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Job offer type

Type of contract
Service contract

Deadline date
2024/07/28 23:59

Duration of the assignment
Beaded expertise

12 months

Mission description

The 2024 Philippines PEFA assessment and three supplementary assessments for climate (+CRPFM), gender (+GRPFM) and disaster risk management (+DRRPFM) responsive PFM, or the 2024 PEFA+++ Assessment, will be a multiframework and multi-stakeholder assessment aimed to provide the Philippines Government with a comprehensive up-to-date diagnostic of the performance of the PFM institutions, systems, and processes and inform the existence of any gaps against international practices. The assessment has three main objectives: (i) measuring PFM progress since the last PEFA assessment conducted in 2016; (ii) informing the midterm review of the PFM Reform Roadmap 2024-2028 and preparation of a detailed action plan; and (iii) using the report findings support identify initiatives for harmonizing financial management arrangements and strengthen country systems for use in donor-funded projects. The Philippines Public Financial Management (PFM) Committee through its Resolution No. 5-2023 dated January 26, 2024, requested the support of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) as the lead development partner (DP) in the assessment. A DPs’ working group, organized, and led by ADB and the PFM committee to ensure effective overall DP consultations for the PEFA+++ Assessment (the “PEFA+++ development partner working group”), will oversee and manage the activities, progress, and outputs of the consultant.

Project or context description

The purpose of this consultancy is to apply the Disaster Resilient and Responsive Public Financial Management Assessment Tool (DRRPFM), developed by the World Bank, to assess PFM readiness in Philippines, given the country’ high vulnerability to disasters triggered by natural hazards. The assessment will support the government to build a disaster resilient and responsive PFM system by identifying critical PFM policies, practices, and procedures that can be strengthened to improve the country’s capacity to respond more efficiently and effectively to disasters and other catastrophic events. The DRRPFM Assessment will focus on 8 key pillars of the PFM system. Findings of the assessment will be used to design, implement, and evaluate reforms to strengthen PFM capacity of the government of Philippines to manage public funds more efficiently and effectively in post-disaster situation. This consultancy will be financed by AFD and implemented by Expertise France. The focus of the assessment will be on the operations of the central government, including transfers to local government units (LGUs), and transparency of inter-governmental relations. Any dialogue and communication between the consultant and the government officials will be guided by the team leader for Overall PEFA+++ Assessment and ADB.

The expert will have to :

(i) Overall responsible for the final report on the DRRPFM assessment and collaborate with the PEFA+++ Assessment Lead Consultant for the PEFA+++ Assessment Report ;

(ii) Provide inputs to the PEFA+++ Lead Consultant for the Assessment Report (initial and final draft) ;

(iii) Conduct desk reviews of legislative, policy and operational documents, assessments and reports (such as the constitution, budget laws, financial regulations, parliamentary rules of procedures/conventions and various PFM or disaster risk assessments) to ascertain the enabling environment provided to manage disaster risk from a PFM perspective ;

(iv) Conduct meetings and discussions with government authorities using Annex 1 of the Disaster Resilient and Responsive Public Financial Management Assessment Tool as a guide, to assess areas of strength and vulnerability of the PFM system from a disaster risk management perspective ; 

(v) Collect and analyze data for the following pillars as described in the DRRPFM Framework:

1. Pillar 1: DRRPFM Institutional Arrangements

2. Pillar 2: Resilient Information Systems and Records

3. Pillar 3: Planning and Budgeting for Disaster Risk Management

4. Pillar 4: Disaster Risk-Informed Public Investment and Asset Management

5. Pillar 5: Budget Management, Control, and Reporting during Disasters

6. Pillar 6: Disaster-Responsive Public Procurement

7. Pillar 7: Disaster-Responsive Audit and Oversight

8. Pillar 8: Social Inclusion


(vi) Conduct meetings with relevant counterparts and wider stakeholders to validate the findings of the DRRPFM Assessment ;

(vii) Prepare a draft DRRPFM Assessment Report, including a prioritized reform strategy to address key challenges identified for disaster risk management from a PFM perspective (draft) ;

(viii) Otain comments from the stakeholders on the assessment report (draft) ;

(ix) Prepare a final DRRPFM Assessment Report, including a prioritized reform strategy (final draft) based on the feedback received from the stakeholders. Incorporate suggestions/recommendations from the stakeholders and submit the Final Report ;

(x) Prepare presentations and participate in required dissemination workshops ;

(xi) Prepare outputs summarizing agreements and future actions from the dissemination workshops.


