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Job offer type

Type of contract
Service contract

Deadline date
2024/08/08 11:55

Duration of the assignment
Short term

8 months

Mission description

Technical support to improve green budgeting practices in Greece

In the framework of the Green Budgeting project for EU regions and Greece at central level, Expertise France is recruiting a local expert specialized in Public Financial Management. We are looking for local expert to provide technical support to the following beneficiary authority:

·       Greece (EL), Ministry of Economy and Finance

The local PFM expert will support the inception and diagnostic phase, and will collaborate closely with an international Environmental Economics expert, focal points from EL’s ministries of finance and environment, and relevant institutions, along with Expertise France´s Project Management team, and partners from DG REFORM.

The Expert will contribute to the following outputs and activities:

Output 1: Inception Report


·       Contribute to the preparation and implementation of a round of meetings with the beneficiary authority to understand better their needs and the current situation, to discuss the approach for each task and the action plan, and to collect the information necessary for the next steps. The beneficiary authority is requested to provide background documentation on budgetary procedures, national climate, environmental, and a concise report of their specific expectations from the project at technical and political level. Additional documentation might be requested by the expert.

·       Perform an initial analysis of the background documents provided by the beneficiary authority

·       Drafting of the inception report. The inception report shall take stock of the current situation, adjust or confirm the approach for each activity and overall action plan, and collect the information necessary for the next steps

Output 2: A technical report, including AS-IS, GAP and TO BE analyses.

The aim of the reports is to provide an accurate and thorough analysis of the current policy, regulatory, governance and institutional framework of the budgetary governance systems of EL, and recommendations to improve Green Budgeting tagging and introduce SDG tagging, and other green reforms, including green bonds. This report shall inform the later stages of the project, particularly in terms of further defining the scope for the plans for introducing SDG tagging methodology and other green budgeting practices.

The report shall include identification and review of relevant public policy, legislation that defines green budgeting practices, mapping of relevant central ministries and agencies at the state level that carry out this decision-making and their mandates/involvement, identification of key stakeholders, existing processes and state of play, underlying information system and technical architecture supporting the processes (if existing). The report shall include an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) in the relevant public policy.


·       Analysis of EL´s budgetary structure, national plans for SDGs targets, green bonds, and review of Greece´s green budgeting methodology to identify possibilities for introducing SDG tagging and revenue- tax expenditure tagging

·       Meetings with the focal points of EL´s ministries of finance and environment to agree on key topics to focus the foreseen peer exchanges phase of the project, in addition to agree on concrete baselines and targets.

·       Drafting of the AS-IS, GAP and TO BE technical report

·       Presentation of the report findings, including key differences between the AS-IS and the TO-BE situations (i.e. the gap analysis)


Time frame and work plan



Days (max. for activities and development of the output)

Proposed time frame

Inception phase


Late August- September 2024

Diagnostic and assessment phase (AS IS, GAP and TO BE analysis)


October 2024- March 2025


Note: the precise dates for the activities will be agreed between the selected Expert and the project team.

Project or context description

The European Union has set itself the objective of achieving zero net emissions by 2050, and it launched in December 2019 the European Green Deal as the roadmap to achieve carbon neutrality. This strategic package of policy measures has also provided the basis for the post covid-19 EU Recovery Plan. This led to strict conditions on the use of expenditure from the recovery and resilience facility (RRF), namely that 37% of EU RRF funding should be dedicated to climate projects, and that 100% of expenditure should respect the “do no significant harm” criteria.

Greening national budgets is key for climate action and the green transition. Budgets are one of the main expressions of how a government intends to implement its political ambition. The 2019 European Green Deal Communication highlights that “a greater use of green budgeting tools will help to redirect public investment, consumption and taxation to green priorities and away from harmful subsidies”.

Following the Technical Support Instrument (TSI) 2024 call, two European regions requested for specific and tailored technical support from DG Reform for the development of transparent and easily applicable method for climate tagging, as well as its integration in the budget cycle. The Regional Ministry of Environment and Climate of Lombardy (Italy) as well as the Ministry of Finance of Baden-Württemberg (Germany) requested this specific support to achieve climate neutrality by 2040. These two regions are members of the interregional network “Four Motors for Europe” .

