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Job offer type

Type of contract
Service contract

Estimated budget
The Facility applies its own daily rate

Activity sectors
Education, Higher Education and Research

Deadline date
2025/01/19 23:55

Duration of the assignment
Short term


30 jours

Mission description



The consultancy mission concerns the pre-school and primary levels. At pre-school level, it should help to achieve the long-term objective of ‘100% of children benefiting from one year of pre-school education’, in particular by setting up a system of initial pre-school training and strengthening in-service teacher training, including in inclusive education. For primary education, the aim of the strategy is to develop quality primary education to provide initial knowledge and skills for all. With this in mind, the SSEF provides for: (i) improving the practice of bilingualism by creating and implementing specific school programmes from pre-school onwards, (ii) strengthening the teaching of national languages, (iii) strengthening the pedagogical framework, as well as initial and in-service teacher training, (iv) strengthening the use of ICT in the training of trainers, (IV) promoting scientific and digital culture.

Programme 14 of the strategy (steering and sectoral governance) includes in one of its cross-cutting strategies the coordination of teacher training, that of primary school teachers by MINESEC and that of secondary school teachers by MINESUP, in order to align training content with the needs of the employing ministries and to plan the numbers to be trained.

One of the most important ways of equipping teachers with the didactics of bi-plurilingualism is the initial training of student teachers in the Ecoles Normales des instituteurs de l'enseignement général (ENIEG). The main objective of this mission is therefore to support the Cameroon Ministry of Education in reforming the initial training of pre-school and primary school teachers. This will involve supporting the integration of inclusive approaches to pedagogy and the didactics of bi-plurilingualism in the two education sub-systems (English-speaking and French-speaking). More specifically, the mission aims to develop a framework document for the introduction of bi-plurilingualism into the initial training programme for student teachers, taking into account the needs and aspirations of students for multilingual and inclusive teaching.


The consultancy will be carried out by a team of consultants consisting of an international expert and a national expert. The international expert will be the mission leader and will be supported by the national consultant for each activity. The methodology adopted for this mission will include the key stages, the division of responsibilities envisaged between the national consultant and the international consultant and the modality of working remotely versus on site depending on the activities. The experts will work closely with national stakeholders to ensure a thorough understanding of national needs and the achievement of the study objectives.

General approach:

- Remote work: Literature review, preparation of data collection tools, preliminary analysis.

- On-site work: Data collection, stakeholder interviews, validation workshops, classroom observations (schools and ENIEG) to analyse current pedagogical practices and gather qualitative data on multilingual education.

Work breakdown :

- International expert, mission leader: 30 working days, including 15 days on site in Cameroon.

- National expert: 30 working days, in Cameroon with regular meetings.

Number of on-site missions :

- The international expert will be in the field for 15 consecutive days.

- The national expert will work on site throughout the mission.

The indicative methodology could be as follows, but the experts are free to propose a more in-depth and relevant methodology.

1. Document review and preliminary interviews :


Review of existing documents and analysis of the educational context in Cameroon to identify specific needs and good practices in the field of bi-plurilingualism.

This stage will lead to the drafting of the framework note.

2. Consultations and interviews :              


Meetings with key stakeholders, including the various departments of Minedub and Minesec.

3. Field observation :


Field observations Classroom observation (school, ENIEG)

4. Drawing up the framework guidance document :

On the basis of the information gathered, the experts will draw up a framework guidance document for the inclusive introduction of bi-plurilingualism in initial teacher training.

5. Validation and finalisation :

A validation workshop will be organised to present and discuss the results of the study with stakeholders and to finalise the policy framework document.

Preparation of the final report.


Stakeholders to be involved at least in gathering information and producing deliverables:

  • The Ministry of Basic Education, the General Inspectorate of Education, the Directorate of Planning, Projects and Cooperation (DPPC), the Directorate of Human Resources (DRH), the Directorate of Nursery and Primary Education (DEMP), the Directorate of Financial and Material Resources (DRFM), the Directorate of Literacy;
  • The Ministry of Secondary Education (MINESEC), the General Inspectorate of Education, the Department of Teacher Training,
  • The teacher training colleges for general education (ENIEG).
  • The National Schools and Languages in Africa (ELAN) project team.


The specific deliverables of this consultancy are as follows:

1.            Deliverable #1: scoping note

2.            Deliverable #2: framework document

3.            Deliverable #3: slides developed to facilitate the validation workshops.

4.            Deliverable #4: final report.

Deliverables must be submitted in electronic format (Word and PowerPoint) and validated by the Minedub focal point and the Facility. The consultants must ensure that the documents are clear, concise and meet the defined requirements.