Relevant guidance is : Disaster Resilient and Responsive PFM Assessment Tool

Required profile

The consultant is expected to have the following qualifications:

Ø  Master’s degree or equivalent in Economics, Business, Public Administration, Public Finance, Disaster Risk Management, the Environmental Sciences or a related field

Ø  At least 10 years of experience in providing consultancy/training/advice to public institutions, decision-makers, experts and/or other relevant parties in financial management. Experience in and/or knowledge of disaster risk management from a PFM perspective.

Ø  Demonstrated experience in drafting reports and follow-up recommendations.

Ø  Prior knowledge and experience of PEFA assessments, in particular of DRRPFM Assessment

Ø  Excellent verbal and written communication in English.

These technical criteria represent 80% of the selection process. The 20% outstanding will refer to the price/day fee you will have to communicate in a cover letter (all direct costs such as accomodation and flight are directly paid by Expertise France). You are also required to send us your resume. 

Additional information

The consultant is expected to provide 44 intermittent working days input.

He/she will have to be available from August to March to fulfill this assignment. Below is an estimated deliverables and timelines summary : 


Overall PEFA+++ Deliverables


Indicative Timeline

Consultant Deliverables

Target Date


Preliminary work


Ø Preparation of approach and initial data requests / surveys

Inception reports + data requests/surveys issued to responsible units

Consultants + Team

31 August 2024

Ø Inception Report:

o  Workplan on DRRPFM covering the preliminary work, field work, and post-field work tasks.

o  Providing detailed and harmonized/consolidated activities, timeline, data needed, and interviews.

o  Survey questions (to be uploaded under a digital format – e.g. survey monkey, MS Forms to virtually request information and documentation to government agencies) based on stocktaking of PFM-, PEFA-, and reforms-related information, including identification of data requirements and sources/agencies to be surveyed.

o  Timeline of individual report.

31 August 2024

Ø Collection of data surveys and draft report preliminary findings

Report with data analysis


By 20 September 2024

Ø Preliminary (minus one) Draft Report on DRRPFM with data analysis:

o  Based on review of collected data and documentation and interview requirements

By 20 September 2024

Field Work


PEFA+++ launch/ workshop consultations + Interviews

Workshop delivery + all necessary data obtained

Consultants + Team

01-11 October 2024

Ø Zero Draft of the Assessment Report for the DRRPFM:

o  With preliminary identification of the gaps and recommendations for strengthening of PFM systems to address the gaps

o  Materials/Presentation and Discussion with the Heads of Departments on Zero Draft Report.

15 November 2024

Ø Follow up interviews and preparation of draft report

Zero draft report

Consultants + Team

31 October 2024

Ø Presentations/ workshops discussion of draft report and preparation of key interventions/initiatives/action plan/roadmap to address findings

Presentation and discussion of zero draft report

Consultants and Assessment Teams

15 November 2024

Post-field Work


1.       Review of comments and further drafting of report

Comments recorded and considered, revised draft

Consultants and Assessment Teams

30 November 2024

Ø Draft [Version 1] of the Assessment Report for the DRRPFM

o  With Final Report on the gaps and recommendations on interventions/initiatives/action plan/roadmap for strengthening of PFM systems to address gaps

30 November 2024

Ø Submission to PEFA Secretariat

Final report for comments

Assessment Managers

December 2024

Ø Final Assessment Report for the DRPFM

15 December 2024

Ø Presentation of final report to authorities

Final report submitted / presented to the PFM Committee

Assessment Teams

30 January 2025

Ø Final report incorporating PEFA secretariat comments.

Ø Materials/Presentation for the PFM Committee


15 January 2025

Ø Final report for publication

Final report edited

Assessment Teams

30 January 2025

Ø Final report incorporating PFM Committee comments.


20 February 2025

Ø Publication of final report



March 2025



Selection criteria for applications

The selection process for candidates will be based on the following criteria :

  • Candidate’s training/skills/experience

Deadline for application : 2024/07/28 23:59

Expertise France is the public agency of French international technical cooperation. The agency operates around four priorities:

  • democratic, economic and financial governance;
  • security and stability of countries in crisis/post-crisis situations;
  • sustainable development;
  • strengthening health systems, social protection and employment.

In these areas, Expertise France carries out engineering and implementation missions for capacity building projects, mobilizes technical expertise and acts as an aggregator of projects involving public expertise and private know-how.

With an activity volume of 233 million euros, more than 400 projects in portfolio in 80 countries, and 63,000 days of expertise, Expertise France focuses its action towards France’s solidarity policy, influence and economic diplomacy.

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