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Job offer type
Field staff jobs

Type of contract
Fixed-term contract (CDD)

Activity sectors
Economic and financial governance

Deadline date
2025/01/05 23:55

Wage portage

17 mois

Mission description

The Coordinator's main responsibilities are as follows:

Operational management :

  • Responsible for the operational management of the project. He/she supports the technical team in planning and budgeting activities. He/she coordinates and monitors activities. Supported by a support team in Brussels and at Expertise France (EF) headquarters, he/she supervises the management of logistical, financial and administrative aspects of the activities;
  • Contributes to the development of the project strategy alongside the technical team and the European Commission (FPI);
  • Checks with the Team Leader that the planning of activities proposed by the technical team is consistent with the project strategy. Working with the portfolio manager at head office, he/she regularly monitors the progress of the project and ensures that planning, budget forecasts and deadlines for deliverables (annual, interim, event reports, etc.) are met;
  • Reviews and consolidates reports submitted by the technical team (annual, interim, etc.);
  • Ensures the smooth running of the project office, supervises and plans the work of the administrative and financial team and ensures that the services and equipment guarantee a satisfactory level of performance;
  • Ensures that HQ is kept well informed by regularly monitoring project activities and news (weekly/monthly progress reports, etc.), keeping a close eye on critical points that could affect the smooth running of the project; acts as an entry point for HQ with the project team in Brussels; keeps the Brussels EF Office regularly informed; facilitates good coordination with the supervisory bodies, institutional players, competent authorities and technical partners;
  • Prepares and participates in project steering committees and acts as secretary;
  • Is responsible for organising the annual meetings of the Global Facility Senior Advisory Group;
  • Informs the lessor of forthcoming activities on a weekly basis;
  • Ensures that the SERA plan is monitored in conjunction with the SERA project manager;


Financial management :

  • Coordinates budget planning, in liaison with the technical experts and the support team;
  • Ensures the budgetary consistency of activities carried out/committed/planned in liaison with the Team Leader;
  • Reports regularly to the project team and the funder on the project's budgetary situation;
  • Updates the budget planning dashboard for activities and sends this information to the donor on a monthly basis;
  • Commits project expenditure in accordance with the delegated signature;
  • As the authorised representative of Expertise France and holder of a bank card for the project account, makes commitments and supervises the transmission of supporting documents;
  • Regularly informs the team of the project's financial situation as part of Expertise France's review exercises.


Administrative management :

  • Ensures compliance with EF's administrative, financial and logistical procedures;
  • Oversees the updating and contractual issues relating to the database of short-term experts (roster) in conjunction with the accounting manager;
  • Requests that the donor validate the Terms of Reference of the experts mobilised for the project before they are contracted;
  • Is responsible, in liaison with the head office portfolio manager, for ensuring that the project complies with the European Commission's requirements in terms of reporting, auditing, purchasing and visibility, as well as with Expertise France's internal procedures;
  • In liaison with head office, depending on the amounts involved, and with the support of the dedicated support teams, handles the awarding of contracts and, where necessary, follow-up in accordance with EF procedures.

Project or context description

The technical assistance project is a global facility aimed at combatting money laundering and the financing of terrorism. Countries identifying a specific need submit a request to the Facility, which establishes a response strategy based on the identified need.

The EU Global Facility on AML/CFT project was launched in 2017. Since June 2024, the project has entered its second phase with a budget of €8M over 24 months, ending in May 2026.

General objective

- Support the adoption of enhanced measures to prevent money laundering and to cut off access to finance for terrorist organisations and individuals, by strengthening compliance with the framework of the FATF Recommendations, the EU AML/CFT regime and relevant UN Security Council Resolutions.

Specific objectives

- Strengthen the legislative, regulatory and policy framework for AML/CFT;

- Improve national, regional and international cooperation on AML/CFT issues.

The EU Global Facility on AML/CFT project was launched in 2017. Since June 2024, the project has entered its second phase with a budget of €8M over 24 months, ending in May 2026. Under the supervision of the Head Of Unif, the Project Coordinator is responsible for the operational implementation and sound management of the EU Global Facility against the Financing of Terrorism and Money Laundering (EUGF on AML/CFT) project. The coordinator is based in Brussels, alongside the team of experts in charge of the technical components of the project and the support team.

He/she works on a day-to-day basis with the project team, the project manager at the Paris head office responsible for the EU GF on AML/CFT project, and as required with the financial, technical and managerial players involved in the project, using the resources and services made available to him/her.

Coordinating the AML/CFT Global Facility requires the project coordinator to have good organisational skills and a good command of project management. He/she will also need to be able to travel regularly to meet contacts and contribute to the smooth running of projects. The position requires a high degree of autonomy and interpersonal skills, which are essential for working in a European, international and multicultural environment.

Required profile

  • Master 2 in economics, finance, project management, political science, international relations/international cooperation ;
  • At least 7 years' professional experience in the development and/or international cooperation sector;
  • Excellent command of the fundamentals of the project cycle (preferably also in multi-project management);
  • Good knowledge of cooperation mechanisms and official development assistance, in particular the funding arrangements of the main donors, including the European Union;
  • Experience in coordinating and supervising private service providers;
  • Knowledge of issues relating to the fight against the financing of terrorism and money laundering is an advantage;
  • Knowledge of the awarding and implementation of public contracts is an advantage;
  • Ability to work in English (spoken and written) ;
  • Excellent writing and summarising skills (in French and English);
  • Sense of diplomacy, patience and adaptability;
  • Organisational skills and thoroughness ;
  • Responsiveness, autonomy - teamwork ;
  • Perfect command of office software (particularly Excel).

Deadline for application : 2025/01/05 23:55

Expertise France is the public agency for designing and implementing international technical cooperation projects. The agency operates around four key priorities :

  • democratic, economic, and financial governance ;
  • peace, stability, and security ;
  • climate, agriculture, and sustainable development ;
  • health and human development ;

In these areas, Expertise France conducts capacity-building initiatives and manages project implementation, leveraging technical expertise and acting as a project coordinator. This involves combining public sector expertise with private sector skills to drive impactful results. 

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