.
o Experience in setting up efficient and innovative partnerships between financial institutions and green enterprises would be a strong asset.
o Experience in projects supporting MSME business development and entrepreneurship.
3. Skills and Competencies:
o Strong analytical and writing skills, with the ability to produce high-quality project documents.
o Excellent communication and stakeholder engagement skills.
o In-depth understanding and expertise in the nature-based tourism sector, including value chain development, support for MSMEs, and green enterprise financing.
4. Language Requirements:
o Proficiency in English is required.
o Knowledge of Spanish, French is an asset.
5. Other Requirements:
o Ability to work remotely and organize online consultations with relevant stakeholders.
o Availability to travel to project regions, if necessary.
o Ability to work collaboratively in a multicultural and multi-partner environment.
Please provide a technical and financial offer along with your curriculum
Le processus de sélection des candidats s'opérera selon le(s) critère(s) suivant(s) :
Expertise France est l’agence publique de conception et de mise en œuvre de projets internationaux de coopération technique. L’agence intervient autour de quatre axes prioritaires :
Dans ces domaines, Expertise France assure des missions d’ingénierie et de mise en œuvre de projets de renforcement des capacités, mobilise de l’expertise technique et joue un rôle d’ensemblier de projets faisant intervenir de l’expertise publique et des savoir-faire privés.