Methodology stage


Number of days remote (International expert)

Number of days on site (International expert)

Month of intervention

Document review and preliminary interviews

Scoping note



Month 1

Analysis of current curricula




Month 1

Field observations




Month 1

Development of the guidance framework document

Guidance framework document



Month 1

Validation workshop




Month 2

Finalization of deliverable

Final report, PowerPoint presentations



Month 2








The Ministry of Basic Education (MINEDUB)

  • The Ministry, via its focal point, will be responsible for :
  • Providing documentation
  • Facilitating meetings with relevant stakeholders
  • Organising the workshop and providing workspace
  • Commenting on and approving the deliverables

The RTIA Facility

The Facility will be responsible for :

  • Contracting and facilitating the integration of the consultant by providing all available documents and resources
  • Briefing the consultant in advance of the assignment
  • Monitoring the consultant's work from the start of the assignment to its conclusion
  • Act as the main contact for the consultant
  • Ensure quality control of deliverables in collaboration with the Ministry's focal point for this consultancy
  • Share deliverables with key stakeholders and contribute to internal and external knowledge management
  • Collect feedback and comments from stakeholders and validate deliverables by all parties
  • Evaluate the overall performance of the consultant for this assignment

The Consultants

The consultants will be responsible for :

  • Reviewing and commenting on these Terms of Reference (ToR)
  • Ensuring that all deliverables comply with the guidelines formulated at the scoping meeting, in accordance with the agreed timetable
  • Immediately inform the Regional Teachers' Facility of any difficulties in implementing the assignment
  • Implement all stages of the validated methodology
  • Lead the inception phase, including the document review and scoping meeting
  • Compile and submit the final report
  • Ensure that stakeholders are consulted throughout the assignment
  • Conduct themselves with the highest level of personal integrity and commitment to the required standards of conduct

The division of roles between the international and national consultant could be as follows.

International expert :

  • Conduct the document review and preliminary interviews.
  • Analyse current curricula and identify opportunities for integrating bi-plurilingualism.
  • Carry out field observations and interviews to gather qualitative data.
  • Develop the policy framework document.
  • Participate in the validation workshop and incorporate feedback from stakeholders.
  • Finalise the deliverables in collaboration with the national expert.
  • Co-write the scoping note and final report.

National expert :

  • Participate in the document review and preliminary interviews.
  • Facilitate interactions with local stakeholders.
  • Contribute to the analysis of curricula and the development of the guideline framework document.
  • Coordinate the organisation of the validation workshop.
  • Ensure continuity of work on site and support the international expert.
  • Co-write the scoping note and final report.

Project or context description


The Regional Teachers Initiative for Africa (RTIA), a programme funded by the EU/EC via the Education section (G3) of DG INTPA aims to improve learning outcomes and the socio-emotional development of children in Africa, by having a more competent, motivated and inclusive teacher workforce in basic education.

The RTIA will especially seek to achieve the following outcomes over the next 6 years:

1. Improve the governance, management, attractiveness, and gender balance of the teaching profession, with a strong focus on increased digitalisation and innovation.

2. Enhance the quality, relevance, and effectiveness of initial and continuous teacher professional development, notably through digital education, peer-to-peer learning approaches and regional collaboration.

Within RTIA, the Facility will support teacher policy and improve teacher education and professional development systems by i) providing capacity building at country level through technical assistance, ii) promoting innovation and scaling of effective teaching solutions; iii) increasing the production and use of data and evidence, and iv) promoting the use of regional frameworks, evidence-based practices, and joint learning at regional level.

The Facility will reach the above-mentioned objectives through 3 types of instruments or “windows”: i) a first window to deliver technical assistance on teacher governance and teacher education and professional development based on the demand from eligible partner countries, ii) a second window on testing and scaling effective programs for teacher education and professional development in the thematic areas of digital skills, gender, green skills, and pedagogical skills, including in the context of refugees and displaced population, iii) a research window (third) to create new evidence and support the integration of evidence in the policy making process and in the design of teacher education and professional development programs.

In addition to these windows the Facility’s knowledge management and communication activities will further contribute to the sharing of knowledge, evidence, and best practices related to the overall Initiative outcomes.

