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Job offer type

Type of contract
Service contract

Activity sectors
Climate and Energy

Deadline date
2024/08/23 16:25

Duration of the assignment
Short term


3 mois

Mission description

1. General objective of the TA 

 The energy expert will support and advise EF on the content and objectives of the actions to be developed and on the preparation of the project description.


2. Specific objectives of the TA

  • Provide context analysis
  • Analyse risks and political issues for project implementation
  • Prepare the agenda for the instruction mission in Indonesia with EF HQ representatives
  • Align with stakeholders on the major elements of the project's theory of change (impact, effects, products, activities, inclusion of gender) and logical framework
  • Identify the focal points for the instruction phase and for the next steps of the project (study tours, studies, capacity buildings)
  • Make a gap analysis: map of actors and potential partners, strength and weaknesses of projects and initiatives already implemented in the area and on the subject
  • Analyse the interest and involvement of beneficiaries in the pre-identified subjects of the studies and capacity buildings 
  • Identify potential participants for each study tour and gather their needs for this activity
  • Support the design and drafting of project proposal, adding technical inputs


3. Activities 

The consultant will have to accompany Expertise France in conducting the following activities:


Project overview, initial meetings with stakeholders and definition of the instruction mission:

  • Read the documents provided by EF
  • Identify key documents, project ‘baseline’ state and key issues to be discussed and with whom during the mission
  • Identify in collaboration with EF and AFD the stakeholders with whom to enter into discussions for different activities included in the project 
  • Start discussing with the entities identified to collect their needs related to the mission / project 
  • Identify entities to meet during the 5 days’ mission in Jakarta
  • Propose key questions and methodology (institutional presentation of project by EF and technical pitch by consultant) for meetings 
  • Prepare the agenda of the mission in collaboration with EF, taking into account the results of the first discussions with the stakeholders
  • Identify who may be in the lead on gender issues within beneficiaries


Conduct a 5 days’ mission in Jakarta with Expertise France in October (specific logistical details and date tbc) 

  • Accompany EF during all meetings
  • Collect data and information
  • Collect the needs of stakeholders for each activity included in the project 
  • Discuss the profile of the Team Leader, Donor Coordinator with the stakeholders
  • Discuss about the project governance (if not done during the 1st phase)
  • Specify the operational issues and identify operational risks and issues related to the project and the intervention context 


Support Expertise France in writing a project description in partnership with the EF Project Manager: 

  • Continue the discussion with stakeholders if needed to finalize the definition of the project scope 
  • Context and sector analysis: description of the framework at the national level, organisation of the sector and institutional analysis of stakeholders, actions of donors and main actors
  • Identification and analyse of past, ongoing and planned initiatives in the area on the thematic
  • Identification of the main issues and development levers of the project and intervention methodology for each activity 
  • Identification French/European public-sector companies that could be interesting project partners for each thematic area
  • Propose a draft training programme and study trip based on the needs identified during discussions with beneficiaries
  • Support to the drafting of project description: Context and justification of the action, description of operational risks and possible solutions to solve them, technical and logistical resources to be mobilised, a theory of change and comments/proposed adjustments logical framework, gender issues will be integrated, overall planning, advice on budget, sizing of the teams (dimension the human resources needs, long term and short term expertise) and project governance.


The expert will ensure cross-cutting attention to: 

  • The integration of the risks related to the institutional context (current political, economic and social situation) in the development of the technical proposal
  • The promotion synergies between other interventions

 All the documents must take into account the possible revisions of the stakeholders and donors and are an integral part of the expert's mission. 


4. Expected deliverables and planning 

The expected timeline of the expert’s activities is as follows:



Number of days



Activity 1 – Discussion with the project’s beneficiaries and preparation of the field mission (methodology, interview preparation) with Expertise France



September to November

Activity 2 - Mission 




Activity 3 -  Mission report with a mapping of other interventions and stakeholders, key challenges, opportunities, beneficiaries’ needs identified to be discussed with EF




Activity 4 - Support drafting EF proposal for AFD with:

-          Context and sector analysis

-          Description of operational risks and possible solutions to solve them

-          Technical and logistical resources to be mobilized

-          Theory of change

-          Logical framework matrix

-          Overall planning

-          Detailed budget of activities

-          Institutional and contractual set-up

-          Team composition and organisation 





30 Expert/days




Timing (indicative)

1.     Mission report

10 days after the mission

2.     Contributions to EF proposal for AFD

30 days after the mission


The templates provided by Expertise France can be used to develop all these documents. 

