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Job offer type

Type of contract
Service contract

Deadline date
2024/01/26 17:00

Duration of the assignment
Short term

Wage portage

3 Months

Mission description

This mission is part of Outcome 1 activity, specifically on the improvement of evidence-based decision making via data availability and data analysis

Data is essential for national institutions and government to accurately plan, fund, and evaluate development activities; when turned into easy-to-understand and useful information, decision makers can use it to assess policy effectiveness and efficiency, allowing them to optimize resource allocation and refine policies based on evidence.

The process of collecting and tabulating statistical data is an essential task for monitoring the progress made in various sectors. It is important that the collected data be classified in a way that enables researchers and decision makers to fully benefit from it and compare it with similar data locally, regionally and internationally. This situation requires the training of data collectors in various sectors so that they are able to prepare data in the required manner to recognize the statistical methods for tabulating and displaying data, and introducing them to the local and international classifications for tabulating data, both by sector and the data that must be collected, tabulated, and classified in a way that achieves the objectives of the statistical process and provides statistical data that can be used.

In this regard, Expertise France invites proposals from qualified Libyan firms/institutions to provide SPSS Training to Libyan government officials. The Contractor is required to provide a 10-days training on Economic Data Analysis using SPSS to 20 participants drawn from various relevant institutions. At a minimum, the training should cover the following topics:

- Introducing data management processes.

- Characteristics of economic surveys.

- Descriptive statistics and methods of presenting data.

- Statistical classifications and the importance of using them in data tabulation.

- Introduction to SPSS software

- Introducing the sustainable development goals and their indicators.

- Training on electronic systems used in preparing tables and calculating statistical


At the end of the training, the trainer(s) will lead the group to carry out an economic study as a practical exercise to gain hands-on experience in designing and carrying out future surveys. The topic and modality of this study will be defined during the training sessions.

III. Deliverables and reporting


In accordance with the mission objective, the contractor will be responsible for delivering, and/or support the group of trainees to deliver:


- Engaging at least 2 trainers with the relevant qualifications and experience in SPSS


training as indicated hereinafter.


- Training materials to cover the above-mentioned topics in soft copy for each of the participants.

- 10 days extensive training program as per the topics mentioned above.

- A full report of the economic study led by the trainer(s) and carried out by the participants after the training.

- Certificates of Attendance to be presented to the trained officials.

- To evaluate the gained knowledge of the trainees, the contractor/trainers will have to provide a max. 15 questions that will be used for pre/post testing that will be administered by Expertise France.

- A training report with summary recommendations based on the pre and post evaluation of the workshop participants.

In addition to the technical deliverables above, the contractor will be responsible for:

- Provide a training venue in Tripoli for the participants throughout the training period and the necessary meetings hours during the field study. The venue should be spacious enough to accommodate a minimum of 20 participants and equipped with high speed internet, as well as any other stationery and technology necessary for the training.

- Depending on the training hours, the contractor is expected to provide a minimum of


one coffee break and lunch for each participant.


Deliverable Date of delivery
1. Statistics/SPSS training material2. Pre/post test questions T0 + 2 weeks
3. 10 days in-person training T0+ 3 weeks
4. Economic study T0+ 8 weeks
5. Final narrative report Max. 10 days after delivering the economic study.


Project or context description

Project presentation:


E-NABLE is a 3-years project funded by the European Union for supporting the Libyan institutions and the private sector in economic governance and digital transformation. The project utilizes the expertise acquired by Expertise France in Libya over the past several years while building on the World Bank's analyses and OECD studies to brace the transition towards a dynamic, diversified digital economy and a competitive private sector.


E-NABLE aims to complement, support, and deepen the work carried out by the ongoing EU4PSL and RAQAM-E projects. The overall objective of the action is to improve the capacities of key economic institutions for sustainable, diversified, and digital economic recovery to institutionalize the private sector's economic growth with the support of both private and public sector organizations.


This project consists of three main components which are closely linked in terms of the objectives and activities they seek to achieve, they mainly focus on: strengthening the capacities of the Ministry of Economy and Trade and related stakeholders in designing public policies for economic diversification (C1), contributing to leveraging digital innovations for inclusive and sustainable development in Libya (C2), and encouraging financial institutions to extend credit to the private sector and provide financial tools and solutions to SMEs (C3).


Following are more specific outcomes the action seeks to achieve:


Outcome 1: Public policies for economic diversification and enabling business environment are enhanced.


- Improved evidence-based decision making via data availability and data analysis


- Shared and concerted vision on sustainable economic development issues.


- Knowledge and capacities for enabling business environment, facilitating private sector development and fostering domestic and foreign investment are improved.


Outcome 2: Digital innovations related to economic governance are taken up among public institutions.


- Public actors are supported in developing and implementing a national digital and innovative strategy.


- Capacities of MoET and CoCs' staff on a strategy and digital tools are strengthened.


- Digital tools and relevant capacities within the tax administration are improved.


Outcome 3: Services and products provided by financial institutions are improved.


- A political and organizational framework for establishing a leasing company for accessing credit is developed.


- Organizational and technical capacities of the Libyan Credit Information Centre are strengthened.


- Knowledge on micro-finance is increased among banks.


- A new regulatory framework for enabling local market fintech actors is supported.


This action targets The Libyan economic and financial institutions, stakeholders and partners (public and private) depending on the implemented activities in each component. It mainly targets: the Ministry of Economy and Trade, the Ministry of Finance and tax administration, the National Bureau of Statistics, The General Information Authority (GIA), selected Chambers of Commerce, Prime Ministry Office, The Central Bank of Libya, Libyan Post, Telecommunications Information Technology Company (LPTIC), MSMEs, start-ups and investors, universities, CSOs and financial institutions 

Required profile

To ensure the quality of the training, the contractor should submit the CVs of at least 2 trainers who meet the following criteria:

- A post-graduate degree in Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Information Management, or other related fields;

- At least 10 years of relevant experience, especially in the design and implementation of economic surveys.

- Experience in capacity building and training programmes of Excel and SPSS is essential.

- Previous work experience in international cooperation projects is a strong advantage

- Excellent written and oral communication skills in Arabic; a good command of English is a plus. 

Additional information

Implementation period :

Start date : 01/02/2024

End date : 30/04/2024

2) Location: The mission will be delivered entirely in Tripoli, Libya. Travel to other cities might be required depending on the subject of the field study.

VI. Mission report

A final report must be submitted by email at the end of the mission (no later than 10 days after submitting the economic study report).

The document should be written in English and explain the content of training delivered, detailed the activities, the progress of the participants, difficulties encountered and recommendations, etc. 

PS: The candidates are required to submit their financial proposal along with references

Selection criteria for applications

The selection process for candidates will be based on the following criteria :

  • Candidate’s training/skills/experience

Deadline for application : 2024/01/26 17:00

File(s) attached : SPSS TRAINING-Terms of reference.pdf

Expertise France is the public agency for designing and implementing international technical cooperation projects. The agency operates around four key priorities :

  • democratic, economic, and financial governance ;
  • peace, stability, and security ;
  • climate, agriculture, and sustainable development ;
  • health and human development ;

In these areas, Expertise France conducts capacity-building initiatives and manages project implementation, leveraging technical expertise and acting as a project coordinator. This involves combining public sector expertise with private sector skills to drive impactful results. 

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