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Job offer type
Field staff jobs

Type of contract

Deadline date
2025/01/15 23:55


1 an renouvelable

Mission description

The project team will be incorporated in ZimTrade. The team will include a Project Manager and a driver/translator. To implement technical assistance activities, Expertise France will contract national and international public and private technical expertise. A pool of short-term technical experts will be established to facilitate the deployment for specific technical assistance missions across various project domains, with priority given to local expertise.

Based in Harare, Zimbabwe, and reporting to the Head of the Economic and Trade Policy Unit at Expertise France headquarters (Paris), the Project Manager will oversee the global management of the project, including planning, implementation, monitoring, budget management, communication, and reporting. The Project Manager will ensure the expected results are achieved within the specified timeframe and budget.

The deployment of the Project Manager and the related tasks, as described in this ToR, will only take effect upon the formal mandate of Expertise France for the technical assistance mission and approval of the ToR by stakeholders. The tasks may therefore evolve.


1.       Activity management and implementation 

·  Plan and coordinate the implementation of all project activities in alignment with the set objectives:

o   Coordinate technical and commercial training for beekeepers and value chain stakeholders;

o   Supervise studies and research, particularly those related to regulations, high-value honey, socio-economic profiling of beneficiaries and queen bees;

o   Organize the dissemination of technical and commercial information to producers;

o   Manage activities related to procuring and installing equipment (laboratories, modern hives, etc.).

· Supervise contract management (services, supplies), ensuring compliance with consultation deadlines, quality standards, and administrative procedures;

·  Closely monitor contract execution, ensuring the deliverables meet requirements;

· Maintain regular coordination with project stakeholders (ZimTrade, CIRAD, French Embassy, AFD, University of Harare, ZIPO, etc) and beneficiaries to ensure their involvement and buy-in;

· Preparen formalize and adjust action schedules as needed, proposing necessary adaptations and/or mitigation measures;

·     Enhance project visibility through communication actions;

·     Be the focal point for Expertise France in Zimbabwe;

·        Ensure coordination and regular dialogue with other development partners, in particular the EUD and FAO, as well as Zimbabwe financial sector.

·        Prepare the exit strategy of the project, especially on Zimbabwe roadmap to meet EU market requirements for honey products

2. Human, financial and administrative resource management

  • Recruit, supervise, and manage the driver/translator and short-term experts;
  • Establish processes for transparent and efficient daily management of human, financial, and material resources;
  •  Prepare yearly budget planning, ensure financial monitoring of the project and optimize resource allocation;
  •  Identify potential for project cofinancing or synergies with other development partner funded projects

3. Monitoring, evaluation, and reporting

  • Develop, monitor and update regularly (every 6 months) a detailed work plan and activity schedule;
  • Implement a monitoring and evaluation system to measure project impact and results;
  • Produce regular technical, financial, and administrative reports as outlined in the technical proposal (6-month PPT report for SteerCo meetings, and yearly reports for donor reporting);
  • Deploy and ensure the functioning of the governance structure of the Project (holding regular technical comities, steering comities, participate in donors technical meetings, etc).
  • Ensure the secretariat of the Steering comity (organization, set agenda, produce and circulate the minutes)
  • Ensure the quality of deliverables and respect for timelines;

This job description is not exhaustive. Generally, the Project Manager will be responsible for achieving the project's strategic, operational, and contractual objectives and may undertake or oversee any activity required for the program's successful implementation.

Project or context description


Zimbabwe faces a difficult macro-economic situation which is reflected in several factors: a chronic hyperinflation, leading to increased poverty and significant food insecurity (affecting 20% of the population). The honey sector represents a high-potential avenue for sustainable and inclusive economic development: productive and marketing capacities exist, and intermediary organizations have been established. However, the sector’s limited structuring, along with current production and processing practices, prevent it from realizing its full potential. The potential includes preserving and enhancing natural resources and biodiversity, generating decent income for producers (the majority of whom are women), creating jobs through the growth of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises in the sector, and capturing lucrative markets regionally and internationally. The national export promotion agency, ZimTrade, supports programs aimed at productive clusters to improve both the quantity and quality of export-ready production, creating economic opportunities for rural populations.


The project aims to contribute to the sustainable structuring of the honey value chain to unlock its potential for a) reducing vulnerabilities among rural populations, and b) generating exports of higher value-added products.

The project is implemented with ZimTrade across 3 apicultural clusters comprising 455 producers and is structured around 3 components:

1) Strengthening the capacities of ZimTrade,

2) Establishing a "Center of Excellence" for honey research, studies, and analysis, and

3) Supporting the structuring of the apiculture sector, with a strong focus on women, under the supervision of ZimTrade, in order to imprive the sector's overall functionality.


1) Improvement in living conditions for populations in the 3 beneficiary clusters: 455 honey producers adopt sustainable and environmentally friendly beekeeping practices through training and the provision of equipment, leading to improved living conditions through increased incomes. Besides, honey production in the 3 clusters grows in quantity and quality, with new markets and derivative products developed, fostering diversification of local production. This diversification enables the creating of decent jobs within the 3 beneficiary clusters.

2) Enhanced market access at regional and European/international levels: public and private intermediary actors in the honey value chain establish sustainable collaboration models; a national analysis center gains the capability to test and certify the quality of Zimbabwean honey; Zimbabwe progresses toward being included in the list of countries authorized to export to the EU market.

Required profile


  • At least 5 years of professional experience in project management, supervision, or coordination, preferably in agro-food value chains;
  • Experience with donor-funded projects is required, with a strong understanding of reporting mechanisms;
  • Demonstrated experience in similar export promotion projects and a sound knowledge of EU market regulations applicable to honey sector;
  • Experience in gender-sensitive approaches (reduction of gender inequalities and GBV) in similar projects; (agribusiness, value chains and private sector development) is required
  • Experience in private sector development projects;
  • Significant experience in transversal management;
  • Familiarity with key actors and issues in international cooperation and development assistance;
  • Professional experience in Zimbabwe and/or Southern Africa is desirable;
  • Experience in apiculture / honey value chain is an asset.


  • Master’s degree in economics, finance, international relations, rural development, agribusiness, or a related field;
  • Strong abilities in:
    • Communication;
    • Team work and interpersonal relations;
    • Synthesis and writing
  • Excellent proficiency in English (written and spoken);
  • Expertise in budget management and financial monitoring tools;
  • Excellent planning, organizational and reporting skills;
  • Organization, autonomy, and adaptability ;
  • Resilience and the ability to handle unexpected circumstances;
  • Cultural sensitivity and the ability to work in diverse environments.

Additional information

Required documents are the following:

  • CV with renferences;
  • Cover letter

Interested candidates are encouraged to submit their applications promptly, as Expertise France reserves the right to conduct pre-selection interviews ahead of the deadline.

Selection process:

  • Shortlisted candidates will be established by Expertise France.
  • Selected candidates may be invited for an interview.

Deadline for application : 2025/01/15 23:55

Expertise France is the public agency for designing and implementing international technical cooperation projects. The agency operates around four key priorities :

  • democratic, economic, and financial governance ;
  • peace, stability, and security ;
  • climate, agriculture, and sustainable development ;
  • health and human development ;

In these areas, Expertise France conducts capacity-building initiatives and manages project implementation, leveraging technical expertise and acting as a project coordinator. This involves combining public sector expertise with private sector skills to drive impactful results. 

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