

Type d'offre

Type de contrat
Contrat de prestation de services

Domaines d'expertises
Prévention, réduction et adaptation aux risques naturels, accidentels et malveillants

Date limite de candidature
12/07/2024 05:00

Durée de la mission
Expertise perlée

Indépendant / Entrepreneur Individuel

up to 120 days - 30 months

Description de la mission

Main objective and purpose


The GIS Expert, under the direct supervision of the Project Leader and in close coordination with the Technical Coordinator based in Manila, will be in charge of the provision of technical support to concerned agencies and agencies and LGUs to improve their capacity to access and utilize technical CCA and DRRM data for risk-informed planning. The GIS Expert will work in collaboration with the IT/Database Expert, DRR-CCA Expert,  Urban Planning Expert, and the PMO  to effectively and efficiently implement relevant project activities of the DRREALL project according to their respective scopes of work.  


Tasks and Responsibilities


1. Improving access to and use of technical CCA and DRRM data for risk informed planning through GeoRiskPH.

        Assist in the assessment of the datasets of pilot LGUs in terms of completeness, accuracy, consistency, and other requirements of data quality standards in consultation with PHIVOLCS, DILG, and other concerned agencies to provide a basis for the selection of the 10 pilot LGUs for training on GeoRiskPH. 

        Provide technical support in processing CCA and DRRM data to mainstream risk-informed planning through GeoRiskPH.

        Provide technical assistance and inputs to PHIVOLCS in developing simple easy-to-understand user manuals on how to access and use GeoRiskPH and GeoMapper. 

        Review existing training modules, assist and provide technical inputs in the preparation of training modules (GeoMapper and GeoRiskPH), act as session facilitator, and provide technical backstopping in the GeoRiskPH training workshops

        Prepare a training evaluation tool and submit a workshop report after each training, including best practices and lessons learned for future reference.

        Provide technical support to LGUs in digitalizing DRRM and CCA-related data and conduct data quality checks before submission to PHIVOLCS and uploading data to the GeoRiskPH.

        Identify innovative solutions to enhance DRRM and CCA data collection and management to increase the capacity of LGUs to regularly update their databases on GeoRiskPH and ensure data quality.

        Under the supervision of the Technical Coordinator and in collaboration with other experts, support the drafting of mission reports, inception reports, progress reports, and final reports.

        Any other related tasks requested by Expertise France for the project.


2. Improving the capacity of LGUs in the area of climate and disaster risk assessment (CDRA) that is enhanced by incorporating DRMIS and GeoRiskPH tools.

        Provide technical guidance and inputs in enhancing the CDRA training module to include GeoRIskPH and DRMIS in collaboration with concerned agencies such as DHSUD and CCC.

        Review existing training modules, assist in the development of enhanced training modules, act as session facilitator, and provide technical backstopping in the CDRA training workshops.

        Prepare a training evaluation tool and submit a workshop report after each training, including best practices and lessons learned for future reference.

        Collaborate and communicate with concerned agencies to enhance the CDRA training modules and CDRA process, under the supervision of the Technical Coordinator,

        Identify the capacity building needs of LGUs in the area of risk assessment using geospatial data and propose recommendations to fill those gaps and needs.

        Provide technical inputs in developing a national training agenda for risk-informed local planning using available tools and methodologies such as CDRA, GeoRiskPH, DRMIS, and others.

        Under the supervision of the Technical Coordinator and in collaboration with other experts, support the drafting of mission reports, inception reports, progress reports, and final reports.

        Any other related tasks requested by Expertise France for the project.



        Assessment reports of datasets for pilot LGUs.

        An easy-to-understand manual for accessing and using the GeoRiskPH portal.

        Workshop reports after each GeoRiskPH and enhanced CDRA training workshop.

        Quality-checked DRRM and CCA-related data ready for submission and upload to GeoRiskPH.

        Enhanced CDRA training modules incorporating feedback from relevant agencies.

        Elaboration of training curricula and modules for GeoRiskPH and CDRA trainings.

        Work plan for the assigned tasks (in coordination with the PMO)

        Any other deliverables requested by Expertise France within the framework of the project.