The Facility is funded by the European Union and co-implemented by the Partnership formed by three-member state agencies: Expertise France for France, Enabel, VVOB and APEFE for Belgium, EDUFI for Finland. Expertise France has been designated the Coordinating Agency for this Partnership. With the Facility governance scheme serving as the Initiative's governance scheme, it is expected that the Partnership will work closely with UNESCO and AUC, in charge of the other 2 components of the EU Initiative.

The first phase of the Facility (as well as the Initiative) is scheduled from February 2024 to January 2027 (36 months) with a total budget of 46.000.000 EUR.

Call for expert falls within the scope of window 1 on delivering Technical Assistance (TA) to support countries on specific thematic areas related to teacher policy and governance, as well as teacher education and professional development.



Upon request of the Ugandan Ministry of Education (MoES), the Facility of the RTIA is looking for a team of expert (international and national) to support the professionalization of teacher.

Received in May 2024, the country request was the starting point of technical discussions that resulted in the definition of an agreed programme of technical assistance called Country Action Plan (CAP) to be delivered to Uganda by the Facility.

The CAP was co-developed by the Facility International Team and the national partner (MoES), in consultation with other national and international partners on the foundations of the national education sector plan (ESP) and teacher policy. The CAP covers 3 technical areas of expertise, including pre-service training, digital skills and policy framework. The related work package aims to support the implementation and monitoring of the 2019 National Teacher policy.

Required profile


Academic qualifications

  • Master's degree in education or equivalent experience within the Cameroonian education system.

General professional experience

  • Minimum 10 years' experience in the field of education, with expertise in bi-plurilingual issues.

Specific professional experience

  • Experience of implementing educational activities integrating bi-plurilingualism
  • Proven experience in similar consultancies, particularly in multilingual and multicultural contexts.
  • Experience in sub-Saharan Africa (Central and/or West Africa)
  • In-depth knowledge of teacher training methodologies and educational reforms. Knowledge of inclusive teaching practices, including gender sensitivity.

Language skills

  • Fluency in French and English

Interpersonal and general skills

  • Ability to work in a team and to communicate effectively with various stakeholders.
  • Capacity building and workshop facilitation skills.
  • Experience in technical and policy dialogue, with an ability to navigate complex institutional contexts.


  • Experience of working in Cameroon
  • Experience of working with the ELAN and/or IFADEM project
  • Knowledge of gender equality and relevant policy frameworks, including legislation on equal opportunities between men and women.

Additional information


Please enclose the following with your application:

  • your CV (using the Europass format),
  • a technical proposal and a one-page covering letter.
  • a sample of previous work similar to the above assignment (1 to 3 samples of work; extracts of complete deliverables are accepted). In each case, you must specify your role (principal author, major contributions, minor contributions, etc.).
  • Please clearly mention in the title of your letter and offer our publication reference 2024/RCIDBDLFDE/12339, as well as [COUNTRY] and [MISSION].

The applicable daily rate will be in accordance with the Facility's current fee schedule. It will depend on the expert's status and experience.

Application deadline: Sunday 19 January, 11:59 pm Paris Time (UTC+1)

The evaluation of offers received will be based in particular on the following criteria: (i) the candidate's degree, (ii) the candidate's experience in carrying out assignments relevant or similar to those specified in this call for applications, (iii) the candidate's understanding of the assignment's expectations and the proposed intervention methodology.

« At the RTIA Facility, we regard all experts as unique individuals and welcome the diversity of experience they bring to our programme. That's why we apply a strict policy of non-discrimination. We believe that everyone should be treated equally, regardless of race, gender, gender identification, sexual orientation, national origin, mother tongue, religion, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, genetic information, pregnancy or any other characteristic protected by law. If you feel that you have been discriminated against, please inform the school team as soon as possible. Any complaint will be properly investigated. »

Selection criteria for applications

The selection process for candidates will be based on the following criteria :

  • Candidate’s training/skills/experience
  • Candidate’s understanding of the mission’s role in the cooperation project

Deadline for application : 2025/01/19 23:55

File(s) attached : Activity 111 Experts Tor - Cameroon_International_ENG.pdf - Activité 111 Experts Tor - Cameroon_International_FR.pdf

Expertise France is the public agency for designing and implementing international technical cooperation projects. The agency operates around four key priorities :

  • democratic, economic, and financial governance ;
  • peace, stability, and security ;
  • climate, agriculture, and sustainable development ;
  • health and human development ;

In these areas, Expertise France conducts capacity-building initiatives and manages project implementation, leveraging technical expertise and acting as a project coordinator. This involves combining public sector expertise with private sector skills to drive impactful results. 

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