In the framework of the TSI 2024 call, the Greek Ministry of Economy and Finance expressed interest in technical support and continuing the exchange of best practices to strengthen the current green budgeting tools and linking these tools with further green reforms at state level, e.g., green bonds and sustainability. In the Framework of the EU Green Budgeting training project, officials from the Greek General Accounting Office (GAO) at the Ministry of Economy and Finance strengthened their knowledge of green budgeting by participating in the training modules 1 and 2, and peer-learning module 4. Particularly through module 4, the officials from GAO benefited significantly from feedback and best practices shared by peers from Austria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, France, Ireland, and Portugal. Given the constraints to extend the TSI national level Green Budgeting training project, DG REFORM proposed to include Greece as a beneficiary of the project Green Budgeting practices at regional level.

In line with the request of the Greek Ministry of Economy and Finance on further exchanges of best practices among peers, the project will particularly support GAO through activities in the inception, capacity building and dissemination phase.   

The Greek Ministry of Economy and Finance states that the next steps mainly include further developing the methodology/guidelines by exchanging expertise and identifying possible common approaches at the EU level. In this regard, the Ministry has requested support to continue the exchange of experience with peers from EU Member States for identifying common practices and receiving expertise in topics as:


•Linking green budgeting with other green reforms at the state level, such as green bonds: in this area of expertise, exchanges with Member States with experience issuing green bonds, as Austria, France, Ireland, and Poland are foreseen.

•Reporting on green budgeting (end of year report- state budget documentation) in the EU: exchanges with DG ECFIN and the French Budget Directorate will potentially support this request.

•Linking green budgeting with the SDGs: GAO will benefit from exchanges of best practices with the Spanish Ministry of Finance, which has rich experience in this area.

• Revenue- tax expenditure tagging: TBD in the inception phase

• Commonly used indicators at the EU level with regards to green budgeting: TBD in the inception phase

•Recovery and Resilience Facility- EU Funded projects- linking with green budgeting tagging: TBD in the inception phase


The successful completion of the EU Green Budgeting training project has generated a strong knowledge base that shall be applied in the activities of the present project, namely Green Budgeting for EU Regions. Particularly, by incorporating elements from the previous training on methods for identifying public expenditure that contributes to climate change mitigation or adaptation, as well as from the peer-to-peer exchanges approach. In addition to the output of recommendations by local experts; this type of output contributed to the development of green budgeting methodologies in Slovenia, Romania and Latvia. These are the three key knowledge areas generated during the Green Budgeting training project that will be beneficial to apply in the project Green Budgeting for EU Regions.

Required profile

-Advanced degree (master’s or PhD) in public finances management or other relevant fields with at least 7 years of professional experience in the outlined areas; knowledge or experience with green PFM practices is a strong asset;

- Track record of providing technical support to the development and implementation of PFM tools, as well as experience in  capacity building activities;

- Fluency in English and Greek

-Experience with providing technical support in projects financed by the European Commission is an asset

Additional information


Duty station: remote

Contract type: service contract

Financing Authority: European Commission, Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM)

Duration: 15 days maximum, dispersed in the period between August 2024 to March 2025

Department: Governance

Unit: Transparency, Management and Public Accountability

Deadline for application is: August 8, 2024

Selection criteria for applications

The selection process for candidates will be based on the following criteria :

  • Candidate’s skills linked with the expert mission
  • Candidate's knowledges related to local context (country or region intervention)

Deadline for application : 2024/08/08 11:55

File(s) attached : ToR_ Local expert_ Greece_ EU Green Budgeting for Regions project.docx

Expertise France is the public agency of French international technical cooperation. The agency operates around four priorities:

  • democratic, economic and financial governance;
  • security and stability of countries in crisis/post-crisis situations;
  • sustainable development;
  • strengthening health systems, social protection and employment.

In these areas, Expertise France carries out engineering and implementation missions for capacity building projects, mobilizes technical expertise and acts as an aggregator of projects involving public expertise and private know-how.

With an activity volume of 233 million euros, more than 400 projects in portfolio in 80 countries, and 63,000 days of expertise, Expertise France focuses its action towards France’s solidarity policy, influence and economic diplomacy.

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