Project or context description

1. Presentation of Expertise France 

 Expertise France is the French agency for international technical cooperation and part of the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) Group. Expertise France designs and implements projects that sustainably strengthen public policies in developing and emerging countries. It operates in key development areas such as governance, health, education and environment and works alongside its partners to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

 Expertise France's job is to support, advise and train national and local authorities in the definition and implementation of quality public policies adapted to the needs of the population. Focusing on the transfer of dialogue between peers, our interventions aim to strengthen the capacities of partner countries. We contribute to the emergence of innovative solutions adapted to the local context by bringing together the best know-how.

Expertise France advises and supports partner institutions - central administrations, regional organisations, local authorities, civil society organisations, etc. - from the definition of their needs to the final evaluation of activities carried out.


2. Context and background of the project (based on AFD Action Document)

Indonesia has a vast renewable energy (RE) potential but is still heavily reliant on fossil fuels for its energy and power supply (more than 80% of energy and electricity mix). Renewable energy sources only account for 13% of the electricity mix, mainly through hydroelectricity and geothermal energy.

Nonetheless, Indonesia has strong climate ambitions in terms of reducing GHG emissions and developing RE (target of 23% RE in the energy and electricity mix by 2025 according to the 2014 National Energy Plan). During its presidency of the 2022 G20 summit, Indonesia has made energy transition one of its top priorities, and has committed to it by signing a Joint Statement of Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) with several countries, including France. The objectives of this partnership have recently been updated in the CIPP (Comprehensive Investment Policy Plan) issued in November 2023, and consist in: (i) peaking of on-grid emission below 250MtCO2 by 2030; (ii) RE share of on-grid electricity mix of 44% in 2030; and (iii) power sector reaches net zero emissions by 2050.

 The CIPP identified only 30% of the 62GW expected new builds to reach the 44% renewable energy objective of the JETP. In order to meet these crucial challenges, AFD - implementing the French commitment in the JETP - aims to mobilize 500 MEUR in the next 3-5 years under the framework of JETP. To accompany AFD’s operations in accelerating Indonesia’s just energy transition, AFD submitted an application titled “Indonesia Energy Transition Facility” (IETF) for EU Delegation Fund.

 IETF aims at accelerating Indonesia’s just energy transition by contributing to the JETP policy dialogue, supporting the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) public policies for the decarbonization of energy, building Energy State Owned Enterprises (SOE)’s capacities as well as preparing and implementing new renewable energy (RE) projects.

 Expertise France (EF), is considering the implementation of the project and wants to assess beneficiaries and potential partners’ needs and capacities, in order to prepare adequate design options with the project. This mission is crucial to analyse gaps and design the project.

Required profile

The Energy Expert will have a large experience and proven track record in just energy transition sector in transition countries (previous experience in countries of the project is preferable). She/he will also need to evidence an in-depth experience in renewable energy, energy efficiency, consumer protection, climate change and electricity market.

Expertise France will evaluate candidates according to the following criteria:

A.    Education / qualification :

  • University degree (BA or MA or equivalent) in energy/electricity or related fields 
  • Good communication and reporting skills
  • Teamwork and interpersonal skills
  • Synthesis and writing skills
  • Fluent in spoken and written English, knowledge of Bahasa would be an asset


B.    Professional experience :

  • A minimum of 10 years of working experience in the energy field, on just energy transition preferably
  • Experience working on inter-agency/administration cooperation will be a strong asset
  • Experience of international cooperation and international Technical Assistance projects
  • Experience working in the ASEAN region


C.    Additional specific requirements:

  • Excellent understanding of just energy transition
  • Strong ability to design effective implementation procedures and impactful activities
  • Strong ability to understand energy related policies 
  • Ability to adjust attention and level of technicality to different types of audience

Additional information

Conditions of the mission 

  • A kick-off meeting will be held after the notification of the contract.
  • Beginning of the contract: September 2024 
  • Expected Implementation period: until end November 2024
  • Budget: based on the candidate profile
  • Working conditions: The expert will be home based with there will be a mission of 5 days in Jakarta, Indonesia with EF 


Applications (technical and financial offers) should include the following documents and information:

  • CV with references;
  • Cover letter;
  • Examples of deliverables and achievements produced on the same area of intervention;
  • Daily rate.

Selection criteria for applications

The selection process for candidates will be based on the following criteria :

  • Candidate’s skills linked with the expert mission
  • Candidate’s experiences linked with the expert mission

Deadline for application : 2024/08/23 16:25

Expertise France is the public agency of French international technical cooperation. The agency operates around four priorities:

  • democratic, economic and financial governance;
  • security and stability of countries in crisis/post-crisis situations;
  • sustainable development;
  • strengthening health systems, social protection and employment.

In these areas, Expertise France carries out engineering and implementation missions for capacity building projects, mobilizes technical expertise and acts as an aggregator of projects involving public expertise and private know-how.

With an activity volume of 233 million euros, more than 400 projects in portfolio in 80 countries, and 63,000 days of expertise, Expertise France focuses its action towards France’s solidarity policy, influence and economic diplomacy.

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