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Job offer type

Type of contract
Fixed-term contract (CDD)

Deadline date
2024/08/27 23:59

18 months (renewable)

Mission description

Under the supervision of the Team Leader, you will be responsible for coordinating the third component - Specific Objective 4 (SO4) – Cybersecurity. As SO4 Coordinator, you will oversee implementation of the Specific Objective 4 activities and ensure systematic coordination among implementing partners, in liaison with operational teams, HQ staff and with the other SO coordinators. The position implies a high degree of autonomy and interpersonal skills appropriate to working in an international and multicultural environment, as well as strong project management skills.

Responsibilities Key (non-exhaustive list, subject to changes):
•    Lead the overall planning, implementation, and monitoring of Specific Objective 4 across the Central Asia region;
•    Coordinate and monitor the execution of SO4 annual work-plan, budgets, timelines, and human resources, to ensure efficient and effective project implementation;
•    Consolidate and coordinate the work of staff and experts, both hired by Expertise France and the other consortium agencies;
•    Coordinate with Expertise France headquarters and other EU Member State implementing agencies, and other relevant stakeholders to ensure alignment with organizational strategies and policies;
•    Coordinate SO4 evaluation and closure activities after the end of the implementation period;
•    Represent SO4 vis-à-vis the EU Delegation, the project beneficiaries, and the partners;
•    Represent the project in steering committees and events, workshops and conferences;
•    Represent Expertise France and the SO4 partners in meetings, conferences, and other events, showcasing project achievements and fostering collaboration with external partners.


Technical assistance and SO4 implementation:

  • Contributes to the development of context analyses and studies, steers their implementation and publication;
  • Implements technical assistance missions in the following fields:
    o    Digital and Cybersecurity governance
    o    National, Regional and Sectoral Cybersecurity and critical infrastructures strategies 
    o    National Legal and regulatory frameworks related to cybersecurity
    o    EU cybersecurity frameworks, tools and governance mechanisms
    o    Technical trainings (Incident handling, Combating hate speech and fake-news on the Internet, etc.)
    o    Awareness and sensitization campaign on digital hygiene and cybersecurity
    o    CSIRT and SOC: Design, implementation, Management, Maturity assessment
    o    Cyberdiplomacy facilitation
  • Drafts terms of reference, concept notes and technical reports;
  • Participates in consultations and working groups with beneficiary and partner organisations;
  • Coordinate with the SO4 implementing partner – Estonia Egovernance Academy (EGA);
  • Supports SO4 experts and provides quality-checks of deliverables;
  • Participates in drafting project narrative and financial reports.


Internal and external coordination: 

  • Ensure information flows between the SO4 team (staff and technical experts from Expertise France and other implementing agencies) and the Project Management Unit;
  • Liaise and coordinate regularly with the country advisors (based in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan) to ensure relevance of national activities and cross-SO coherency;
  • Liaise and coordinate with Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan on the actions delivered by EF under the scope of SO4; 
  • Liaise and coordinate with EGA on the actions delivered by EGA in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan under the scope of SO4; 
  • Liaise and coordinate with Turkmenistan on the potential actions delivered by EF under the scope of SO4; 
  • Ensure regular alignment and information sharing with the other SO Coordinators, to identify synergies and avoid overlaps.

Cross-cutting missions:
•    Supports the MEAL coordinator in pursuing monitoring and evaluation efforts related to SO4;
•    Supports visibility of Expertise France and Team Europe activities in the region;
•    Contributes to contractual, administrative and financial management of SO4.



Project or context description

Expertise France is the French public international cooperation agency. It designs and implements projects which aim to contribute to the balanced development of partner countries, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda and the priorities of France’s external action.
The Team Europe Initiative (TEI) on Digital Connectivity – Soft Pillar is part of the wider TEI on Digital Connectivity in Central Asia programme, funded by the European Union (DG INTPA) for a period of 4 years. The TEI additionally includes 1) a hard connectivity infrastructure pillar and 2) a Twinning instrument, which shall all together provide the conditions for safe and inclusive deployment of satellite connectivity across the region. 
The TEI Digital Connectivity Soft Pillar is implemented by a consortium of leading European development agencies, including CFLA (Latvia), CPVA (Lithuania), e-Governance Academy (Estonia), Expertise France, and HAUS Institute (Finland). Expertise France is leading the consortium.
This action is implemented under the Digital for Development (D4D) Hub umbrella, a European platform aimed at strengthening efforts toward an inclusive, safe and sustainable digital world in partner countries.
The project aims to bridge the digital connectivity divide in Central Asia, through the development of an enabling, safe and inclusive environment for satellite connectivity use, with the overall objective of increasing equal access to basic public services and socio-economic inclusion. The project activities will be implemented with a regional approach and cover Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

The TEI Digital Connectivity Soft Pillar will be implemented in four main Specific Objectives (SOs):

  • Policies and regulations: support in the development of enabling policy and regulatory environments for digital reforms including digitalization, connectivity and personal data protection;
  • Connectivity: improve access to public and private connectivity services and strengthen users’ capabilities to benefit from digital public services, with a specific focus on rural areas, gender equality and inclusion;
  • Digital innovation: foster the creation of a dynamic regional innovation ecosystem and support the development of local digital innovations, in particular satellite-based, to tackle local challenges.
  • Cybersecurity: support the development of harmonized cybersecurity frameworks and strengthen capacities of the industry stakeholders, as well civil society across the region.
    The SO4 coordinator position is focused on Specific Objective 4: cybersecurity

Required profile

Skills and qualifications:

•    Master's degree in cybersecurity, IT, law, political science or any other field relevant for the assignment, or 5 additional years of professional experience; 
•    Excellent verbal and written command of English and Russian is required. Knowledge of French, Kazakh, Uzbek, Kirghiz and/or Tajik is desirable;
•    Minimum 7 years of professional experience in project management (including budget management, stakeholder engagement, monitoring and evaluation), preferably in international development projects funded by the EU;
•    -5 to 10 years of professional experience on cybersecurity issues in the fields of expertise mentioned above in research, practice, training or advising partners, especially. public entities;Demonstrated understanding of the political, social, and economic context of Central Asia, particularly in relation to cybersecurity;
•    At least one professional experience in/with one Central Asian country ;
•    Good knowledge of cybersecurity issues and stakes in Central Asia;
•    Professional experience organising and/or participating in high level international conferences and events in the field of cybersecurity would be an asset;
•    Professional experience in the implementation of donor-funded projects (planning, implementation, coordination, stakeholders’ engagement) would be an asset.

Soft skills

•    Proven organisational and communication skills;
•    Excellent analytical and report writing skills;
•    Ability to work in a multicultural team;
•    Demonstrated negotiating, cultural sen

Additional information


·       An exciting job in an international environment

·       A contract for a term of 18 months based in Astana, with field visits in the countries of implementation

·       A salary package that comprises the monthly gross salary, in accordance with our salary scales, expatriation allowance and other benefits. The exact salary will be defined according to relevant recognised experience for the function.



Deadline for application : 2024/08/27 23:59

Expertise France is the public agency of French international technical cooperation. The agency operates around four priorities:

  • democratic, economic and financial governance;
  • security and stability of countries in crisis/post-crisis situations;
  • sustainable development;
  • strengthening health systems, social protection and employment.

In these areas, Expertise France carries out engineering and implementation missions for capacity building projects, mobilizes technical expertise and acts as an aggregator of projects involving public expertise and private know-how.

With an activity volume of 233 million euros, more than 400 projects in portfolio in 80 countries, and 63,000 days of expertise, Expertise France focuses its action towards France’s solidarity policy, influence and economic diplomacy.

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