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Job offer type
Field staff jobs

Type of contract

Activity sectors
Género, derechos y modernización del Estado

Deadline date
2024/08/31 08:51


36 months

Mission description

For the implementation of the project, Expertise France is currently recruiting a Team Leader.
The Team Leader will hold the responsibility of ensuring the effective supervision of activities of overall project. He/She will work in collaboration with the project manager in Paris. 
He/she will be responsible for the following tasks: 
•    Responsible for the secretariat function and thereby for the coordination of all project streams;
•    Responsible for closure activities after the end of the implementation period;
•    Represent the project vis-à-vis the EU Delegation, the project beneficiaries, and the partners.
•    Represent the project in steering committees and events, workshops and conferences;
•    Contribute in creating synergies with project partners (ESTDEV and HAUS), ensure that there is no overlapping in activities across the specific objectives (SO2 and S03);
•    Liaison with relevant national and international counterparts to ensure a smooth implementation of the action, avoid overlapping and maximize synergies;
•    Monitor with the Joint Project local members team, the local political, institutional and legal framework (regulatory change, turnover or interlocutors, …);
•    Report to the EU Delegation in Botswana on strategic and operational updates.
•    Support and advice to the SmartBots Team on the project activities; 
•    Draft the terms of reference for the mobilization of International and national short-term public and private experts with the project partners (ESTDEV and HAUS) in their respective SOs;
•    Supervise and coordinate the work of short-term experts for S01;
•    Together with SO2 and SO3 Leads Supervise and coordinate the centralization of reports;
•    Monitor the quality of expert services in the short term by ensuring the overall coherence of the various missions of the programme of activities.
•    Monitor with the support of the project coordinator the technical implementation of the activities of the project in line with the budget capacity, the project objectives and the indicators achievements;
•    Final quality control of project documents such as work plan, calendar, project dashboards, narrative reports; communication materials;
•    Draft quarterly/semi-annual and annual reports in conjunction with the project coordinator and several short term experts
•    Ensure the visibility for actions of the project in line with the Communication and visibility plan, in cooperation with EF, HAUS and ESTDEV Team;

The key expert is responsible for ensuring the delivery of the outputs. In addition, the key expert holds responsibility for the production of the final outputs with which he/she is directly assigned.
In addition, the expert shall submit:
1.      Concept notes for each of the outputs, clearly indicating the type of support, timeframe, content of the deliverable(s) and expert inputs (as and if appropriate);
2.      Terms of reference for the mobilization of short-term experts for S01;
3.      Inputs for the Inception Report, Progress Reports and the Final Report;
4.      Ad-hoc meetings documentation and reports subject to adjustment at the end of the project inception phase.
All deliverables shall be submitted using the templates provided by Expertise France.

Project or context description

The Government of Botswana (GoB) recognises that digitalisation is key to move the country towards a Knowledge-Based Economy (KBE) and transition to a high-income status by 2036. The COVID-19 pandemic has also highlighted the need to accelerate this digital transformation in order to provide services to citizens in a safe manner and boost the economic recovery through innovation and entrepreneurship. For this purpose, the GoB, in July 2020, adopted the Botswana Digital Transformation Strategy (SmartBots) with a view to guide digital transformation across all sectors of the economy. 
The main objectives of the strategy are to: 
•    Connect the country so that no one is left behind. 
•    Provide knowledge and tools to compete and build a knowledge workforce through an overhaul of the education system. 
•    Digitise the Public Service through the development of e-government services which are accessible, integrated, seamless and trusted leveraging digital technologies. 
•    Co-create data-driven products and services. 
•    Build an innovation ecosystem for digital start-ups and entrepreneurships. 

Botswana’s digital transformation requires improved governance that involves a coordinated approach of the actors and stakeholders, structures, processes and implementation of interventions and initiatives. Due to the limited coordination and cooperation among ministries and departments, the current structure is failing to unlock the digital transformation benefits in the public sector. To this end, the SmartBots team has identified key issues in implementing the Strategy that require external assistance. These key issues include: 
•    Stagnant regulatory and policy environment; 
•    Limited digital connectivity and emerging technology infrastructure due to fragmented infrastructure deployment and limited funding; 
•    Lack of coordination and prioritisation of strategic digital initiatives/projects; 
•    Slow and uncoordinated innovation ecosystem; 
•    Change management; 
•    Lack of quality data for monitoring and evaluation of government programmes and projects. 