The GIS expert will report to the Project Management Office (PMO) and be under the supervision of the Technical Coordinator. He/she will also coordinate closely with DILG, PHIVOLCS,  DHSUD, CCC, and other relevant agencies.



Description du projet ou contexte

The Disaster Risk Reduction Enhancement at thce Local Level – Technical Assistance (DRREALL-TA) project implemented by Expertise France is part of the DRREALL policy-based support programme, a long-term partnership between AFD and the Government of Philippines (GoP), led by the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG). The DRREALL programme, funded by the EU, aims to efficiently implement disaster risk reduction strategies at the level of local government units (LGUs). This programme will contribute to strengthening disaster risk reduction management (DRRM) and climate change adaptation (CCA) capacities at the national (primarily DILG) and local level, and will support ongoing reform projects throughout the country. The DRREALL programme comprises two public policy loans (tranches). The first tranche was disbursed in 2021 and the second tranche will be disbursed in 2025, provided 80% of the DRREALL-TA project’s indicators are achieved by June 2025.

The DRREALL-TA is structured based on a policy matrix approved and agreed between the GoP and AFD. It outlines four key reform areas:

        Strengthening local capacities for risk-informed planning.

        Enhancing DILG's ability to manage a performance audit mechanism and an integrated capacity development strategy for DRRM and CCA.

        Improving the capacity of local communities to effectively utilize disaster risk management funds.

        Enhancing gender-sensitive and socially inclusive approaches to disaster response within LGUs.

Expertise France is in charge of the DRREALL-TA project implementation. The Project Management Office (PMO), based in the Expertise France office in Manila, ensures the day-to-day operational management of the DRREALL-TA project, in close coordination with AFD and DILG. The PMO’s responsibilities include project administration, team management, financial management, stakeholder engagement, monitoring and evaluation, etc.

The PMO team is composed of a project leader, a technical coordinator, a project assistant, an administrative and financial manager, and technical experts (including the GIS Expert). The technical experts will support the team leader in defining and implementing project activities and will cover various thematic areas, including M&E, Gender, Institutional Capacity Development (ICD), Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), etc. The PMO is also supported by two project managers, a project assistant, and a financial and administrative project manager based at the Expertise France headquarters in Paris.

Profil souhaité

        Advanced degree in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Geography, Environmental Science, Urban and Regional Planning, Engineering, or any related field.

        Proven experience of at least 5 years in GIS application  (QGIS, ArcGIS Pro, ESRI Suites) and data management and analysis.

        Familiarity with the GeoRiskPH, CDRA, and other relevant tools.

        Strong facilitation and training skills and experience in capacity building activities with national government agencies and LGUs in the Philippines

        Strong knowledge of the institutional context in the Philippines and knowledge of existing programs, platforms, systems & tools related to disaster risk reduction and management issues in the Philippines will be an advantage.

        Ability to engage and communicate with both management officials and technical focal points from relevant government agencies and LGUs and other stakeholders

        Experience within a European and/or French funded projects would be an asset

        Demonstrated ability in producing high-quality reports and excellent communication and report-writing skills in Filipino and English

Critères de sélection des candidatures

Le processus de sélection des candidats s'opérera selon le(s) critère(s) suivant(s) :

  • Formation/compétences/expériences du candidat
  • Compétences du candidat en lien avec la mission d’expertise
  • Évaluation de l’expertise du candidat dans le domaine recherché
  • Connaissances du candidat du contexte local (pays ou région d’intervention)

Date limite de candidature : 12/07/2024 05:00

Expertise France est l’agence publique de conception et de mise en œuvre de projets internationaux de coopération technique. L’agence intervient autour de quatre axes prioritaires :

  • gouvernance démocratique, économique et financière ;
  • paix, stabilité et sécurité ;
  • climat, agriculture et développement durable ;
  • santé et développement humain.

Dans ces domaines, Expertise France assure des missions d’ingénierie et de mise en œuvre de projets de renforcement des capacités, mobilise de l’expertise technique et joue un rôle d’ensemblier de projets faisant intervenir de l’expertise publique et des savoir-faire privés.

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