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Job offer type

Type of contract
Service contract

Deadline date
2024/01/24 15:00

Duration of the assignment
Short term


12 Months

Mission description

The implementation of component three (C3) is done in close collaboration with the Central Bank of Libya (CBL) and it will aim at achieving the following:

·         Develop the credit infrastructure by strengthening the capacities of the Libyan Credit Information Centre and improving its services

·         Create a conducive regulatory environment for fintech development in order to enhance financial access to digital financial services in Libya

·         Create a conducive regulatory environment for the development of the leasing market in Libya and strengthen the capacities of a leasing company

·         Improve banks’ potential activity in the financial sector as well as their overall performance, leading to the supply of financial products/services to MSMEs

·         Support the reactivation of the Libyan Credit Guarantee Fund

 The expert will bring its in-depth knowledge and understanding of the Libyan financial institutions and will provide support to the Key Expert in the development of the access to finance activities.   

Main Tasks

The expert will be in charge of supporting the local and international experts in the following activities:

-          Support the Key Expert to ensure a smooth development of the activities

-          Facilitate communication and support the Key Expert in coordinating the work with the Libyan stakeholders on the ongoing activities of the access to finance component

-          Ensure that the ongoing activities, strategies, products etc. are carried out in compliance with Islamic Finance

-          Support Expertise France team on the forthcoming workshops conducted with international and local Libyan stakeholders

-          Support the Key expert in establishing connections with the Libyan authorities, Libyan Central Bank and Libyan financial institutions

Deliverables and Reporting

-          Monthly report on the activities carried out during the reporting period and results achieved.

Project or context description


Considering the Libyan context and current economic needs, establishing the E-nable project is essential to support Libyan institutions and the private sector in economic governance and digital transformation. The project utilizes the expertise acquired by Expertise France in Libya over the past several years while building on the World Bank's analyses and OECD studies to brace the transition towards digitalization and support the foundation for a dynamic, diversified economy and a competitive private sector.

The European Union funds this three-year project to the tune of €5M and entrusts Expertise France with its implementation. E-nable aims to complement, support, and deepen the work carried out by the ongoing EU4PSL and RAQAM-E projects. The overall objective of the action is to improve the capacities of key economic institutions for sustainable, diversified, and digital economic recovery to institutionalize the private sector's economic growth with the support of both private and public sector organizations.

 E-nable consists of three main components which are closely linked in terms of the objectives and activities they seek to achieve, they mainly focus on: strengthening the capacities of the Ministry of Economy and Trade and related stakeholders in designing public policies for economic diversification (C1), contributing to leveraging digital innovations for inclusive and sustainable development in Libya (C2), and encouraging financial institutions to extend credit to the private sector and provide financial tools and solutions to SMEs (C3).

Required profile

-          Master Degree in Business Administration, Economics, Finance, or a related field

-          Certified Islamic Banker

-          The expert must prove a minimum of 5 years of professional experience in the field of economic development/MSME development in Libya with a specific focus on access to finance and alternative non-banking sector tools

-          Excellent network within Libyan authorities, Libyan Central Bank and Libyan financial institutions

-          Sound understanding of the Libyan financial system

-          Good knowledge of EU technical assistance project and processes

-          Excellent analytical and writing skills

-          Fluent in English and Arabic

-          Fully-computer literate

-          Strong interpersonal skills and ability to manage a complex constellation of stakeholders

Additional information

Duration: up to 90 days

Period: 25/01/2024-28/02/2025

Location: Home country with frequent trips to Tunisia and Libya.

Time Sheet: at the end of each month, the expert will present a timesheet, which will be signed by the project director.

The timesheet should indicate a brief description of activities performed during the month.

Selection criteria for applications

The selection process for candidates will be based on the following criteria :

  • Candidate’s training/skills/experience

Deadline for application : 2024/01/24 15:00

File(s) attached : ToR Libyan Financial Expert_0120241705322943802.docx

Expertise France is the public agency for designing and implementing international technical cooperation projects. The agency operates around four key priorities :

  • democratic, economic, and financial governance ;
  • peace, stability, and security ;
  • climate, agriculture, and sustainable development ;
  • health and human development ;

In these areas, Expertise France conducts capacity-building initiatives and manages project implementation, leveraging technical expertise and acting as a project coordinator. This involves combining public sector expertise with private sector skills to drive impactful results. 

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