Based on the analysis of past and current assessments, policy documents, data, three stakeholder workshops (with approximately 20 participants each), interviews and validation exercise, a number of gaps were identified. The gaps are clustered around six (6) themes: 

1. Governance framework and the strategic focus; 
2. Legal and regulatory framework (including standards); 
3. Service production and delivery ecosystems; 
4. Human resources – skills and capacities related to the digital transformation; 
5. Infrastructure, and; 
6. Economic growth, jobs, and diversification. 

Based on the stakeholder consultation, the situation and gap analysis, a number of policy-relevant recommendations are outlined for consideration in the upcoming EU – Botswana collaboration in the context of the MIP 2021-2027. The recommendations are provided with respect to gaps identified, with specific interventions at the national and regional levels, alongside actions that could be taken by the international donor community. The recommendations include the need to: 
•    Review/update existent policies and regulations – for example policies on cybersecurity, data protection and consumer protection; establish and apply principles of regulatory assessment, impact assessments (including on human rights and gender equality) and digitisation-ready legislation. 
•    Establish relevant Interoperability (IOP) framework guidelines and tools. 
•    Conduct a skills assessment of the digital ecosystem (also covering related ecosystems – innovation, entrepreneurship, business and policy (government)). 
•    Establish a clear plan to ensure that the basic but essential digital (and ICT) infrastructure are accessible, affordable, reliable and of quality standards. 
•    Make industry the center of innovation in Botswana to help refocus attention on innovation and digital entrepreneurship that goes over and beyond the Botswana Digital and Innovation Hub (BDIH). 

The EU support in the implementation of SmartBots strategy aims at assisting the successful digital transformation of the Public Sector, the private sector and the society at large. The recommendations are all aligned to the national priorities of Botswana (including Vision 2036 and SmartBots Strategy), the NDICI-Global Europe and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 
The Overall Objective (Impact) is to:
Contribute to Botswana’s digital transformation.
The Specific Objectives (Outcomes) are:
1. Improved legal, regulatory, institutional and governance frameworks for open and people centred digital transition. (SO1)
2. Improved citizens’ access to a transparent and inclusive digital public service. (SO2)
3. Strengthened digital innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems, with a specific focus on women and youth. (SO3)

Required profile

Qualifications and skills

•    Master's degree or equivalent in university degree in information systems, digital transformation, or other equivalent field; 
•    Proven ability to coordinate a project with ambitious indicators 
•    Ability to work in a team and bring out ideas and operational solutions;
•    Excellent interpersonal and communication skills;
•    Proactive, with a sense of responsibility;
•    Organizational skills and attention to detail;
•    Strong Institutional representation capacity;
•    Demonstrated autonomy, flexibility, and responsiveness;
•    Analytical mindset and ability to synthesize information;
•    Diplomatic and discreet approach;
•    Demonstrated ability to work in a multicultural environment;
•    Demonstrated ability to work in a complex context;
•    Excellent proficiency of English, both oral and written, essential – French is a plus. 

Professional experience
•    Minimum of 10 years of progressive experience in  the field of e-governance/ICT or related fields, with broad knowledge and practical experience in developing strategic projects in the ICT area and information society development in EU, new Member States or Candidate Countries; 
•    Proven experience/ability in managing a team and in institutional representation;
•    Proven ability to collaborate with government agencies, private sector partners, and civil society organizations to achieve project objectives;
•    Experience in the implementation of EU cooperation projects under the delegated management modality is a plus;
•    Strong project management skills, deadline compliance, high quality of internal and external documents is a plus;

Additional information

The Team Leader will be based in Botswana and will report directly to the unit manager of the "Justice and State Reform" unit at Expertise France headquarters in Paris, which falls under the "Governance" department.

Deadline for application : 2024/08/31 08:51

Expertise France is the public agency of French international technical cooperation. The agency operates around four priorities:

  • democratic, economic and financial governance;
  • security and stability of countries in crisis/post-crisis situations;
  • sustainable development;
  • strengthening health systems, social protection and employment.

In these areas, Expertise France carries out engineering and implementation missions for capacity building projects, mobilizes technical expertise and acts as an aggregator of projects involving public expertise and private know-how.

With an activity volume of 233 million euros, more than 400 projects in portfolio in 80 countries, and 63,000 days of expertise, Expertise France focuses its action towards France’s solidarity policy, influence and economic diplomacy.

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